Watch The Trap, The Century of the Self and Psywar
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in creating the individual as the ultimate experience, creates the ultimate separation and division, that will create the ultimate self-interest, within the ultimate competition - to become either the best consumer or the best product, or live in desire of these experiences within the constant self-talk that responds to and copies the influences that are constantly projected into the memory of the individual’s self-image, insisting that there is something missing, something greater, something more that the individual must have to be completely happy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the individual pattern to self-fulfilled happiness is copied by every child from the parent at home, and later on the system that will take over the role of the parent in suggesting what is right and wrong within the accepted ways of human Life as projected through subtle influences of media in all its facets.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the corporation and government act like an individual as an equal legal entity with which the individual will compete or form alliances like a friendship relationship, which will influence the self-talk of the individual through which the individual will reach conclusions on which decisions will be based without the individual realizing that all facets of the inner-discussion, as well as the final decision, has been implanted through images of likeness and dislikeness, which will lead the inner-conversation to the decision the corporation or government would like the individual to make - making it possible through projected imagery to control the total life of every individual in every way.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all images, and within this sound is an image, are copied and stored in the physical body - with peripheral vision being the primary copy method through which the inner-conversation of the individual, which will lead to the decision the individual will make, is controlled through the directly observed media - but through the background peripheral images which suggest to the viewer and consumer that the desired image of the individual is only possible through acquiring the goods as images in picture or real format that is in the background of the projected image – intended to influence and control all decisions of the individual - meaning that no decision or desire the individual makes or has is ever their own, and that concepts like equality and that which is best for all Life is always demonized through the projected images as that would stop such influences and control and is therefore the enemy of individual desire which includes the corporation and government as individual.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the projected influence through demonizing the human as Life, as one and equal, creates the inner self-talk that creates human action to form the human individual as mental soldiers against life and equality – defending the friendship relationship with the corporation and government in any way possible – attacking any group that may arise to challenge the accepted and allowed influences that result in the accepted world, where abuse is not just an image but an actual real picture; but the individual is trained to only accept the projected images as real and the real image/picture as illusion.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the greatest coup d'état of the corporation, which is the government, was creating within the individual the ability to create images that the individual can generate and project to each other in the form of beautiful lovely pictures of love and light, as the acceptance of this world just the way it is, to make sure that the motive of profit and control which gave corporations all the power would never for real be challenged by those that fall into the trap of enlightenment - as these individuals have reached a stage of self-image development with the inner-voice and imagery created and glorified through the self-talk to a level of God Consciousness, which has made the individual that claims to be spiritual the ultimate weapon of profit that could ever be conceived, as the individual would imprison themselves in a physical prison of memory that constantly projects images of happiness that the individual believes are their own creations, which they are not realizing that these projected self-created images on individualism were always the intent of all influences through imagery, and that the resulting spiritual individual is in fact the ultimate public relations officer of the system of consumerism and profit, as the love and light being has created itself in the image and likeness of the happy consumer in this world through self-fulfilling through self-created image projection, the intent of the system as corporation, as profit, as control.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the individual in this pursuit of the self, have deified feelings and emotions produced by memories, implanted through imagery to the status of God as Self – not seeing that the corporation produced these products for consumption from the physical reality, while the individual is trained to produce happiness form the metaphysical reality, never realizing that this gives the corporation a monopoly on Earth on the real reality, while the individual play monopoly as spiritual imagery in the mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this process of self-creation through the inner backchat that leads to the total disregard of the physical world by creating the world only as beautiful pictures, has created the human as the ultimate evil to ever walk the Earth.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all accepted systems on Earth only support the self-projected image of the mind as reality without understanding that these images are stored as physical memory in the body to be called up by symbols in the environments specifically planned to keep the human in the hypnotized state of total self-control as the best slave ever created.
I commit myself to show how the self-talk of the individual is the result of memories implanted to guide the conversation to decisions that will benefit the corporation and the individual profit of the Elite.
I commit myself to show that profit never holds the right to Life as important, and only view the individual as a resource that must satisfy the legal right to profit of the corporation.
I commit myself to show that we are beyond the 7th generation of influence within which the memory of the human has become a multi-dimensional 3D imagery invention that influences the individual into the perfect slave.
I commit myself to show that NO self-talk can ever be trusted as it is not based on Life, but it is only based on the love for profit, which is the love of self-interest based on the right of the individual to make its own decision WITHOUT any understanding as to how one arrive at the decision of feeling.
I commit myself to show that anyone opposing the message of Oneness and Equality as what is Best for All Life is in fact the perfect brainwashed slave that serve only the profit of self-interest in every way.
I commit myself to show that the individual as it exists today is a self-created entity in a total evil voice in the head that can be trapped and eradicated through self-honest self-forgiveness through writing – within the decision to support only the physical world to become a world that is best for all Life as physical beings.
I commit myself to show that those in the process of the 7 Year Journey to Life are Writing themselves to Freedom from Control.
I commit myself to show that feelings of fear, danger, love and obvious doom, etc. – that the God Consciousness entity uses to control the physical to respond, are but illusions as memories used for the self-interest of the few to keep the many self-imprisoned.
I commit myself to remind the reader that implanted memories will red flag and resist any point that shows individualism as self-interest as evil and destructive, as it must protect itself to continue its existence as energy entity as its very existence is dependent on sucking energy from the physical living flesh. Find it in your being to study Desteni and discover Life for what it really is, realizing that this will be the most difficult journey you have ever undertaken as it flies in the face of all manipulation and mutilation of physical Life. Find it in you to support the Journey to Life by educating yourself also through EQAFE.
You must meet your obligation to Life halfway through your own contribution and support to show at the very least that you are not subject to the memory implants that determine all your decisions. Watch the documentaries mentioned to see for yourself how you have been manipulated into self-deception.
