Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 200: After Death Communication - Part 49

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 151: ADC - Part 1
Day 152: ADC - Part 2
Day 153: ADC - Part 3 
Day 154: ADC - Part 4
Day 155: ADC - Part 5
Day 156: ADC - Part 6
Day 157: ADC - Part 7
Day 158: ADC - Part 8
Day 159: ADC
Day 160: ADC
Day 161: ADC - Part 10
Day 162: ADC - Part 11
Day 163: ADC - Part 12
Day 164: ADC - Part 13
Day 165: ADC - Part 14
Day 166: ADC - Part 15
Day 167: ADC - Part 16
Day 168: ADC - Part 17
Day 169: ADC - Part 18
Day 170: ADC - Part 19
Day 171: ADC - Part 20
Day 172: ADC - Part 21
Day 173: ADC - Part 22
Day 174: ADC - Part 23
Day 175: ADC - Part 24
Day 176: ADC - Part 25
Day 177: ADC - Part 26
Day 178: ADC - Part 27
Day 179: ADC - Part 28
Day 180: ADC - Part 29
Day 181: ADC - Part 30
Day 182: ADC - Part 31
Day 183: ADC - Part 32
Day 184: ADC - Part 33
Day 185: ADC - Part 34
Day 186: ADC - Part 35
Day 187: ADC - Part 36
Day 188: ADC - Part 37
Day 189: ADC - Part 38
Day 190: ADC - Part 39
Day 191: ADC - Part 40
Day 192: ADC - Part 41
Day 193: ADC - Part 42
Day 194: ADC - Part 43
Day 195: ADC - Part 44
Day 196: ADC - Part 45
Day 197: ADC - Part 46

Day 198: ADC - Part 47
Day 199: ADC - Part 48

A History with Life After Death - Part 33

We continue with the Process involving the Demonic, the Human’s lost outcasts from Heaven, outcasts from Earth, outcasts from Hope - those discarded like Waste, nobody caring. And there is a lot of that on this Earth, everywhere, everyday - caused by Self Interest, Cast Away anything that do not Serve the Self Interest. Understand that the Demon Dimension was that between Heaven and Earth, it was here on Earth amongst the Human in a frequency band, which could not be perceived by the Human. You had the rare occasions where you had a complete Demon Possession, and if you go and research, you’ll see there’s been quite a bit of research about it. In most cases, the form of Possession taken was not perceived by the one Possessed, because much of what one regard as your ‘own Emotional experience’, Positive or Negative, has been claimed to be just That. Not realizing that in fact, it was just a Dimension of the Demonic, that one was actually Participating in Creating.

So we took on the Demonic extensively, helping as many as possible, and in that Process becoming more effective, and for some years that was the Primary focus: getting really to the Nitty-Gritty of the Self Forgiveness required by each one in the Demonic, as a Demon, to set themselves Free from that which they Believe ‘is them’ / ‘are them’, that which they Believe ‘formed them’ - the Anger, the Rage, the Revenge, the Hate. There was much Hate. But even that, even the Vilest of Demons - could Forgive themselves, eventually, when they Walk the Path of their Existence and see: that the Only Way Out is to Realize that they have Done this to Themselves, that they have Caused what Happen to them at the Nth Degree and the Final Degree, through their own Self Interest, that even Revenge and Anger is Self Interest.

In working with the Demons, we started a Process eventually, of letting the Demon come through in a Physical Body then have people there to Assist the Demon with Self Forgiveness, People who have already committed themselves to a Process of Self Forgiveness - as a Test for themselves to see how Effective they are with their Self Forgiveness. This didn’t work too well, because the Demon would immediately, where a point of Self Forgiveness is presented, look at the Person and say: “But - you say I must Forgive this and this, but you have not forgiven that and that. So how can you expect from me to Forgive if you haven’t Forgiven yourself.” So a fascinating time opened around this, where we had as many people as possible face Demons, because it was so Cool to be told Face-On what it is you are not taking Care of, what you are Not Forgiving. Some didn’t handle this point very well because they felt the Demons were too Straight, too Brutal, too Direct, and they would like to have been told ‘Nicely’. Really?

