Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 534: The Physical NOW and Money – The Money Religion – Part 1

holy-money-440x330 Bernard: Ok so what are we looking at?

We’re looking at how the Mental – which is that which can change – is controlling the Physical -- that which cannot change. So in some of this you have to establish what is it that One cannot change.

For instance: you need to eat, to Live - you cannot change that, that’s a Physical Reality. But on a Mental Reality, Money is something that can be changed – you can change the rules of Money because it’s a mental concept that’s just been placed into the Physical. It is not necessary for it to control the Physical - yet it’s fascinating that which can be changed which is Money, has power over that which cannot change – which is the Physical –to the degree that it kills that which is in the Physical, which is Real – while the Money which is that which can change - which is not Real in this Reality - has power over that which is Real which is fucked up. We have to really address this fucking point, it’s like very deceptive

Darryl: It’s like the way it’s become fixed in people’s minds-

Bernard: I mean it’s fixed in the mind, it’s still a Mental Projection, still a Mental condition, it’s still a condition of ‘fixation’ – and what is fixation but control – I mean it’s obsession.

Look at how Money is the thing that has and is busy destroying that which is Real – while Money is Not Real - Money is something we can give any value to - we decide the value. So we can replace the Money with any form of value, any form of rule –but we cannot replace the Physical or we fucking destroy.

Darryl: so what is this thing that Money distorts, it disfigures the human

Bernard: I would say it’s the whole point of the ‘belief’ that money is real and that there’s nothing you can do about changing the fact about how money works. That in itself is that Money is actually a religion – and anyone – which is everyone basically in existence – that walks around with money in their pocket, in essence is deceptive because you’re protecting that money which isn’t real, and you’ll kill for that money which isn’t real - you’ll kill that which is Real which is the Physical.
From where I’m looking, every person on Earth is a murderer just because they're participating in the Money System.

Every person that dies due to a lack of money makes those with money in their pocket a murderer.

Darryl: So we’re all as accessories to the crime

Bernard: All as accessories that is then dishonest- that have been placed before existence and why the shit will be so extensive to be faced – is because the dishonesty is so extensive. And their dishonesty is in very basic points but they are the pillars of our society - they are that which drives all decisions and that which is taken as if it is the gospel – without actually doing anything about considering that it could be the very cause of our problems.

Fuck, if one consider just changing One Point – the Money System in terms of what the Money System represents and the rules that governs it which brings in then the Basic Principle of the Support of Life – you change so many things within the experiences of so many beings and you’re actually announcing Choice – if that is the thing that is important – but not only that, you’re grounding that Choice to everyone, instead of having control over the choices because you have control over the Money - because how can Free Choice exist as long as Money Control exist ?

What is more surprising is: why the Church has not promoted or Religions?
The masters that’s been on this Earth - the spiritual masters - why they not promoted a Practical Physical Solution which is so simplistic in Assisting everyone on Earth, why they only promoted Mental Solutions which is not real. That’s the very reason why Love is not real, because Love that is real will seek a Practical Solution that removes the suffering from the paths of every one – I mean, that I would say is God- if such a thing could ever exist in a fucked up reality like this –
Darryl: but we consider god as something that punishes ‘infinitely’…

Bernard: But that punishment happens in the principle of whether you’re rich or poor’ – take your money away and you’ll feel shit and you’ll say ‘god is punishing you ‘– but the money wasn’t even real in the first place because money only follows the rules you’ve given it - so you’re fucking with yourself.

Darryl: Well yeah I mean, the set up is this, I mean, you have to buy your survival and there doesn’t mean to be a way around that in this technological…

Bernard: the New World Order is offering a solution if one would consider for instance an Equal Money System that is ‘chip-based’ which will be very easy to actually move around a Value System which is an exchange system between people to make sure that everyone is actually Supported and fed and has got a place to stay –

Darryl: so the ‘shift’ is from a Value of Money to a Value of Life.