Thursday 31 May 2012
Wednesday 30 May 2012
Day 46: TRUST ME!
* Watch The Trap and The Century of the Self
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that most television series and Hollywood movies will use the words ‘Trust Me’ very specifically over and over again to imprint on the viewer PHYSICALLY the response to TRUST THE SYSTEM regardless to the FACT that the system DOES NOT SERVE LIFE.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words TRUST ME are implied by the corporation and the capitalist when confidence and certainty is projected to the consumer to make sure the consumer consumes regardless of the consequences that accumulate – driving more and more people globally into poverty and despair.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words: TRUST ME are implied when Lovers say: I Love You, and that this creates the bond that eventually NOWADAYS ends mostly in DIVORCE where TRUST was violated.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that governments and politicians use the approach of ‘TRUST ME’ to gain the voter’s confidence, regardless of the fact that anyone with common sense can deduct from the public policy that promises will NOT be realized and that the country and world will NOT become a better place with ANY of the current policies in the world, as the policies ONLY protect those WITH MONEY.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the PARENT will use the words TRUST ME directly or through implication, forcing a child INTO the pattern of IRRATIONAL TRUST that is NOW so effectively abused in the world by many parties that direct world events to their self-interest, and that the child will be taught NO REAL LIFE Values and thus end up as ONLY ANOTHER Consumer.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Law of Attraction and religion are the same game, where testimony is used to convince the potential follower to invest their money or their faith in the promise of wealth or Eternal Life, when the obvious common sense maths will show that it is a Giant Leap of Faith that DOES NOT compute – as the Law of Attraction has been around for a very long time, that should have produced a wealthy world by now, and religion has been with us from the beginning – resulting in the world we have now: a place of fear and horror for most, with only money standing between horror and happiness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that TRUST as Self-Trust as Life is the realization that Life is the only Real Value, and that Humanity as a group must Give to each other the Right to Life to such a Level that TRUST can be established that is consistent for all Life so that the Game of Fear can stop and abuse on Earth of Life in favour of survival in self-interest, will be NO MORE.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words TRUST ME have been embedded as physical response codes that will determine the choice of the human to irrationally trust a system that has proven it cannot be trusted, showing that the control of the human through programmed response has reached complete control status.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I do not understand how the physical is programmed through the Mind, I cannot be trusted with anything, as whatever I am is just the result of my programming.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I only trust the inner me as my teacher, I am lost – as the inner me, inner voice, is physically programmed to always follow the system, even when it looks like a Love/Hate Relationship. Any inner voice is ALWAYS the result of external programming that took many years to form the you that you accept yourself to be.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only inner voice that can be trusted is that which is best for all Life, physically – as that would stop world hunger, war, abuse: immediately – and that is why humanity as a group must be assisted to understand how we create what we create, and why we create it: to UNDO what we have allowed ourselves to become in TRUSTING the inner voice as ME, when this voice is at the command of forces not yet realized by the human.
I commit myself to demonstrate that the human is physically programmed as an Organic Robot with Fuzzy Logic that will always end up choosing one of the programmes the system wants the human to choose, regardless of intent and that the human is a physical slave with the Mind NOT the Real Power.
I commit myself to show that the Self-Interest of Consumerism is an accumulative problem that leads to Global Horror.
I commit myself to show that Relationships built on: I Love You and Trust Me, are bound to fail, as the Human does not understand how this reality of the Flesh as Living Word really functions.
I commit myself to show that politics take advantage of the Living Flesh Programming of the Human and never have the Best Interest of Life at Heart.
I commit myself to show that the parent is just an extension of the system that programme the Living Flesh of a child to be compliant to the system in every way, to make sure the Horror of Abuse of Life continues.
I commit myself to show that the Religion of Self-Interest based on trusting only the inner voice is the Best scam ever played on the Human, as the Inner Voice has been programmed into the Flesh as Living Word to say only what the system wants it to say.
I commit myself to show that religion and the Law of Attraction are only Groups formed to take advantage of the Living Flesh Programming of living Words for personal Self-Interest with NO regard for Life. These acts are crimes against Life, as is all programming for control and self-interest, and when the total impact is studied, one will notice the Horror of the Inner Voice of the Planners that had NO Interest in Life, but only in themselves to be WINNERS NO MATTER WHAT.
I commit myself to show that the promotion of the Individual in the plan of TRUST ME, divided Humanity into conquered units that will never work together as a group for Life, as each only functions to please the voice of Inner Self-Interest as Individual – and in this way serve the system. The Individual of the Inner Voice is the reason the world is in peril and that voice can never be trusted as you do not understand HOW it was CREATED!
I commit myself to assist those that may find in them the resolve to stop the Inner Voice Control to find their way back to Life with the warning that this process will take up to 14 years per Individual to restore TOTAL Self-Control, as that which is best for all life, and that you will battle the invisible entity that was programmed into your Flesh to represent you, a battle of MASSIVE proportions – where there is NO certainty of victory, but if one stands as Life, breath by breath, till the word is no longer controlled by forces of Self-Interest.
I commit myself to find a way to help those Lost in the physical programme till ALL Life is FREE.
I commit myself to challenge the Inner Voice of the Human to show that it is always the voice of the system that disregards Life as a group and justifies the system as Individual.