How many people in this world Suffer, and when the Suffering hit them whether it is Poverty or Abuse, nobody tells them ‘Nicely’, beforehand: “You are now going to Suffer some form of Abuse or some form of Poverty or some form of Starvation”…It happens Straight On in all its Brutality. Obviously, those in Self Interest: don’t even notice, because they live in their own Make-Believe Reality, where they simply Ignore, which is obviously then Ignorance, Ignore the facts of the Matter, the Brutality of it all. Even making up Divine Stories about Why it happens to these people, how they Deserve it. Do you Understand what you Bind yourself to when you take that Position, and you are Not yourself Clear where you have Forgiven every single point, and understand exactly how you have Created it? Do you Understand what you Bind yourself to if you allow yourself to Think, have Emotions, Feelings, Energies - without understanding where they come from or how it is Created? Do you Understand the Consequence of Ignorance?
It’s very clear that the Human Do Not understand this.

The Human in fact live as if they are Never going to Die. Well, I’ve got News for you: you are going to Die. And the most Obvious thing about Death, is that it is a point of Conclusion, it is an End. It’s like the Sum Total of a Life, and that Sum Total, is the very End Result of a Life. And therefore, by Definition, it is a Consequence. It is what you have Bound yourself to through the Way you have Lived, through that which you have Ignored, that which you have Denied, that which you have made yourself Believe as an Illusion: suddenly No Longer Exist, and What Remains - is the Actuality of your Existence. What you have REALLY Done, what you have REALLY Allowed. I mean, that is the type of things we had to Deal with, with the Demons: the Actuality of their Existence.
And important was: No Judgment, but Forgiveness. Because unless we ALL Stop, unless we ALL Forgive, unless we ALL Together Create a New Reality: we are in for some very Tough Times in this World. And the Fascinating fact was: Demons could Forgive themselves to the point of where they ACTUALLY CHANGE. It was Absolutely Amazing to watch the Transformation - A new Being was born in front of our Eyes, just through Self Forgiveness. The ABSOLUTE Living of that Self Forgiveness, the ABSOLUTE Self Realization of one’s Responsibility.

Do you think the Human Race can Handle this? Not Yet. First: the Human will have to Enter, for REAL, the Demonic within - and it is manifesting. Read the News, watch the World, and in the next blog we will start with discussing the Manifestation of a World where the Demons will be amongst us as the Living Flesh, it’s already happening so it’s Time one Realize what is Here to be Faced.


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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Day 199: After Death Communication - Part 48

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 151: ADC - Part 1
Day 152: ADC - Part 2
Day 153: ADC - Part 3 
Day 154: ADC - Part 4
Day 155: ADC - Part 5
Day 156: ADC - Part 6
Day 157: ADC - Part 7
Day 158: ADC - Part 8
Day 159: ADC
Day 160: ADC
Day 161: ADC - Part 10
Day 162: ADC - Part 11
Day 163: ADC - Part 12
Day 164: ADC - Part 13
Day 165: ADC - Part 14
Day 166: ADC - Part 15
Day 167: ADC - Part 16
Day 168: ADC - Part 17
Day 169: ADC - Part 18
Day 170: ADC - Part 19
Day 171: ADC - Part 20
Day 172: ADC - Part 21
Day 173: ADC - Part 22
Day 174: ADC - Part 23
Day 175: ADC - Part 24
Day 176: ADC - Part 25
Day 177: ADC - Part 26
Day 178: ADC - Part 27
Day 179: ADC - Part 28
Day 180: ADC - Part 29
Day 181: ADC - Part 30
Day 182: ADC - Part 31
Day 183: ADC - Part 32
Day 184: ADC - Part 33
Day 185: ADC - Part 34
Day 186: ADC - Part 35
Day 187: ADC - Part 36
Day 188: ADC - Part 37
Day 189: ADC - Part 38
Day 190: ADC - Part 39
Day 191: ADC - Part 40
Day 192: ADC - Part 41
Day 193: ADC - Part 42
Day 194: ADC - Part 43
Day 195: ADC - Part 44
Day 196: ADC - Part 45
Day 197: ADC - Part 46

Day 198: ADC - Part 47

A History with Life After Death - Part 32

After the first experience with Removing a Demon from someone, and the Demon then buzzing off to go and find another host - I made the Commitment to myself to Not Remove another Demon until I understand how it Works, and to find a way to Help them, so that when one Help a Demon, it doesn’t go and find another Host.
Because what is the Point of removing a Demon just so that it can go and torment Someone Else?

