Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 18: Dementia – The Rotten Child Syndrome

For context watch the Series of Adam Curtis – THE TRAP

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the manipulation of children at home by Parents through a Reward System to train children to only respond to Rewards as the Desire for Rewards and not on the integrity of principles that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Refuse to see that the child will Resonantly accumulate the Pattern of reward and in many cases learn that they can manipulate the Parent through tantrums, and force the Parent to stop the tantrum through Rewards based on compromise which result in a spoiled child without principles, included on manipulation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that the Reward System spoil education of the child in teaching survival skills that result in the Statement: The Child is Spoilt ROTTEN.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that a ROTTEN child will be a ROTTEN Adult that will take the skills learned at Home to manipulate other for Success and Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that Capitalism and Consumerism is the Result of the ROTTEN Child Syndrome where the ROTTEN adult will use Rewards of Money of Profit to accumulate Wealth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that Corporations have Profited from the Rotten Child/Adult pattern with Regular Promised Savings as a Reward System for Loyalty, and that the Pattern installed by Parents in the first seven years of the Life of a child will determine the Pattern within which the child will Participate either to Receive Rewards or to manipulate with Rewards.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have Failed to See that the Law of Attraction is such a Reward System where the Proponents of the LOA use manipulation through various fears like the fear of loss to get people to participate in the Hope of Future Rewards, and that Consistency is achieved through the promise that Rewards will only come through Consistency while no effort is made to change the System to what is Best for All Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the Market, Sales and Job Market all follow the Reward System installed by Parents in children in early childhood which leads to and led to a Society on Earth that is essentially Rotten to the Core

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the distrust and Betrayal inherent to the Human Race, was programmed in at Home by Parents - not trained to be Parents - using methods that give control over children resulting in the Rotten Child/Adult Patterns that is Now the Basis of our World System

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that all Vocabulary has been manipulated to justify and present the Parenting Pattern that Result in the Rotten Child/Adult Syndrome to sound justified and acceptable -- because it produces a result that Motivates People/Children to Move. Yet no Integrity Remains, No Principles remains - which is why half the World is in Poverty while those with the Money, Control and Power feel no Remorse or compassion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have Failed to see that charity is the justification of the Rotten Child Syndrome where the child was pacified when a tantrum happened with a Reward -- making Poverty reduced to the class of tantrums of Lazy People that must get a small Reward through charity that will motivate them to do something for themselves, as the used justification which is also use as the ROTTEN definition of Compassion and Love.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have Failed to see that the Rotten Syndrome also caused Love to become Rotten to the Core, leaving a Society unable to give up what they Possess as they believe they EARNED it, as a REWARD and that it is equally available to all in spite of the evidence that it is not. Yet the Ones with the Rewards as wealth move without Principle and unable to create a Society that will work for all as they are Exclusive Elite Rotten to their Core psychologically and the Cause of Extreme abuse in spite of the Tantrum the World is throwing as Poverty and suffering.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have Failed to see that Parental Love as the Rotten Syndrome is the Reason why Love has failed as a solution for the World as those that Love, Refuse to do Self-Honest Introspection to understand the Patterns that Dictate and Motivate Decisions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the Game Theory of Self Interest towards fulfilment through Reward were in fact Based on the tried and tested Parental Control System through spoiling the child Rotten with Rewards, creating the Rotten Adult that now determine the Future of our World

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the System of Enslavement to Rewards instead of Principle was spawned through allowing Parents to bring children into the World without the skills to produce a Human that is worthy of Life – instead creating a Rotten World of extensive Personal and Public corruption, dishonesty and abuse

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the Education System of Reward and Competition is also based on the same Rotten Child Syndrome causing a Global Epidemic of Mental Instability with no understanding in the Professions of psychology, Education or Psychiatry or Science as the professional are all Products of the Rotten Child Reward System.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have Failed to see how Religion Profited from the Rotten Child Syndrome using the Reward System as the Forgiveness of Sins and the promise of Eternal Life to replace any possibility of Common Sense Principles within the acceptance that Human Nature is Rotten to the Core

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see how the Rotten Child Syndrome is at the core of modern day Sexual Insecurity and Promiscuity as the Reward of Pleasure became the Motivation of the drive to Self-Interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to see how human behaviour is in fact created at home by unskilled parents using unethical dishonest reward system to create the child’s nature which eventually become human nature as the group we call humanity.

I commit myself to present solutions to the education of parents to be the example and teacher of living principles that vale life and not rewards that life equal for all will be the only reward worthy of value.

I commit myself to research and prove that our society is formed through parents that lack the basic skills of life and that having children without proper training as a parent is in fact child abuse and life abuse that can only be accepted by a nature that is rotten to the core.

I commit myself to assist parents through effective methods to do self correction and to prepare themselves effectively for the children to be born.

I commit myself to assist with the creation of systems in psychology, psychiatry and basic education that will in fact understand the creation process of human nature that we can prevent mental instability and create a sound society that value life.

I commit myself to the formation through commonsense co-operation of a world system that value life. I commit myself to the proof of the game theory that will result in an effective society that will benefit all to such extent that greed will become meaningless.

I commit myself to the exposure of the total influence of the rotten child and rotten adult syndrome till it is no longer accepted as human nature.

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