Tuesday 29 May 2012
Day 45: Life is the ONLY REAL VALUE
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I do not Value my own Life because I do not value anyone else’s Life unless they are My Loved ones – creating a society that is divided into mine and yours: my family, and your family – and my family is always FIRST – and therefore we compete and end up in a society where NO Life is Valued.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by placing Value in property and money, Life lost all Value and with it we created an inhumane society.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the inhumanity of humanity starts at home by parents that love the Life of their children, but NO ONE ELSE, because self-interest and the fear it generates is the final decision maker when it comes to Value.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we can only receive what we are willing to give and by not giving equal rights to the Life of everyone on Earth, we cannot expect that our Lives will be Valued - as our society demonstrates so brutally, every day, in every way.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even allowing one person, or child, or animal, or tree, or living being to suffer in our pursuit of happiness as self-interest, invalidates our right to Life, just as we invalidate the right to Life of those that end up on the losing end of our desires.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Life has never been Valued on Earth throughout history.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every parent Values Life above all things - if it is their children - and Lives in constant Fear as to what will happen to their Loved Ones, without using the political tools available on Earth to ensure that all Life is Valued and protected, which will bring an end to the fear they harbor for losing their Loved Ones to some horror, which was born out of the horror allowed in the Lives of more than Half the world population.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that everything I have accepted in this world must be a lie, as it is NOT supporting Life as the Only REAL Value.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Life as Value IN THIS reality is the Only LIFE that is certain, and therefore no HEREAFTER must influence or play a role in decision making when it comes to creating a world that Values Life Equally for All in All Ways from Birth to Death.
I commit myself to show that to have Loved Ones that are more Loved than the Lives of other beings, makes my Love destructive and fear-based.
I commit myself to show that placing value in possessions, and money, and feelings will only continue to produce a world of Horror for many - and that the act of securing my Life with money is Equal as an act of War against the Value of Life for all Equally.
I commit myself to show that this world is produced and perpetuated by the parents training New Children to follow in their footsteps of allowed abuse.
I commit myself to show that the solution has always been known and obvious, but never applied as Giving actually as you would like to Receive.
I commit myself to show that inner-change without immediate outer-change is a Lie. If you change Inside, you will immediately change who you are Outside in this World – and this is the Real Key to Confirm that Inner-Change was actually Real.
I commit myself to promote the study of history so that each one may see that we have never learned anything from history.
I commit myself to show that Parental Love is the cause of World Horror as parental love is born from Parental Fear.
I commit myself to show that the Lie in this world is what is Believed as Real in the Mind, while that which is Really Real, exists WITHOUT the Mind even being aware of it or Valuing it.
Monday 28 May 2012
Day 44: In the Name of Love
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be WILLING to see that the SINS of the fathers are being visited upon the children from generation to generation and that this visiting is also a visit the planet Earth pays for dearly – all in the name of Love for profit and self-interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that parenting has been accepted as a job and career, which a parent needs no training as if it is an inborn skill, regardless of the fact that the most important job that exists on planet Earth is the education of the New Generation that is being contaminated generation after generation by the previous generation regardless of the fact that this atrocity is known to all humans, yet nothing is done to stop this obvious child abuse that leads to Life on the planet abuse.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the parent would force the child to learn patterns of behaviour and speech as early as possible, patterned on the patterns that have been proven by history to not be in the best interest of Humanity or Earth - and yet no effort is made at any level to stop this abuse, and in fact the right of the parent to visit the sins of the fathers on the children is seen as a right that may not be challenged, as God apparently gave the parent the right to ownership over the child to do whatever the parent sees fit for the child – regardless of the fact that the result of patterns taught can be measured and thus much of the outcomes of a human Life can be patterned to greatness and equality, yet the pattern used is fear that is programmed into the body to a level of physical addiction that repeats itself as personality that gives the parent great joy to see themselves MIRRORED in their children.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that any form of religious indoctrination that the parent impose on the child is conveniently protected under freedom of speech, allowing the freedom to abuse not only the New Children but also the planet – regardless of the fact that the consequences are known, just because it fits unscrupulous business, political and religious leaders and allows them free reign to feed off the terror and fear programmed into the human generation after generation, so that no possibility exists to bring a world that is best for all Life that will expose abusive leadership and stop the intentional spreading of rumours and lies purely to protect power and profit.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the belief that the human is irrational and dangerous in nature is programmed into every new child in the irrational and dangerous environment of the home, where parents impose their mental disease of fear and faith on the next generation just to feel some power in a world where all power has been given to a system of money and profit.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the right to Life on Earth has been compromised by the irrational faith placed in some higher force that apparently knows what it is doing, absolving the parent to allow the sins of the fathers to be visited upon the children generation after generation with full knowledge that this is happening.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that branding has made the parent into extensions of the corporations that make sure the children will be the consumers that this system requires to continue its rule of Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that through the idea of free choice, the corporation can defer responsibility to the individual by saying that you must read the label and when you chose to use a product full knowing the consequence, it is your responsibility – regardless to the fact that physical addiction will force the person to use the products that have universal content like sugar, that is abusive to the physical body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the damage done to a child to become an insufficient, irrational adult is not done to the mind, but through the MIND into the physical as a permanent, chemically induced, infused bodily response pattern hidden behind thought and words visible as behaviour, beliefs, fears, mannerisms, thoughts, secret thought, desires, all exactly in similar patterns to what exists in the parent – that is why the metaphor says: like father like son. The Desteni Portal allowed for the total reinvestigation of all things to see direct with cross-reference how reality actually functions and those with some regard for Life left in them should pay very close attention.
I commit myself to show that the generational damage parenting inflict on Life is KNOWN, yet accepted, allowed and justified.
I commit myself to make sure parenting becomes that which will protect and honour Life as the Only Real Value in the Universe.
I commit myself to show that history is the evidence that parenting has never been in the best interest of a child on Earth, and that the parent has always abused authority to produce the child as a copy of the parent that repeats the same abusive patterns with feeble justifications like it’s God’s Will or that it’s is just Human Nature.