So I investigated the whole Concept, the whole Existence of Demons extensively, so that I could come to a Situation where I can Approach this all effectively, to bring it to a Result that is going to Be Best for All.

In this, the point ultimately was clear that there was nothing else I could do, but to take the Demon into Myself and Assist the Demon through showing the Demon - utilizing the Quantum Physical - how I have faced my Own Demons, and to show the Demon what happens if you don’t do it, what the consequences are so that the Demon could make an Informed Decision, and Ultimately to Choose to apply Self Forgiveness and Self Honesty, and make a Decision to Commit themselves to Life as what is Best for All.

I started with that Process, and did so for sometime, before we got to the Stage where I was Comfortable and able to Allow the Demon’s Freedom of Movement, in terms of also showing other People How a Demon Possession function, and that it is possible to actually Assist a Demon and that you do not have to Fear the Demon; that the Demon, in fact, is just a version of yourself that hasn’t yet reached the same maturity, and that if you in your own Mind would continue accumulating the particular Demonic traits and continue with the Treacherous Living that Disregard Life: that inevitably one will end up as a Demon.

You must Understand at this Stage I still had a very Firm Faith that there is some Goodness in the Human, that there is some Goodness somewhere – and that this was purely a Challenge I was facing to show that I have truly Understood Self Forgiveness, and that my Dedication to What is Best for All Life is simply being Tested.

From that Perspective, it all made sense, and I continued with the particular application dealing with the Demons, and it became Easier and Easier, and Quicker and Quicker, and I could handle More and More Demons in one go. Whatever I could find, I would bring them to me and work with them.

In a way, I developed a Respect for a Demon, because in Essence a Demon was a version of Reality, a version of a Being in All Self Honesty that could not get themselves to accept Reality the way it is, and they eventually, in a way become Opposed to all that Represents Life, which obviously at this Stage, was not Life itself, but Consciousness. To be able to stick to your Guns, and to even eventually take on the Existence of a Demon, Required a Certain Level of Self Honesty. Self Honesty that what you have Faced is Unacceptable, and that it takes whatever it takes to take on this Unacceptable way that Life was being Lived in Existence.

It was only once the Portal opened, that we Explored the Demons Extensively more, that we really got the Confirmation that Demons were already forming a Society so to speak, with some of the more ‘Deliberate’ Demons, that means Demons that made a decision to be one, to be opposed to the Hierarchy of Heaven, at the Forefront, like Anton Levy.

Organizing the Demons to as whatever way Possible, they could find, intervene with the Accepted Way of Life of the Soul, and Light, and Love, which was obviously, if you look at the Reality being Produced on Earth: was Not an Acceptable Way of Life, it was in fact, a Form to Justify an even Worse aspect of the Human, worse than the Demon, far greater Deception because the Deception had No Self Honesty in it whatsoever.

There was completely a Denial of the Evil Men do with the Whole Society based on managing Evil, while presenting Beautiful Pictures and Beautiful Stories and Mythologies, and all kinds of things, trapping Every Child born on Earth into the Same Cycle of Self Abuse, Life Abuse, causing an Unending Cycle, an Infinite Cycle, of Karma that if one have to look at the Current State of Humanity, if Karma was to be the Measurement, would have made it impossible for any Being without going through an Unending amount of Lives to actually Realize what they are Doing,
The help they were getting from Heaven was in No Way focusing on an Outcome, it was Simply making sure that the Infinite Cycles continue, Rewarding those Loyal to this Abusive Pattern.