Bernard: Value of Life – if you change the rules that define the way Money moves and works - I mean then money becomes ‘my-needs’ everyone has needs, those needs are Physical that means if they are not fulfilled, the person will actually have a Physical effect which can be as much as them dying from starvation – that means that ‘my-needs’ are Real – therefore the purpose of Money is to fulfill ‘my- needs’ at a personal level, at an individual level for everyone - so everyone’s got an Equal Choice. That does not mean everyone’s got an Equal Expression or Equal Creativity – it only means everyone is Supported in their Basic Needs with ‘my-needs’ which is Money.

Darryl: well I suppose if everybody took responsibility for the needs of everyone we wouldn’t need money -
Bernard: that would be farfetched because you’re still bound by space-time, you’re not going to be able to take care of everyone’s needs in a space-time reality – we’re all bound by time.

Space-time is a Real Reality and within that, you’re limited in what you can do in every Breath – therefore a conveyer, a method that Supports Life is Valid – from the perspective of Directing the Interaction, the communication, the Inter Support as a Value System – and if that Value System must be Money, the rules of that Money must be such that it Supports Every One Equally – so that Everyone’s got Equal Choice, Equal Freedom, Equal Application, Equal Opportunity – although all of that is not valid from the point of Equality, it’s Valid from the point of Equal Availability – doesn’t mean everybody’s gonna utilize it to an Equal Effectiveness – that is only an Interim Solution because then one can focus on the point of Equality - which is where One take One - everyone in Existence as they’re born generation after generation to the optimum expression in terms of their ability within Communication, Linguistics, Skills – all of the points that is relevant. But now you have an Equal Value System that supports the development of Equality in a Practical Physical Way.

Now you have Really Oneness – because you’re standing within the Money System as a Physical Practical Example of Oneness which supports what you want for everyone else as well. Now you are ‘loving your neighbor as yourself - you have satisfied all the basic spiritual laws and rules in existence. Just with money and changing the rules how Money is used or directed or understood within our Social Structure and our Economic Structure and your Basic Society.

Without one substance, we can take something that is not real based on laws and so on –which is Money - and we make it real that is has a Real Physical Effect: Best for Everyone.

Monday 17 February 2014

Day 533: The Real God Creating Disease – Darkness – Part 4

Continuing from the previous blog, Day 532: The Real God Creating Disease – Where does your Cellulite come from? Part 3:

"Thus – in terms of your Forgiveness, for instance – once you Look at a Point where there’s a ‘Lesson’, Specifically, about: Assessing whether the Thought you’re dealing-with it ‘Unconscious-’, ‘Subconscious-’ or ‘Conscious-Mind’ – the Point that you’re dealing-with – and what is the Nature of it: Is it ‘Emitting’? Is it ‘or-someone-else – that means, ‘Stimulating another-Being’, is it Stimulating-you, is it gonna go for ‘Fat’, for ‘Filing’?
I mean – Establishing the Various-‘Levels’ that is gonna happen to this Thought, and accordingly you can contain the Thought and Forgive the Thought and Delete-it. Okay – you want to get the Thought that it No-Longer Emerges."

1653412_603708909699004_1690818635_n If I now look at where I am, at this Stage = there is Nothing ‘Emerging’ Anymore. I mean, it’s just like Darkness; Cool, Breathe, Darkness – there’s Nothing Coming-Up.

So my Physical, that means the Unified Field, or the Unconscious, or Who I am As Everything: Is now Clear – there’s Nothing Coming-Up.

I can Deal with a Point, Specifically as it is Here, and therefore I Respond to you Direct. Therefore I can See what happens when you Talk to me – I can See where your ‘Problem’ comes-from, and I can come and sit and Explain it to you; in-Detail of ‘How it Works’. And I don’t carry that Information around with me = it’s not Necessary. It makes Sense?

The Moment you have to carry Knowledge around – you’re carrying a Program around. That Program is going to Fuck with you. Okay?