I commit myself to show that religion is never in the best interest of the Child or life and that religion should be banned as the abusive atrocity it is. The evidence of religion abuse is written in history in genocidal, catastrophic proportions done by every nation at some stage.
I commit myself to show that Leadership should be based on directing the system on Earth towards effectiveness and perfection and that the responsibility of Leaders is towards the Children, and the planet first – as they cannot protect themselves from Abuse.
I commit myself to show that NO God ever intervened in the affairs of mankind and only examples were left that are the obvious solutions to produce a world that is best for all – like the Jesus message. Instead, the Jesus message has been bastardized to the Satanic ritual based on blood offerings to feed on the superstitious parents forced into the psyche of children in many ways to entertain the parental self-interest.
I commit myself to show that BRANDING is a form of FARMING the corporations and politicians use to claim their ownership over the consumer to ensure profit with no regard to what is best for Life, while the only BRAND of real value on Earth is Life.
I commit myself to show that FREE choice should be the act by each human to ensure the FREEDOM from FEAR, superstition and suffering. Any other application of choice that causes some to not be equally free in support is NOT FREE CHOICE.
I commit myself to show that psychology and psychiatry have not understood the creation of personality and behaviour yet, as to the extent that it is infused as physical conditioning, and not mental conditioning – and that the subconscious and unconscious mind is in fact a physical condition that is embodied as human.
I commit myself to share that the Heaven’s Journey to Life Blogs should be one of the educational experience one should grant yourself to understand the step by step condition you are subjected to on Earth. READ IT ALOUD DAILY.
I commit myself to remind each Leader that weekly, up to 5 hours of recordings are released to explain every facet of Creation in detail, which will accumulate to over 1000 hours a year. This is in great detail with MANY FREE downloads to assist you. Do not deny yourself this gift!
* Heaven’s Journey to Life Blog is written daily in REAL time as evidence to the direct access the portal has to how THINGS REALLY FUNCTION in support of a WORLD that is best for all Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that parenting has been accepted as a job and career, which a parent needs no training as if it is an inborn skill, regardless of the fact that the most important job that exists on planet Earth is the education of the New Generation that is being contaminated generation after generation by the previous generation regardless of the fact that this atrocity is known to all humans, yet nothing is done to stop this obvious child abuse that leads to Life on the planet abuse.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the parent would force the child to learn patterns of behaviour and speech as early as possible, patterned on the patterns that have been proven by history to not be in the best interest of Humanity or Earth - and yet no effort is made at any level to stop this abuse, and in fact the right of the parent to visit the sins of the fathers on the children is seen as a right that may not be challenged, as God apparently gave the parent the right to ownership over the child to do whatever the parent sees fit for the child – regardless of the fact that the result of patterns taught can be measured and thus much of the outcomes of a human Life can be patterned to greatness and equality, yet the pattern used is fear that is programmed into the body to a level of physical addiction that repeats itself as personality that gives the parent great joy to see themselves MIRRORED in their children.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that any form of religious indoctrination that the parent impose on the child is conveniently protected under freedom of speech, allowing the freedom to abuse not only the New Children but also the planet – regardless of the fact that the consequences are known, just because it fits unscrupulous business, political and religious leaders and allows them free reign to feed off the terror and fear programmed into the human generation after generation, so that no possibility exists to bring a world that is best for all Life that will expose abusive leadership and stop the intentional spreading of rumours and lies purely to protect power and profit.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the belief that the human is irrational and dangerous in nature is programmed into every new child in the irrational and dangerous environment of the home, where parents impose their mental disease of fear and faith on the next generation just to feel some power in a world where all power has been given to a system of money and profit.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the right to Life on Earth has been compromised by the irrational faith placed in some higher force that apparently knows what it is doing, absolving the parent to allow the sins of the fathers to be visited upon the children generation after generation with full knowledge that this is happening.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that branding has made the parent into extensions of the corporations that make sure the children will be the consumers that this system requires to continue its rule of Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that through the idea of free choice, the corporation can defer responsibility to the individual by saying that you must read the label and when you chose to use a product full knowing the consequence, it is your responsibility – regardless to the fact that physical addiction will force the person to use the products that have universal content like sugar, that is abusive to the physical body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the damage done to a child to become an insufficient, irrational adult is not done to the mind, but through the MIND into the physical as a permanent, chemically induced, infused bodily response pattern hidden behind thought and words visible as behaviour, beliefs, fears, mannerisms, thoughts, secret thought, desires, all exactly in similar patterns to what exists in the parent – that is why the metaphor says: like father like son. The Desteni Portal allowed for the total reinvestigation of all things to see direct with cross-reference how reality actually functions and those with some regard for Life left in them should pay very close attention.
I commit myself to show that the generational damage parenting inflict on Life is KNOWN, yet accepted, allowed and justified.
I commit myself to make sure parenting becomes that which will protect and honour Life as the Only Real Value in the Universe.
I commit myself to show that history is the evidence that parenting has never been in the best interest of a child on Earth, and that the parent has always abused authority to produce the child as a copy of the parent that repeats the same abusive patterns with feeble justifications like it’s God’s Will or that it’s is just Human Nature.
I commit myself to show that religion is never in the best interest of the Child or life and that religion should be banned as the abusive atrocity it is. The evidence of religion abuse is written in history in genocidal, catastrophic proportions done by every nation at some stage.
I commit myself to show that Leadership should be based on directing the system on Earth towards effectiveness and perfection and that the responsibility of Leaders is towards the Children, and the planet first – as they cannot protect themselves from Abuse.
I commit myself to show that NO God ever intervened in the affairs of mankind and only examples were left that are the obvious solutions to produce a world that is best for all – like the Jesus message. Instead, the Jesus message has been bastardized to the Satanic ritual based on blood offerings to feed on the superstitious parents forced into the psyche of children in many ways to entertain the parental self-interest.