Obviously, they didn’t quite Understand how Abusive it was, Rewarding them with all kinds of Wonderful Heavens and Promises and Advancements and Ascensions, while completely Ignoring the Reality of what was happening on Earth, and this in itself was Completely Unacceptable. And Action had to be taken, so I saw the Demon as the Doorway to finding a Resolution for Life in general, and if one start with Correcting that which is perceived to be the Worst that exist, the Demon.
Then once you get to the Next Stage, which would be the Human, it will be Easier. But at that stage, I did not completely Understand yet, How the Physical, the Mental, and Energy interacted, and How important the Physical was in Everything that Existed, and that it only Existed because the Physical Existed, and that the Physical was the Foundation, the Platform from which All-Come, even Heaven itself.

And that Heaven could only Exist because the Physical was existing in a Particular format, so the same with Demons. So we will discuss in the next blog of how the Demon Dimensions were eventually Closed, so that we can get on with the Process where a New Form of Demon would emerge, one Resident in the Human as their Emotions and Feelings, so that these things can be faced Once and For All, and we can get the Human to Self Honesty. Which was obviously going to take many years and was going to be a very Traumatic Experience in general. But - all things still Exist as the direct Result of what you Allow and Accept and what you Participate in.

So the Human had No Excuse, no one has Excuses, EveryOne is Responsible, and therefore, it’s going to require from Each One: A Standing, A Realization of Forgiveness and Honesty about Self within this World -, to bring to a Stop the Abuse that’s being allowed, within Self, within the Participation of Self, within this Abuse, within the Patterns, to eventually - how long it will take is Uncertain - we will have on Earth - Life as What is Best for All Lived in Peace and Harmony, where Each One will Understand Exactly how everything functions, so that No One can Abuse Another because only once everyone understand how the Mind, the Quantum Physical, the Quantum Mind, all of reality actually functions, only then can all Abuse Stop. Because as Long as One deal with Faith and Belief, you are only dealing with the Part of Reality where you do not in fact Understand how it Works. Therefore, you require Faith and Belief because you are not the actual Creator from the Perspective of Directive Principle. The Systems you create do this and they have been Programmed with a Complete lack of Understanding, and therefore, are far more Abusive then what you can Imagine. In fact just have a look at this World, and as this World is busy Imploding and Collapsing, and the Systems not Standing, and Billions are in Dire Straits - ask yourself: What will it take before you Realize that it is Only a Matter of Time before this Mess on Earth Reach your Doorstep, and then How difficult will it be if you No Longer Have any Resources because you’ve Wasted it All on Entertaining your Own Self Interest.

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Monday 29 October 2012

198: After Death Communication - Part 47

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 151: ADC - Part 1
Day 152: ADC - Part 2
Day 153: ADC - Part 3
Day 154: ADC - Part 4
Day 155: ADC - Part 5
Day 156: ADC - Part 6
Day 157: ADC - Part 7
Day 158: ADC - Part 8
Day 159: ADC
Day 160: ADC
Day 161: ADC - Part 10
Day 162: ADC - Part 11
Day 163: ADC - Part 12
Day 164: ADC - Part 13
Day 165: ADC - Part 14
Day 166: ADC - Part 15
Day 167: ADC - Part 16
Day 168: ADC - Part 17
Day 169: ADC - Part 18
Day 170: ADC - Part 19
Day 171: ADC - Part 20
Day 172: ADC - Part 21
Day 173: ADC - Part 22
Day 174: ADC - Part 23
Day 175: ADC - Part 24
Day 176: ADC - Part 25
Day 177: ADC - Part 26
Day 178: ADC - Part 27
Day 179: ADC - Part 28
Day 180: ADC - Part 29
Day 181: ADC - Part 30
Day 182: ADC - Part 31
Day 183: ADC - Part 32
Day 184: ADC - Part 33
Day 185: ADC - Part 34
Day 186: ADC - Part 35
Day 187: ADC - Part 36
Day 188: ADC - Part 37
Day 189: ADC - Part 38
Day 190: ADC - Part 39
Day 191: ADC - Part 40
Day 192: ADC - Part 41
Day 193: ADC - Part 42
Day 194: ADC - Part 43
Day 195: ADC - Part 44
Day 196: ADC - Part 45
Day 197: ADC - Part 46

A History with Life After Death - Part 31

How Demons Communicated

Now, ‘till in my thirties, I did Not consider Demons as actually Things that exist. I was Extremely into love and light, and was ‘sending love daily’ in every possible way, meditating love and light, positive attitude, focusing on ‘producing a better world’ - the whole story. And Facing the Demonic, realizing that they were actually Beings that Exist, and in fact, that they were Humans on Earth at some stage - was quite an Eye Opener.