Therefore – You can Speak to a Person, if you are Not-Programmed to actually Stimulate the Person to Hear-you and that Person is not Programmed to be-Stimulated or to Hear-you = there will be no Conversation, and you’ll get Nowhere.
Now, for a Programmed-System to Break-Down – Great Trauma is Necessary. We Suggested that Path we would Only-go as a Last-Resort.

Therefore, we will use the Structural-Resonance, to – through CommonSense – De-Program Ourselves, and Assist as many as Possible to do the Same. That’s Why it’ll take Several-Years to-Do = it is Extensive.

I mean – you’re Dealing, Here, with All your Lives – Compacted-into what you would call: The ‘Now’.

And Hear-me: The ‘Now’ is the Greatest Single Deception that has Ever been Created. The ‘Illusion of The ‘Now’’.

Because: It (The ‘Now’) is the ‘Conglomeration’ of ‘Everything you’ve Ever-been’ – All-‘Lies’, All-‘Programs’ = Nothing Real.

The Moment you Die, in the ‘Now’ – you End-up in the here-After as ‘Nothing’. You have to Start-again. Because, I mean – you have Nothing. All that Remains is: Very, very little of ‘yourself’.

After-All – at the End of the Day: ‘Who you Are – Determines - What you Do’.
You’ll be no-Different in the ‘After-life’, than ‘what you are’ in this-‘life’.
Because, it’s always Equal = the ‘Law of Balance’ Determines All-things. That is what is ‘Holding’ Each-One in ‘Containment’.

We’ll later-on Discuss How you can Move your Structural-Resonance, and How you can Move and Actually Change the stuff’. We’ll first go through these Programs of Working-with the Structural-Resonance.

But, at this Stage, it’s just to give an Indication – for instance, with ‘Flu’: I mean, if that Thought comes-up, have a look = you have had those Experiences; where shortly there-after, you are Sick.

It (‘Flu’) is not a Virus. You have Created that, you are ‘Designed’ to do it. How it looks-like – is Fascinating – in the Physical-Body, the Design of the System Follows very-Specific Geometrical-Shapes, and as the Sound Moves through-you, it Moves in Geometrical-Shapes. And then when it, when you in your-Design have a particular-Shape that ‘Fits’, like – the ‘Incoming-Sound’ ‘Fits in-there like a Key’ – it ‘Activates the Program’ and you’ve got ‘Flu’. Fascinating, Really.

Okay – so, please – there are Viruses, but they are Not Necessarily the Cause.
In many-Cases you Actually Create the Virus within your Body through the coming-together of Various-Signatures from Various Human-Beings = from the Physical.
The Physical is doing All of This. The Physical. Not your ‘Mind’. Not the ‘Words you Know’. Not the ‘Language you Speak’ = None of that has got Anything to-do with the Physical – from the perspective of a ‘Directive-Point’.

Those-things you’re not Aware-of At-All.

Okay – That’s-it.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 532: The Real God Creating Disease – Where does your Cellulite come from? Part 3

Continuing from the previous blog, Day 531: The Real God Creating Disease – Unlocking the Next Level in the Mind – Part 2:

“Your life is Always Prepared for-you – have a look: You Never Design your Own-life, and therefore = the Moment you have to Design your-Own life – you’ll Run-Away – you will always look at Where you can ‘Walk Into-it’’, where it’s already done For-you. If you have to do-it, you’ll just Find-yourself Absolutely-unable to Actually Design your life and you will just be Stuck.

Always look at the Points where Everything is there to Support You. I mean – Human-Beings, they are Programmed to Not, Actually, Ever be Aware.”


Now – what is more-Interesting, is that you have - if you Notice, for instance, in your Conscious-Mind: Your Conscious-Mind is Reactive in-Nature.

When you walk-around Thinking – I mean, it is just Thoughts coming-up, which is just a Signal you’re sending-out to your Environment.