I commit myself to show that BRANDING is a form of FARMING the corporations and politicians use to claim their ownership over the consumer to ensure profit with no regard to what is best for Life, while the only BRAND of real value on Earth is Life.
I commit myself to show that FREE choice should be the act by each human to ensure the FREEDOM from FEAR, superstition and suffering. Any other application of choice that causes some to not be equally free in support is NOT FREE CHOICE.
I commit myself to show that psychology and psychiatry have not understood the creation of personality and behaviour yet, as to the extent that it is infused as physical conditioning, and not mental conditioning – and that the subconscious and unconscious mind is in fact a physical condition that is embodied as human.
I commit myself to share that the Heaven’s Journey to Life Blogs should be one of the educational experience one should grant yourself to understand the step by step condition you are subjected to on Earth. READ IT ALOUD DAILY.
I commit myself to remind each Leader that weekly, up to 5 hours of recordings are released to explain every facet of Creation in detail, which will accumulate to over 1000 hours a year. This is in great detail with MANY FREE downloads to assist you. Do not deny yourself this gift!
* Heaven’s Journey to Life Blog is written daily in REAL time as evidence to the direct access the portal has to how THINGS REALLY FUNCTION in support of a WORLD that is best for all Life.
Sunday 27 May 2012
Day 43: Parenting Patterning Fear and Control
* View The Trap and The Century of the Self
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all/most patterns of fear and control that end up as physical addiction in a child’s body in response patterns, are the result of the ignorance of parents mixed with the parents’ desire for survival and happiness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a baby as a new life arrival on Earth is the most delicate thing imaginable, and that the parent is the grossest thing imaginable – and when you mix the two, the child will become a copy of the patterns of the parent, even if the child as adult tries to prevent it, as NOTHING is understood about the process of becoming of the human body, and only the MIND is considered in education, while the body is superior in every way in its ability to MIMIC and copy patterns.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what the human eye and perception observes, does not serve any understanding of what really happens in the human body as it learns at quantum speed to become the copy of generations that came before. (see videos on slow motion photography of the human body in movement)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the child in the womb will copy all the patterns of the parent in food, emotion and beingness to eventually end up Living it in later Life as the accepted and allowed self, WITHOUT realizing it was COPIED and thus programmed by the PARENT.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the stage of pregnancy is a VITAL stage in preparing the child as Living Word, through being the space and time breath by breath as the Living Word as Life that will give the child to be born a sound foundation as Life, and that the environment within which the birth from conception is incubated, must be in every way without stress, emotion, fear or any pattern that can be copied to the disadvantage of the child.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that each child always enters the world as it is accepted and allowed, and end up as a product of the world through the parents, and thus unless the world changes to what is best for all Life, no child will get the opportunity to be Life - as on Earth, Life is only ever abused in the name of self-interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the natural learning ability of the human is NOT THE MIND, but is the body - and that this is understood by education , yet NO ATTEMPT is made to create an environment on Earth to optimize the natural learning ability of the human to create a world that is best for all Life. Instead, the parents will pattern in fear and control as self-interest, as competition, and cunningness to survive as a parent understands that the world system DOES NOT SUPPORT LIFE EQUALLY, yet the parent is SO DISHONEST and DISHONORED that NO change that is REAL is ever ATTEMPTED.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that psychology studied HUMAN BEHAVIOR, which is child patterning, by the parent - to OPTIMIZE the patterns for the profit of corporations and politicians WITHOUT ANY integrity or regards for Life – driving the world ever more into control through self-interest, devastating the natural world in the name of the self that was created by irrational parents because NO PARENT has a clue how anything functions as life, only self-interest is served as God in every way justified to make it sound acceptable.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the education of the new born child is in the behavior and way of Life of the parent and that only breath stability as life will produce a child that will change the world to a place worth Living.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every emotion, action, word, pattern produces in the child a chemical response that is associated with a feeling-experience - and that the parent will seek the patterns that the child responds to in a way where the parent feel is in control, and then the parent will call this the personality development of the child, while it is in fact the creation of a chemical dependency in the child’s body that produces a feeling, which as a feeling will play the major decisive role in regards to what the child will become as the New Adult will make decisions and create the world based on the feelings they are addicted to, and even create more chemical responses of greater feelings by training the body to produce chemicals that eventually will lead some adults to become gurus, masters, lightworkers, successful people all based on feelings created by an addicted body - though the mind will get all the honor, while the mind is not the real Creator of the feelings.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the key to a new world is the parent, in producing a new human with understanding how the physical body really works.
I commit myself to explain in detail how the physical addictions to feelings created by parents, determines the nature of the world as the nature of the human, addicted to chemicals produced for the purpose of control.
I commit myself to show that the corporation is just an extension of the parenting pattern that takes advantage of the physical addictions to feelings created by the parent purely for self-interest and profit.
I commit myself to show that education and parenting on Earth is completely inadequate and will keep on producing a world in peril, till the way things really work as life in the physical is understood.
I commit myself to the research that will establish the clear way to produce a physical world, as the children to be born that will produce a world that is best for all Life, and I ask the reader to support this research in every way possible and to participate in the 7 Year Process to Life to assist yourself through physical writing in the healing of the physical body and the ending of the physical addictions to feelings that do NOT serve Life at all.