The Question was: “Why could I not See this before?”, “How could I have Missed it?”, and that was very simply because, I was Trapped in Consciousness. And I didn’t Realize, even at that stage, that the Problem is Consciousness, but I was Trapped in the Energetic Projection that I was Focusing on. Therefore, I could only experience the energetic projection that I was projecting, and anything outside that - I simply ignored, and denied, and couldn’t See, because it wasn’t within my ‘idea’ of my Existence. When that Changed, I had to also Investigate, how I managed to miss this all and Why, really, very few people on Earth considered the Existence of Demons, for Real.

In my Investigation, I Realized, obviously, that Demons as Energetic Beings were just the same as Consciousness, and that the Reason why we don’t see them is simply because: we don’t know Where to Look. We do not Realize, that: the Demon do represent and do show themselves through their particular energetic constitution. This constitution for instance, would be in anger or in violence or in jealousy. In time, I Learned how Demons transferred and how they managed to get into the Body. So, a Demon for instance, would Enter the Body in times of trauma or when a person is drunk, using alcohol, or using drugs, or during sex, that means: during a stage where the basic energetic Consciousness Structure of the Being they want to Possess is ‘less stable’, is out of faze in a way, is moving out of its ‘normal context. Then the Demon can ‘slip in’, and once they are in - all they have to do is learn how it works.

How does this Being, that they’re now Possessing, utilizing their Energy? So they would Integrate into the Being and Learn the ‘ways of the Being’. Because they’re only going to, in the end, show themselves in very short moments of ‘bursts of energy’, like a sudden outburst of anger, where the Demon will take it further than what the person normally would take it.

Even, in some cases, to the stage where they will take it over, where they would have created another Dimension of Consciousness, within the person, where they have enhanced the anger, for instance, to a Rage - what will happen is that: they will energize it, and then when the rage comes up, the person will ‘lose Consciousness’. Meaning, they will Not be Aware of what happens because the Dimension that the Demon created, as Consciousness, Takes Over. And because that is not in anyway part of the Consciousness of the person or their Memory Dimensions - they will Not Remember that they are actually doing whatever the Demon wants them to do. In many cases, the Demon would take the person to that point, and take them where they would either commit murder or rape or molest a child, and the person will not even know that they did so. You can go and do Research on this, in terms of how many people over time, have indicated that they cannot remember what happened or how they did it. All the Evidence is there, but their Actual Conscious Awareness of the action is not there, because it wasn’t them that did it, it was the Demon in them.
We found these things, obviously, in our Research through the Portal, extensively. There has been a lot of people that, on Earth - that have suffered because of Demon Possession, without anyone knowing that it is even happening, because you don’t know where to look and you don’t understand the Mechanics, the Dynamics, the ‘way it works’, the ‘How it Manifests’.

So - it took me a while to Understand how it works, and to Realize that: the very Thing I was utilizing to the extreme, in presenting myself as ‘love and light’, and in that - to focus positively with a ‘great attitude’ on producing a ‘new world’, a better world, it was simply not happening, there was something missing. I mean, if I look at the limited effect a Demon would have through using exactly the same methodology, to such an extent, that they are virtually not visible on earth at all, and even totally ignored in spite of being instrumental in some heinous acts - made me realize that, obviously: energy that is positively directed will do exactly the same, it will have No Real Effect, because you are Not Really Changing anything, you’re also Not Really Changing Yourself. You are simply creating dimensions of energy that you feed on, from the perspective of your self image, in where you use that to produce experiences for yourself that is ‘feeling good’ / ‘exhilaration,’ it’s like - just another drug.