Now you get to an Event, to Somebody and have a look: Immediately you will go-into a State of Energy, you’ll Immediately take-on a Specific-Symbol, meaning a Specific-Posture – which is a Symbol – and you’ll Present a Specific-Point, which you Stand-as, and that is Pre-Programmed, because you have not Created-it = you ‘Walked Into-it’.

And you will Speak, and those-Words that’ll come are Not your-Words = they are Pre-Programmed,you have Not ‘Thought them Up’ – I mean, you will Speak and they are Reactive in-Nature. That’s Why – you’ll Find, for instance – you’ll many-times sit and ‘Mull’-around something that you want to do, but when you get to the Actual-Point of Doing-it = you say the Opposite, because you’re Programmed to Say the Opposite.

I mean – no-matter what you’re Thinking = it’s Irrelevant to your Programming: Your Programming will Always Win.

Now – what is more-Interesting – is Not All the Thoughts you have go-Anywhere. Those Thoughts that are Irrelevant to your Environment and to yourself and so-on – go and ‘Sit’ in your Body.

That’s why the Body Changes with Age, because you start to ‘Package the Thoughts’. And all the Thoughts that are not used – go into your: FAT, your ‘File Allocation Tables’, your ‘Cellulite’ – and things like that - your Variations within the Body where it is Stored = Simply as Information, that serves virtually no-Purpose – very-Seldom will go to Anything.

And – as you grow-Older, that will happen Automatically = that was One of the Ways to Design the Physical in a Way, that it will become, like, virtually, a ‘Demon-Possessed Information-Centre’ – as you grow-Older.

And to make-sure that you lose AAAAAAAAAAAALLLL the Faith you have in yourself, and that you eventually Abdicate to Age – and start to Believe that: “This is the ‘way’ it ‘should’-be, and this is the way you’re supposed to ‘live’”.

So Unfortunately = Everything you Do: Is Explainable.

Unfortunately = Everything you Do: Is Not You.

With the Structural-Resonance, Specifically – we will be De-Programming All of these Things, which will have some Fascinating-things, because, I mean – you must Understand that: Every Single Human-Being has got a ‘Unique’ ‘Program’-running. All-things are not ‘Exactly the Same’ – that’s why we will Initially De-Program, until you have the Physical as a Stable-Support to Measure Every-Single Point.

Thus – in terms of your Forgiveness, for instance – once you Look at a Point where there’s a ‘Lesson’, Specifically, about: Assessing whether the Thought you’re dealing-with it ‘Unconscious-’, ‘Subconscious-’ or ‘Conscious-Mind’ – the Point that you’re dealing-with – and what is the Nature of it: Is it ‘Emitting’? Is it ‘or-someone-else – that means, ‘Stimulating another-Being’, is it Stimulating-you, is it gonna go for ‘Fat’, for ‘Filing’?

I mean – Establishing the Various-‘Levels’ that is gonna happen to this Thought, and accordingly you can contain the Thought and Forgive the Thought and Delete-it. Okay – you want to get the Thought that it No-Longer Emerges.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Day 531: The Real God Creating Disease – Unlocking the Next Level in the Mind – Part 2

Continuing from the previous blog Day 530: The Real God Creating Disease - Sick from a Thought – Part 1:

The One that’s Programmed to be your Mate or the One you’re supposed-to ‘Sleep’-with or have a ‘One-Night-Stand’-with = that’s all Pre-programmed, even your One-Night-Stands: Your Touches, your Words you’re Speaking – Every Single Thing is Pre-programmed-Stimuli, it runs between the Unconscious, the Subconscious and the Conscious.”


In the Subconscious is where you have your ‘Personality-Designs’ – there you have a ‘little-bit’ of Freedom: You can Design Variations of the Design, because at the End of the Day = the Actual-Design of your Personality, will be Controlled by the Unconscious-Mind, through Electrical-Impulsing of the System Stepping-Forth in Moments of – what you would call: ‘Now’ - something happens ‘Now’ – not Here –the ‘Now’ is the ‘Here’ of the Unified Field, is not Really Presence – it’s ‘Pre-Programmed Presence’.