I commit myself to show that any pattern can only be deleted through self-forgiveness as a physical action of writing and speaking breath by breath in the movement of its appearance in you as a feeling and effect, as the patterns are layered in space and time as a cross, and therefore it will take time - as a minimum of 7 years - to face breath by breath every chemical memory – moment by moment – till you have corrected the first 7 years of your Life; whereafter, the process of recreation may begin if you have cleared all patterns. If you have not cleared all patterns, obviously it will take longer than 7 years, and in this each human is unique, as the chemical compositions in space/time that created your personality addictions happened to you as a child alone in isolation with your parents to give the illusion of your unique self, yet all that actually happened is that your behavior was controlled through chemicals. In psychiatry this is taken to the next step: to create stability where the body chemicals are not stable, another chemical is introduced to keep behavior stable without any understanding to how the behavior was created in the first place, ending up with human abuse management instead of the eradication of this abusive patterns through corrective action and the prevention of the child abuse that is currently called parental education.
I commit myself to the establishment of parenting skills that will produce a child free from chemical addiction able to recognize Life and producing a world that is best for all Life.
Saturday 26 May 2012
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I sit, walk, sleep, work on Earth – breathing – WITHOUT participating in my MIND, NO FEAR EXISTS.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I engage THOUGHT, it acts like GOD and fear emerges as make believe concepts and ideas I make myself believe till I am scared. Essentially, I create my fear and then am afraid of my own creation – such a powerful being I am – yet it all happens ONLY IN MY HEAD, ALONE and when I can transfer MY FEAR to another HEAD, through talking, or writing, or examples or pictures - it remains IN MY HEAD alone, MY FEAR ONLY.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that ANY FEAR projection through media, any media that generates FEAR without a solution or FEAR to stimulate specific behavior in The Group of Humanity, is a Criminal Act as it intends control of the many for the benefit of the few.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that psychology is NOT about the Mental Health of the Human, it is about the Mental Hell of the Human, as math is compelling – the more patients, the more money, the richer the psychologists become.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that journalists do not assist the Human Race with integrity - the journalist looks for fear to induce adrenaline, to which the Human Body is addicted, for the sole purpose of profit. These acts make journalism as a group one of the great Crime Mafias in committing atrocities against Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that television is designed to take the best advantage of the fear patterns and the physical response the human body has to fear, to maximize control and profit, as the human psyche is NOT understood at all – therefore, the invention of control, to keep the human caged while feeding it sugar like Love, to keep it occupied and high till Death.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Human can be made to believe anything, as the images can be induced in the mind, copied by the Human, to play as a Life Drama - to such an extent that the Human will believe the event actually takes place, ending up talking about it as Real, while in fact, it only happened in the Mind – like in a dream – so real that the Dreamer is convinced. Yet, the real physical is NOT considered, and because the Human is so fearfully gullible, the media – the My Day – is used for control, to extend the educational control of the family, daily, to make sure the DREAM continues, producing profit for the few, and containment for the many – by THEIR FREE choice.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that anxiety is the experience of being shit-scared for your own fear – produced for yourself, by yourself – for the reason of scaring yourself to make or not make a decision, so that you can have an excuse as reason why you did NOTHING in spite of the evidence that one should act.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that fear is now so automated as a system, that no one can remember what started it and no one cares - because a good scare gives a physical response, a physical high, so as to get Drugs for Free – just by producing your own Fear is Heaven on Earth.
I commit myself to show that Breathing Here without using the MIND, being physical – will show how fear is a MIND JOB based on a physical addiction to the body response to the fear.
I commit myself to show that the Power of the MIND is the ability to create your own ILLUSION, and that the consequence to Earth and the Physical Flesh is not understood, but used for something as INSIDIOUS as Profit and Control of Behavior.
I commit myself to show that media is the extension of control for Profit that holds NO benefit to Life at all, but only feeds images of Fear as a constant stream to control the buying pattern of the human race – to keep the few wealthy and the man in Fear.
I commit myself to show that individuality based on the image in the MIND as personality is always defined by Fear, and Never anything that can be trusted.
I commit myself to show that the positive feeling in the mind is always the nice view of Fear, reacting to the addiction to Fear - and that the Mental Denial of Fear allows a free flow of the physical addiction to Fear, that keeps the physical feeling of the High Produced by the body in response to the Fear, and is then labeled as Love, or Light, or Meditation as Feeling – which only exists as a chemical response interpreted by the mind in ways to make sure the chemical addiction is satisfied.
I commit myself to show that psychologists are addicted to the same bodily responses that create feelings of well-being, that are responses NOT understood and analyzed in isolation from the body, caused to never really heal anyone, as psychology is the response to a society that seeks ways to deny the reality of the self-created fears that have dominated all known history.
I commit myself to show that media and journalism only feed on words that produce fear, as these words are consumed by the consumer to feed their addiction of the physical body to the body responses that are the way the world as Life has been accepted, junkies at Life, seeking the next high, regardless to the consequence to Life.
I commit myself to show that the body is always in agony due to the Mind feeding on it in various response patterns, forcing the body to produce chemicals in many ways to keep the experience of the Mind Bubble to NOT see reality – producing, just like with the use of drugs, a dreamlike state - while calling the dream of the mind real, and calling the physical that is real, a dream.
I commit myself to show that all the mind induced Dream states that create excitement are used by unscrupulous people that have no intent to produce a world that is Best for All Life, they are only interested in Profit to produce a Life for themselves in self-interest that will ensure their Illusion to be the Best Trip Ever.
I commit myself to show that all Fear in all ways is always Self-Produced in the Mind, and Self-Believed as real – as that ensures that the body will produce the chemical substances of addiction the person has been exposed to since childhood, as the patterns the parent induced to get absolute control over the child so that the child will be occupied to not interfere in the Addictive Occupation of the Adult.