But, it was necessary that - eventually the Human Must Realize what is going on, otherwise, Change on Earth will be impossible…as by now: SOME of You must Realize.
I mean, I have been around on the Planet for fifty years now, and - there has been No Change. There has only been an Extreme Deterioration in EVERY facet of society. And, from where we had Major World Wars at some stage, now, we have War all the time. We have a situation on Earth, where we have the greatest instability in the Mental Constitution of the Human and the Psyche, in the Psychology, than we have ever had before - and this is Increasing, BY THE DAY.

YET, like I did when I was in love and light, the love and lighters, the ones that should be the Front-End, the Spearhead of Change on Earth - deny Reality. Because, like I used to - they live in their Own Created Mental Impression, where they Look in the Mirror of the Mind and only see what they are projecting. It’s like a form of Photoshopping. You take a photo and you make the photo the way you want it, and you make it pretty and you dolly it up, you see the love and light - we did a lot of that stuff, you know, because we had ‘beautiful pictures’ everywhere. But the picture is Not Reality, it is an Illusion that you are superimposing on Reality. For what purpose, specifically? - That is what you have to find out. Why are you denying Reality and pretending that the Illusion you are creating is Reality? Are you scared? Are you scared of what you’ll lose? Do you Fear the Truth? If you find out that, in fact, you’re Screwed on Earth and you’re Screwed in the Hereafter - would you change? Or do you hope by some ‘mystical magical thing’, you are going to be able to ‘somehow’ just suddenly be in a ‘better reality’ after Death? You’ve got another thing coming.

There is some Serious Problems in Consciousness. So serious, that it will affect and determine the total outcome of your existence. You should wake up!
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Sunday 28 October 2012

197: After Death Communication - Part 46

This blog is a continuation to:
Day 180: After Death Communication - Part 29
Day 181: After Death Communication - Part 30
Day 182: After Death Communication - Part 31
Day 183: After Death Communication - Part 32
Day 184: After Death Communication - Part 33
Day 185: After Death Communication - Part 34 
Day 186: After Death Communication - Part 35
Day 187: After Death Communication - Part 36
Day 189: After Death Communication - Part 38
Day 190: After Death Communication - Part 39
Day 191: After Death Communication - Part 40
Day 192: After Death Communication - Part 41
Day 193: After Death Communication - Part 42
Day 194: After Death Communication - Part 43
Day 195: After Death Communication - Part 44
Day 196: After Death Communication - Part 45

A History with Life After Death - Part 30

So, let’s Look at the Frequency Control more specifically: the Senses of the Mind is a Filter System. This Filter System is Frequency-specific, with each Frequency unique to the Specific Definition one give to your Words, your Understanding, your Point of View – and those unique points is what is being Professed to be the ‘Unique Nature of the Consciousness’ of each Individual, and is defended as if it is ‘Great Value’, but In Fact: it is Great Limitation that cause Massive Abuse on Earth.

This particular ‘uniqueness’ is, in a way, the Invisible Prison that each Parent put their Children into, to keep them ‘Safe’ from the World. Instead of Creating a Safe World, Parenting is deliberately, specifically, Creating a World that is Unsafe and then Train the Children to remain in particular, specific, Frequency Controlled ZONES of Awareness as a form of a ‘Safety Net’ against All other Humans, Imagine that. Specifically, Parents Train Children to Fear other Humans, Fear Strangers, instead of looking at the whole Point, that: at the end of the Day for a World that is Best for All - it is necessary for each one to function on an Equal Frequency, an Inclusive point of Care, Compassion and Empathy that Understand the Physical Needs and Requirements of each Human, so that one can Create a world that function accordingly, a World that is Safe, a World that is Child Safe, a World that is Life Safe – and through that: a World that is a Place of Peace and Harmony.