It (the ‘Now’) exists as the Conglomeration of All-Past, All-Future and All-Present, All-Lives ever Lived and All-Lives yet to Live = is All existent in-You, Right-Now: All of that, as- and in-You as the Physical and in and as the Unified Field.

And All of this busy-Moving according to a Programmed Role-out of Stimulus, Electrical-Impulsing, Magnetic-Impulsing – whatever you want to call-it = All of that – Stimulated through the various-Senses that carry the Electrical-Impulses.

Your Thoughts, thus - when you have it and it comes-up – it’ll either, if it’s a Singular-Thought – you’ll find that it’ll normally have a Value of either Impression or a Value of Action or a Value of sudden-Realisation that suddenly you will Feel you ‘Know More’, which means another ‘Part’ of your ‘Knowledge-Base’ that has been Pre-Programmed opens-up and it takes-you into your Next-Experience, which is then: “So, Oh, good, so ‘cool’” – so that you can Believe you’ve come to that Realisation, yourself. For instance: What is it? It’s about ‘Acceptance’. If you look at it in ‘Christianity’ it’s Very, Clearly Shown ‘how it works’ in Christianity, because:
“Jesus must be accepted as your Saviour” – I mean, the Point is there, it comes-up, you start to look at-it, the Stimuli comes-in, you suddenly have an Experience.
The Experience is either driven through ‘Thought’, ‘Visual-Impact’, ‘Perspectives’ – whatever the Program is set to be – they’re not the same for Everyone, Everyone’s is like, Unique -then you open-up to an Experience which you Feel, which is Energy – comes from your Own Program, it’s already Stored the Energy – then, according to that – you accept Jesus as your Saviour, the Whole-thing opens-up the Next Layer – it’s like playing a game on a Playstation - where you go through the Various ‘Levels’ until you have ‘Jackpot’, because the Whole-Design is a, like a ‘Game’, like a ‘Casino’.

But In-it, it had an ‘Intent’: The Intent was to Enslave-you to this kind- and type-of Experiences for Eternity so that you can accept God as more than you.

So that the Whole-Point of ‘The Image and Likeness of God’, the equality-Point – can be Dismissed, and Mismanaged = which is what happened.

Now – when we go to your Subconscious in terms of your Personality-Designs – those, you’ll Find, will depend on your Environment = Always. You’ll be a specific kind of Personality – depending on the Environment you’re in, and at some-Points, there will be Stimulus in your Environment that now indicate you’re finished with this Game – you have to go to another-one, and you’ll Find, suddenly, you can’t Do-something.

For instance: You have a Relationship in-front of you, and you can’t go into-it. You just ‘Can’t’. You just had-Enough, and you just want-Out, and you just ‘Do’-it – you Act in that Moment:
That is then, where you are Specifically-‘Impulsed’ to Change your Environment, and you then go-into the Next-Phase of your Experience.
Obviously, from your-Perspective, you Believe that is Choice = go and have a look Again: It’s Always something that Follows an Impulse. It Follows a Build-up of Energy.

It is Never You, Directing the Situation.
It is Never You – Actually making the Choice.

The Choice is Already-made = in your Pre-Programming. You are simply Following and you can do Nothing about that, because you don’t even know Where to Begin to Look for What the Fuck is Going-On – Okay.

