Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 31: The Secret of Breath

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the ‘who I am’ is the devil that is in the details.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle, than a person who values money or property to receive Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only through breath moving too slow for the mind, will the truth be revealed, whether I am Life, or whether I am Mind only.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I participate in breath by breath indicates ‘who I am’, and that this will determine who I will be at death, as the final breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that for instance what I like or dislike on YouTube will determine breath by breath ‘who I am’, and what I allow Earth to become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the world system as it exists today was formed and built by each participant as who we are in our actions or non-actions, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Earth provides the drama – breath by breath – to determine who will be Life and whom will be energy as self-interest for which the penalty: is death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the secret of Earth and birth is hidden in plain sight in the secret of breath. Wherein, the secret of ‘who I am’ is revealed in the small things I do, or do not do, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that trustworthiness as Life is reflected in the small actions taken every breath and that every excuse allowed in a breath, accumulates into support for abuse of Life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my body only exists as a unit or group of cells because, breath by breath, each cell directs itself to support me to realize how I create ‘who I am’ breath by breath, that I may realize and choose Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that through money I have made the decision to abdicate Life and honour quick-illusions, indicating through the use of money, who I really am, and why Life will never be available to those that value money above Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that creating the world, breath by breath, will look slow - because I have become addicted to the belief that energy creates fast results, when in fact, I created the energy-possession, also slowly – breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that time equals breath-by-breath, and that when I have ‘time fly by’ I am not breathing, in fact, and was subject to the illusion of energy-possession that removed me from the truth that gives me Life, as the physical – breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in the small actions, the big results happen, as demonstrated thought democracy - where one man/woman, as one vote, is cast to represent the group-decision that is participated in. And that through this, the future of the world is determined, represented as a vote, as one breath taken, on average – every 4 years – as a very small action with massive global implications.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the small, multiple thoughts that happen one-by-one in the mind, are the breaths of the mind that accumulate into a system that will energetically imprint in the flesh to control the direction at breath as body as flesh, and as such – indicate ‘who I am’ as thought, and ‘who I am’ as flesh, and ‘what I will do or not do’ as breath by breath, which will determine the future of Life on Earth as it has done for generations already.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the ‘who I am’ in thought, word and deed of a mother and father, will determine the ‘who I am’ of a new born baby, through the first seven years of the baby’s Life. And thus it is measurable to determine – through a measure of breath: the measure of Life or abuse a new arrival on Earth will become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Earth – through breath by breath – is in fact the test to determine what each being in the universe has chosen in the small things, the so-called menial-things. Do you choose ‘Life’ – proven breath by breath in the small things that create the big: or did you abdicate Life for the self-interested temptations of the mind, as feelings and emotions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being positive is a state of energy and not a state of Life as breath, and that the energy represents the false image I project onto the world as a breath by breath decision to not take responsibility for what is being created by the humans as group, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as the human race, each human represents a breath that accumulates as a group, so the ‘who we are’ as humans - indicated in greed, profit, sexual obsession, love obsession, poverty, rape, pornography, elitism, false images and all that’s now  in control the future of the world, is what we accept and allow, though I refused to take responsibility for Life on Earth, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that every word I write, speak or accept as part of ‘who I am’, determines ‘who I am’ and what I will create as Life on Earth, and if that is not represented as what is best for all Life on Earth, I will be held accountable as every breath counted, and the ‘who I am’ as breath in all that actually, really counted and created the world in all its measure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have abdicated my directive responsibility and action, breath by breath, to energy - by creating automated, energetic, justified, conscious actions to represent me as breath, using the energy as motivation and reason for movement without any actual awareness present, breath by breath – to check what I am accepting and allowing to be created by energy on Earth. Because I have not checked all breath by breath actions and the consequences: even though the consequences clearly show that Life has been replaced by energy, causing massive global abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I’ve abdicated responsible movement, breath by breath as Life – to the abuse of those possessed by emotions and feelings, wherein the possessed are motivated to promote their obsessive emotions and feelings to represent consistent ‘choice’, breath by breath – while those that see what really happens as the abuse, do not have the directive will and understanding to equalize the abusive choices through a proactive breath by breath visible-action, as the group as Life to result in the visible-support of Life. And, that the non-action of those that see – are allowing the abuse to proliferate, unchecked.

I commit myself to reveal the secret of breath as the secret of Life on Earth, as the secret of who I am as Life or not Life in every breath, till all grasp this secret and take action to stop all abuse breath by breath.

I commit myself to show how breath by breath is the equality equation that determines who I create myself to be - and that if I have created an abomination, I can stop and forgive myself and recreate myself to Life as Love, as I have breath left to accumulate, but when I reach my last breath, my time as opportunity is done, and my accumulation of who I have been as breath will determine what I will face as consequence – (see Life Review – free downloads)

I commit myself to show how love, energy, positive thinking and all states of mind possession contribute accumulatively in the creation of a world in peril.

I commit myself to remind those that stand up for Life that the small actions of supporting each other and those that rise from the ashes of their Lives, will determine who you are as Life. The small measures determine the big outcomes.

I commit myself to call on all to take a stand against abuse in the small ways possible, breath by breath, by reporting it so that the systems already in place can purify, and the abusers can learn that they will not get way with abuse.

I commit myself to show that one man, one vote is a democratic system, as the key to change the world to a place where Life once more will be valued.

I commit myself to develop assistance for every parent to be able to assist a new born child, breath by breath, with a sustainable example. Obviously parents will support their children best with daily written self-forgiveness at this stage in the 7 year process, and with reading aloud some of the blogs written by others walking the Journey to Life

I commit myself to show that choice exists in every breath as a choice that must be made with awareness as it accumulates into the world we all experience and live in.

I commit myself to demonstrate that Earth is the eye of the needle, where the I as need will determine who each one is in fact – slowly, breath by breath accumulating with the inevitable certainty the answer as ‘who I am’: whether it is Life or it is mind.

I commit myself to show that money can only support Life as Equal Money, where money is valued as Life, equally for all Life.

I commit myself to emphasize the importance of slow-movements, breath by breath, in establishing in every breath the foundation on Earth, that only values Life as the only real value that can be valued.

I commit myself to show that time as money does not value Life, and is only a tool in the hands of abusive greediness, and only has control over brainwashed fearfulness, where Life is not valued at all.

I commit myself to show that if specificity in every breath is not walked as best for all life, the result will cause the consequence of harm that will always return to the one that placed self-interest first till each one in every breath live what is best for all life and in this living establish life as equal for all on earth.

I commit myself to remind each one that we are all guests on Earth and we have abused the hospitality of Earth and created an Asylum and Hospital out of Earth searching for Feelings of energy in Self-interest. Earth will no longer tolerate the abuse and we as Humanity will now face our final our within which each one must decide who The I will be, Life or Self Interest. There is no one that can deny that deep inside this hour has always been expected.


  1. we need to hear this stuff, thanks!

  2. this is great, thanks for sharing, best support and simplicity.

  3. Thank you. We can save our world breath by breath, it is the only way.

  4. Thanks I find all this blogs as the way to life, I'm grateful of being able to read them and i'll promote them, so that as many people as possible can also read them and open the way to a new world.

  5. Thanks I find all this blogs as the way to life, I'm grateful of being able to read them and i'll promote them, so that as many people as possible can also read them and open the way to a new world.