This Frequency Control plays a MAJOR Role in how one perceive the Hereafter, and specifically as to ‘what Happens to you’ at the Point of Death. Death being the ONE thing that is Certain for Everyone and that should be one of the primary Investigation points of our Science, because we are CERTAINLY coming from somewhere and we are going somewhere, in a way. It is Important to Understand the Implication of what comes Hereafter and unfortunately, the Emphasis is placed on Faith and Belief. Faith and Belief in what you Design, yourself, in your own Mind as your ‘Unique’ Feeling, Emotion, Understanding of Words, the way you put sentences together – All those kind of things, which in Essence Only Breed Inequality and In Fact a form of Competition, which Cause much Harm in the World, because: in this Competition, there is an Idea that is being Presented, that apparently ‘the Human is in fact Dysfunctional and only able to understand Certain things according to their Specific Personality Traits’. It’s like a form of a Betraying of Life. And in All the Education in the World, in every facet of the System, in All Parenting – the Child is Never Taught, How, In Fact, this Consciousness that is revered so much, is generated.

In Fact, there is this misnomer, that this Consciousness that’s generated, apparently continue ‘After Death’. While this Consciousness is Actually the Result of Education and Parenting and Society in general, and thus in NO WAY WHATSOEVER a functional unit that IN ANY WAY can Deal with Anything that comes Hereafter because, it can’t even Deal with the Reality of the Physical World. It cannot even Work Together to Create a World that is Best for All. So, to go and place ‘Value’ in Consciousness as if it’s somehow ‘Magically’ is going to be ‘suddenly More’ the Moment you Die, when it is something that you weren’t even Born with, but is the Result of your Education: that is Quite a Level of Ignorance. And, would you Believe it – there are Gurus, Masters and Teachers that Spread these Lies as if they are Candy, and they do it by making Wonderful, Sugary, Promises - None of it, which can be checked and Cross-referenced. Without In Fact Showing Even the most Basic Design of the Quantum Dynamics that is involved in the Creation of these Energetic Entities.
No Wonder, that in the Afterlife we Found Volumes of Demons that was Unbelievable. And no Wonder, that the Human Prison, the Invisible Prison of the Mind is so Effective – that one cannot even See the Most Basic Systems, the Most Basic Memory Designs. And that our Most Advanced Memory Skills are things like ‘Association’ – Not Actual Design and Engineering.

Why would we be so Ignorant? Strange enough, this Question lies within the Premise, within the Designation of Greed. There is Immense Fear in the Human that somehow, ‘you’re gonna lose out, if you don’t keep what you have’ – a Complete Consciousness of Lack. And therefore, Insidious things like the Law of Attraction will focus on things like Money, Happiness, Success – but All of it Actually Money, from the perspective of what ‘Power’ it gives you to have a so-called ‘Dream Life’, a ‘Fulfilling Life’.

But, the Law of Attraction should have been, In Fact, the Presence of Self that present Peace and Harmony and Equality. And thus, according to that – would Place one in the Effective Context in your Life to Enhance Human Society, Human Nature to its Perfect State: the State of Responsibility, the State of Discipline, the State of Consideration, the State of taking Care of Each Other for Real, the State of Peace, the State of Harmony, the State of ACTUAL Love. Love being, the Respect for Life as Equal within each other, and therefore: Love Equal as each other – the Proof that one is In Fact Self-Aware.

You will not Meet people like this, Yet, on Earth. Because, it’s All been Distracted into a Complete Inadequate Consciousness that Cannot carry the Value that Life is, and Only Carry the Values given to Self-Interest, ‘Uniqueness’, Inequality. Ultimately Creating a constant state of War and Poverty and Inequality and Deception and Lies on Earth, hidden behind a shroud, a Veil of Faith and Belief - Insisting that each one must ‘Be the Lie’ and ‘have Faith in the Lie’ of Consciousness. Without Realising, that: that In Itself is the Foundation of the Problem on Earth. Our total Spirituality, Nature, Religion – is the Foundation of our Demise, the Reason why we Cannot Value Life and basically, in a very short period now, as we have ‘evolved’, we have Proven our Capacity to Drive All Life Forms to Extinction with an absolute amazing Pace. Because unless there is a Value to something in which we can make Money, we Simply don't Value it.

We’ll continue with this in the next post
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