I commit myself to show that the Human Race is yet to Wake Up and that all Mind Jobs of Self-Realization are just ways used to find a better chemical producer by the Flesh on which to continue the High of the Addiction called Personality/Individuality. It is like the Robbing of the physical flesh of its resources, as constant raping of Life, just to have Feeling – like being on Drugs.
I commit myself to show that these Addictions to substances is all the Human has ever been - and that at the moment, few will have the resolve to Break the Addictions. Fortunately, Death ends this – but, what is visited upon the children, generation after generation, is atrocities of magnitudes yet to be Realized.
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Day 33: Peace of Mind – Mind in Pieces
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that unless every piece of my mind is a peace with each other and with life, the conflict I have defined as my right to opinion will result inevitably in a world at war in all facets of society - emerging as competition, manipulation, deception, abuse and actual war - as the fear allowed in the mind for justified survival, determines the fabric of society at large.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is in what I allow in the small actions as words, thoughts and deeds - breath by breath - where I determine the large picture of Life on Earth.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every piece of my mind must be at peace, and that it can only be at peace if I have practically aligned every piece of my mind to what is best for all Life, as that would remove my fear of survival, but only if I can bring myself to realize that my fear of trusting my fellow human is the source fear my fellow human has of trusting me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is in the SMALL, the seemingly menial meaningless, that the big picture is pieced together – either as equality and peace, or inequality and war.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that UNLESS I take my mind as accepted now APART, piece by piece, to understand HOW I have put it together and then put it together in AWARENESS, so that which represents peace on Earth - peace on Earth will remain impossible.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that taking my mind apart piece by piece in self-honesty to understand how I created myself, will take a minimum of 7 years - and that the Journey to Nothingness, to Life, in piecing myself back together again as what is best for all Life, will take at least another 7 years – and that the longer I wait to take action to restore Life to myself and Earth, the longer the process to Life will take and the greater the consequence will be that I and humanity will have to face.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is in the small allowances, like: the spoken word, a written word, a corporate action somewhere in the world, an abusive family, a child starving in a world of plenty, that I create the consequence for me, my children, my neighbour, and my world – and that only through actual self-change that reflects in the world, can I change the world, and prevent some of the consequences.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have accepted men and women as Leaders in the world based on my dishonesty and inadequacy, without realizing that this would place Leaders in the world in the image and likeness of how I am in my mind - and that complaining about it is useless, as it will only fuels conflict within myself and prevents me from taking the action necessary to actually change myself to the state where I will be able to contribute practically to change the world to what is best for me as Life, and best for all as Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that using economic systems based on debt, when resources are given freely by the planet, will result in a mind that lives in debt - and that the mind will align itself to survival and inequality that will result in inner-conflict and outer war, as resources will be valued instead of Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by creating a fake space of inner-peace for myself by separating myself from the world, will give more power to abuse and will make me absolutely inadequate to ever be Life - as I will be unable to be Life in all dimensions by directing the laws of each dimension to what is best for all Life - and thus, in my fakeness of spirit, I will confirm that I cannot be trusted with the responsibility as Life and for Life.
I commit myself to show that opinion is always the result of a mind in pieces, where oneness does not in fact exist, and which will result in a world that will never be at peace.
I commit myself to show that the creative power on Earth is in thought, word and deed – and if that is not aligned: the what is best for all Life as one Life on One Planet, the word will fall to pieces.
I commit myself to show that structural resonance alignment is the practical way, with support, where the mind is deconstructed piece by piece to be understood, so as to eventually be put back together again, piece by piece – to what is best for all Life - and that any resistance or postponement to consistently participate, indicates a lack of compassion and disciplined dedication to Life that will have consequences for all.
I commit myself to show that the world as a prison is a result of the imprisoned self as Life, in pieces in the mind, without a peace that reflects in every daily action in the world.
I commit myself to show that desire without measurable appropriate action, resulting in what is best for all Life, is like farting in the mind.
I commit myself to show that the smallest measure on Earth, which is one breath at a time, is all that any human can direct and manage – and that it is in these small measures that the world has been created to the state it is in now, and that it will be with these small measures that we will have to change the world one by one – till the oneness and equality of Life is in fact here, and only then will the prison of fear be at an end, and all Life will be free.
I commit myself to show that that which was put together breath by breath in self-interest, must be deconstructed breath by breath within awareness and responsible self-honesty – before it can be put together again breath by breath with Life-Awareness – before peace on Earth will be possible, and that this is the practical real way of rebirthing oneself to Life and actual real awareness.
I commit myself to show why the process to Peace on Earth will only be possible as a practical solution and a Labour of Love and dedication through daily breath by breath application that will take a minimum of 14 years per individual human - and as example, there is already evidence of the change of those that have been walking this practical process for years. To deny this evidence is to deny yourself Life and is to allow that which is illusion to consume you till what you have squandered as the gift of Life is returned to its origin as dust.