Now – All of This – is ‘Following Relationship-Lines’, ‘Symbols’, ‘Following Resonances’ – it ‘Emits’ a ‘Signal’. You’re like a Fuckin’ Radio-Station that sends-out Signals: You can walk down the street, on the Pavement and somebody walks past-you and you have a Thought in your Mind that you’re looking-at = that Thought Emanates from-you, Stimulating the Person that you don’t know from a ‘Bar of Soap’, walking past-you to Immediately have an ‘Insight’ - another ‘Program’ opens - and that Person in their life Continues = and they Thought they had a Divine-Intervention. While it was just what? An Energy-Impulse that opened the Next Layer of Experience, which was Programmed – and you Walk Into-it =
you Always Walk Into your life. Your life is Always Prepared for-you – have a look: You Never Design your Own-life, and therefore = the Moment you have to Design your-Own life – you’ll Run-Away – you will always look at Where you can ‘Walk Into-it’’, where it’s already done For-you. If you have to do-it, you’ll just Find-yourself Absolutely-unable to Actually Design your life and you will just be Stuck.
Always look at the Points where Everything is there to Support You. I mean – Human-Beings, they are Programmed to Not, Actually, Ever be Aware.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Day 530: The Real God Creating Disease – Sick from a Thought – Part 1

Okay, so – we had a Very-Interesting Trip to Town Today.

I heard, ‘Floating through the Ethers of the House’, about somebody looking for ‘Coughing-Syrup’ this Morning.

So – I didn’t Say-anything, initially – and then Eventually, I said: “Are you ‘Coughing’?”

And Darryl says: “Yes, you know, it...I think it was these Guys that are in the Recording-Studio, Recording and then Smoking for Two-Days Already.”

I say: “Oh – ‘Well-done’, you have Really made-yourself Sick.”

Now – How does this Work?

You have Three-Minds: Your Conscious-Mind, your Subconscious-Mind and your Unconscious-Mind.

Let’s start at the Unconscious-Mind: The Unconscious-Mind is Equal and One as the Unified-Field.

It (the ‘Unconscious-Mind’) works as follows: It ‘Holds’ within-it ‘Everything that is in Existence’, but it is Programmed.

It is from the Unconscious-Mind that your Thoughts Arrive.

If you can Slow-yourself Down Enough – you’ll Notice that the Thought Arrives, approximately, like - from your Perceptual-Point - like it Moves from Behind-you out of Darkness.

Okay – that Darkness that it (the Thought) Moves out-of is – what you Understand as: The Unified Field.

But – you can’t ‘See’-it (the ‘Unified Field’), because it’s existing ‘Everywhere’: “Lift a Rock and I am there. Split a piece of Wood and I am there.” – that: “I Am that I Am”, is the ‘Unified Field’.

That “I Am” is the ‘Point of Purpose’ – “The Reason for my Being” – that is Programmed-in and it Activates through ‘Impulse-Stimulation’, ‘Electrical-Impulse’ and it’s Done...

We do it For-Each-other, and we do it For Ourselves and our Environment does it. Remember when you See an Image it is Transformed-into Electrical-Stimuli Impulses, the same when you Touch, when you Feel, when you Hear – All of it is Transformed to Electricity that Stimulates or Impulses the System to Step-Forth with the Program that is Programmed.

For instance – sometimes you will Notice that a Single-Thought will Stimulate Quite an Experience or have an Immediate-Effect like you, here, ‘See’-somebody ‘Sneeze’ –

If you are Pre-Disposed, Pre-Programmed, to Immediately become Ill from just Seeing-it – you’ll become Ill just from Seeing-it = You are the Stimuli Why you are getting Ill – Okay.

This is what was Done Specifically to Fuck with you, I mean – it was Programmed like this, so that you cannot-Trust Anything you Ever-Do. That you cannot-Trust a Single-Thing you Ever-Do, because suddenly a Thought will Manifest and then the Next-Thing you wanna-Do, you can Think-about Ten-Thousand Times like The Girl Next-Door you like, and Nothing-Happens = because ‘The Girl Next-Door’ is not Programmed to be your Mate.

The One that’s Programmed to be your Mate or the One you’re supposed-to ‘Sleep’-with or have a ‘One-Night-Stand’-with = that’s all Pre-programmed, even your One-Night-Stands: Your Touches, your Words you’re Speaking – Every Single Thing is Pre-programmed-Stimuli, it runs between the Unconscious, the Subconscious and the Conscious.
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