Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 36: Heaven on Earth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the highest Heavens are no higher than the lowest foundation of Creation, as one Unit, as Universe, as One Sound, as the Unit of Sounds as the Living Word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize I am always equal and one with what I create and what I allow to be created, and what I accept as being created, and in this – I am always equal to the lowest part of the Universe as that which I call evil and fear, till I become equal with it as Creator and correct what I have allowed in every way measurable as this physical world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Earth as the Universe existed before Heaven, and that Earth created Heaven as that place where the dead go, not realize that it implies that Heaven will be the MIRROR of Earth and Earth will be the mirror of Heaven – as above, so below – as shown in the quantum physics that has thus far been taken for granted – and that the mind of man represents Heaven and the physical body represents Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the body is the Creator and energy provider for the mind, and that as long as the mind sees itself as more than the body, ego exists  - and that mess made of Creation will not be corrected.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to glorify the mind and demonize the body, not realizing that in so doing, I bedevilled any chance to ever be Life as I have separated myself from the real Creator – the Physical – into personalities of the mind, without ever investigating how things really work in self-honesty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make me believe that Earth is the dwelling place of Satan, while the only dweller on Earth is me as man, and that as such, I have correctly clarified man as the evil, yet I have made myself believe that the mind is the soul that must take me to heaven when I die – without ever once leaving my body for real to see what is really going on, on the other side.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Heaven on Earth is impossible as history depicts so well, and that unless I create Earth to be the New Earth where Life is valued equally, there will also be no Heaven, but one equal to what I have allowed Earth to become under my dominion as Image and Likeness of the Creator.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Old Earth, and Old Heaven, must pass away before a New Earth and a New Heaven is possible - and that unless I create this New Earth on principles of Life as equal value for all, I will never enter the New Earth, or the New Heaven - and will be the only one to blame, as I refused to consider that to be Life, I must Give Life Equally – as what is best for all Life, eternally – or I will not be Eternal Life.

I commit myself to show that mankind is its history repeating itself over and over again, without learning anything.

I commit myself to show that man is the evil that created Earth in the Image and Likeness of man without any consideration for Life – ever.

I commit myself to show that what awaits after death is equal to what is now on Earth, and unless man opens his Heart for those less fortunate and creates a reality of equality, death will be the greatest disaster ever faced.

I commit myself to remind man that the veil of death has not been lifted by science or religion, and that common sense reasoning should prevail to consider the consequences of what has been allowed to be created on Earth under the Dominion of Man.

I commit myself to show that Life as Given in the Image and Likeness of Creator as Dominion on Earth, has ever only been abused in self-interest of the ego MIND.

I commit myself to remind man that things will get progressively worse on Earth UNTIL man realizes that Creation must be corrected, breath by breath, which will take at the minimum 28 years if all man cooperate.

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