Friday 25 May 2012
Day 41: Spiritual Poverty of Love and Light
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that poverty exists because the humans with wealth have no Life Integrity – and use only Wealth Integrity which justifies the existence of Haves and Have-Nots in spite of all resources being given FREE by Earth and Nature.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that with accepting the money system as it exists, money has become the power which decides who is wealthy and who is poor.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that with money being the root of all evil on Earth, equalizing money as a Life-Based Value System, evil will be converted and transformed to good.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the poor cannot HELP themselves as the system requires capital to create opportunity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the wealthy deliberately HORD money out of fear of being poor and find ways to justify why poverty exists - in the ultimate say that it is God’s Will when it Is actually Man’s Will.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the wealthy use money to separate themselves from the poor through the homes and goods that are fenced to keep the poor out. In this, who are the caged ones on Earth, the poor or the wealthy?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within making goods cheaper and more affordable, more people lose jobs and the jobless become the poor, as even their labor cannot produce capital.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the wealthy use religion to enslave the poor with the hope that God will show mercy on the poor, while it is man that must become merciful and share what the planet produces for FREE.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to be poor is to be without power, hopeless and helpless – under constant stress that causes Life expectancy to drop and is thus a form of TORTUROUS MURDER that is justified by those with money.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those that hold the key to a world that will be best for Life, is the people with money.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that poverty is the result of the generational acceptances of the way the world works that has been passed on from parents to children, placing the integrity of all parents in the world in question.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that no person on Earth can claim themselves to be good and loving if they have any money with which they can protect themselves from the reality of poverty.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all organizations that pretend to help the poor are run and managed by the rich, only to protect their self-interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the money spent on entertaining those with money, can feed the world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the money spent on war protecting those with money, can feed the world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if you have money and do nothing to bring a system of equality that is best for all life, YOU ARE THE CAUSE FOR ALL ABUSE ON EARTH.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that NO spiritual wisdom is actual wisdom as long as poverty, which can be changed, exists in the world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that labor is worth nothing, if there are NO JOBS.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only ownership that is real and equal for all is Life, yet this is not recognized as poverty proves.
I commit myself to question the integrity of those with money that protect themselves against poverty till they realize they create poverty in the first place and what they fear is their OWN DEMON.
I commit myself to show how money determines choice and the right to Life.
I commit myself to show that having money in the world is EVIL in fact.
I commit myself to show that capital is just a way used to exclude the many for the benefit of the few, to make enormous profits and live in gluttony.
I commit myself to show that religion is without integrity and is only a tool used by those with money to justify why they may have a good life while so many have NO access to Life Support. Religion has made God EVIL.
I commit myself to penetrate the fences behind which the wealthy hide their greed till they wake up and take responsibility for what is being created Here on Earth.
I commit myself to show how dishonest those are that claimed they worked for their money and the poor must find a job, when there are NO jobs available, confirming that hard work is only the excuse of those without integrity.
I commit myself to show that those great, good-hearted souls that seek to make things cheaper so that more can afford it, are in fact attempting to capture the market out of greed and in this way reduce jobs, creating more poor people.
I commit myself to free the human from the slavery of religion.
I commit myself to show that poverty is MURDER.
I commit myself to call on those with money to open their hearts for Life.
I commit myself to call on parents to not teach their children the sins of the fathers of which the acceptance of poverty is a SIN.
I commit myself to call on the loving and good to investigate all things and explain to themselves how they are able to accept the evil of poverty while claiming they are good. They are reducing Love to Evil.
I commit myself to insist that all world organizations that are here to help the poor should be managed by poor people, as they understand the problem better.
I commit myself to call on all entertainers to strike till poverty is solved.
I commit myself to call on all soldiers to realize that war is murder, as no form of killing is ever justified.
I commit myself to call on all spiritual people to investigate what SPIRIT THEY allow inside them that allows poverty to exist in the world.
I commit myself to show that only Life is real ownership and worth anything.
I commit myself to show that those that allow and accept poverty on Earth, are poor in spirit, which NO amount of Love and Light can ever reclaim.
I commit myself to show that Love and Light is the Greatest Evil every visited upon the Earth and Life.
Thursday 24 May 2012
Day 40: Thoughts Create Life!
* Watch The Trap and The Century of the Self
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a tree is not thinking, yet it is Life and gives Life, as we as humans cannot exist without it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that animals do not think, yet they Live.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Earth and the Universe are not created from thoughts, and yet they are what make Life possible.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a child is born without being able to think and only learn that through years of influence till an energy-body is created as part of the physical.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what is of real value, which is life, has nothing to do with thought.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only the human’s ability to lie and deceive is the unique dominion of thought in which domain the self-interest of separation exists.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Creation of the human that SPAWNED from thought, always has an undercurrent of deception and self-interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those that teach mind-power and Law of Attraction do so NOT to SUPPORT Life, but to make money and serve ABUSE in favour of self-interest.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the world system that is a failed system, was created by thoughts - while the physical world, which is a successful system, functions WITHOUT thoughts or the MIND.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that thought and the MIND ONLY creates ILLUSION and only that which is NOT real will value thought, OPINION and a free MIND.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that thought as human personality is destroying that which is real as THE TRUE LIVING BEINGS.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that parents and the community infect children with the same DISEASE as thought that destroys Life WTHOUT even understanding HOW THOUGHT functions, where it comes from – without regard for the DEVASTATION this thought-disease causes.
I commit myself to call on ALL Living Bodies to realize the disease of thought and to Live themselves within Living Words as Life with Self-Forgiveness in Self-Honesty.
I commit myself to support those Living Bodies that with Self-Honesty take on the disease of thought till they are cured and are Life Eternal.
I commit myself to present solutions that will support Life and expose thought for the disease it is.
I commit myself to show how money has become a tool of thought vested in deception, dishonesty, greed and is a weapon with which to kill Life.
I commit myself to show that thought is a weapon of war which manifests as competition, comparison, fear, hate, love and all versions of energy for the sole purpose of the self-interest of thoughts and SURVIVAL no matter what the result for Real Life.
I commit myself to show that the soul is a vehicle created by thought that always remains subject to energy as thoughts are a body of energy which feeds like a parasite on Living Matter till ALL matter is consumed.
I commit myself to knock on the door of those trapped in the deception of thought till they WAKE UP and redeem themselves.
I commit myself to remind ALL THINKERS that thought DO NOT continue after death and UNLESS the ABUSE through THOUGHT as false GOD is stopped, the THINKER WILL END.
I commit myself to remind each thinker that you are aware that this message is true, and that you cannot trust thought, and therefore there will be NO excuse and NO forgiveness for those that continue ABUSE.
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