Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 35: Equal Money will Save the World

* For context, see The Trap and The Century of the Self – and vote on policies at

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that policies like Socialism and Capitalism form part of one economic system and represent just different branches of opinion in the current world economy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only a TOTAL New Economic System will actually change the world experience for everyone, and that shifts in policy in the current system are like a shift in control and wealth and thus make NO real fundamental difference in how the world currently functions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that democracy as it exists now in the world is not empowering the individual, it is only a permission process to legally give all power to a few people that do not hold the interest of the individual at heart - and if viewed as a picture-representation, it is like a human body where the cells are the individuals that vote and give all power to the mind to do whatever it wants, thus in fact creating a clear dictatorship where only the dictatorship is valued and the celliziens/citizen is ignored, but for their labor and money they provide.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in every democratic election, the citizen has no real say in what happens in a country, as only the policies are presented to be considered that will bring no fundamental change to the populace.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that an Equal Money System is the constitution of a Total New Value System where money is equal to Life - and each child born, each human, has equal value from Birth to Death – with equal Democratic participation voting on every policy directly, to constitute a real people’s government. Equal Money does not fit any category within the current system as money as equality will not be a resource, it will be a distribution system supporting each person as Life as value should be supported. It would be as God would support Life if God was involved in life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to equate liberty with wealth and freedom to spend money, as like in the current system - placing the value of money as more than Life, only allowing liberty to those with money like an exclusive club, protecting ownership and money, and not Life - to such a degree that wealth allowing death through starvation is NOT yet recognized as murder.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that ownership and wealth are in fact the result of fear that cause the fearful to deliberately destitute the poor, purely in self-interest, because the fearful elite do not expect any interference from God or any other authority to interfere in what happens on Earth, and thus without consequence, the choice of abuse becomes easily and readily made.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to reduce Life to opportunity in an economic system that functions like a casino, and have not allowed myself to realize that security is in the message of Jesus: give as you would like to receive. In reducing Life to opportunity and yet claiming Jesus as Saviour without application of the Jesus Message, has thus bastardized Jesus followers to become as evil as the root they embrace, money as opportunity. Let’s gamble and those that lose, lose their Lives.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that creating poverty through wealth is Tyranny.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to claim self-government - when in fact, only a few people in the pocket of the wealthy do all the governing, being supported by those that get wealthy out of the opportunity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that under a Capitalistic System, I become the image and likeness of the Devil, while under the Equal Money System, I become the image and likeness of God.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by winning the opportunity to be wealthy, I FORCE the losers to poverty and mediocrity, and then claim the Equality will force me to abandon my wealth - when I am the one forcing suffering, death and poverty onto the world through individual wealth, through control of property, and money  - causing me to have double standards of integrity and morality, serving only my self-interest and denying what is best for all Life. Thus, I refuse to see that the actions of a criminal and the treatment should be as equal as when I have criminalized the poor for stealing food for survival, while I as wealthy steal to kill my opponent and reduce their Life expectance to as little as possible, so that they may never challenge my Tyranny of the Wallet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to claim that success is the result of Capitalism, in fact confirming that success is the root of evil, as I claim that humans cannot move with integrity and need Capitalism to motivate movement. This, without me understanding and considering how human consciousness is programmed to result in what I claim is my free choice, with programming actually confirming that NO choice exists, as all choices were already made as the brainwashed design - you just decide if you like it or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to claim that I have busted my ass to get what I have as wealth, without giving any consideration to all the asses I busted in my claims to wealth; stepping on the many to carry the one, while the Tyrant as the Mind finds ways to justify why the success of wealth is Glory, when in fact it is Gory.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I strive for defines who I am , and when I strive for wealth based on money as the root of all Evil, I in fact confirm my own nature to be Evil – and that I then will justify why I may be wealthy as it is my choice, while others are poor as it is their choice, but I refuse to see I am in a system that deliberately keeps resources so limited that a large slave population is developed so that wealthy Tyrants can abuse the slaves while they lay in luxury, claiming it is their God Given Right.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to reduce myself to be subject to motivation through money to in fact Live and strive for a better Life, without realizing that in doing so I condemn me to outside forces of control, and will never be my own master as Life, as I cannot move myself as Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only real Initiary Force that will create a real system of support on Earth, is that which is given by the forces of nature - and that as such, the forces of nature control the nature of Life and movement, unless I try and control this for my own self-interest and force those I can control into poverty and suffering, making any system that is not based on what is best for all Life, the Initiary Force of abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a system of wealth and property rights is a system of control that is a form of protectionism where only some are protected against the others that do not have equal rights.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use my dreams of wealth and success to become the control that decides the fate of many through protecting the rights of the few as justified as a free choice opportunity, brainwashing even many of the poor into the hope that they may also one day Live the dream without me realize that I have in fact created a dream for me, but a nightmare for others without considering that an Equal System is in fact a shared dream, without any nightmare as side-effect.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that once an Equal System is in place, me as the wealthy will no longer have slaves whose Lives I can buy and will have to clean up after myself with my own two hands. This will force me to realize that I as the wealthy have only ever existed at the mercy of slaves and that I have abused the slaves without mercy and should not expect mercy when I never gave it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that suffering will only end with a Total New System of Equality, and that only those not suffering now will attempt to oppose the End of Suffering.

I commit myself to bring awareness that only a Total New System considering all Life Equally will solve the problems of the world.

I commit myself to show that acceptance of wealth and success with property rights, is in fact accepting responsibility for the suffering, and starvation and early death of the poor, and is as such an admission of guilt.

I commit myself to the Institution of Democracy as Government by the People, through the People, in fact - with NO authority abdicated to parliament or single Leaders, as that always leads to abuse.

I commit myself to a Total New Value System that only has one value as resources – Life.

I commit myself to the recognition of the crimes of wealth and ownership as the admission of pre-meditated murder and abuse to do grievous bodily and mental harm, so that morality and integrity may be restored to be values of Life and not profit.

I commit myself to the practical living and creation of a world based on the fundamental message of Jesus: to give as you would like to receive, to investigate all things and keep what is good and best, as the fundamental principle of Equality.

I commit myself to show, through common sense deduction, wherever abuse exists.

I commit myself to self-honest, self-forgiveness – as the process to Equality that all walk to become self-aware and self-responsible.

I commit myself to the end of the Tyranny of wealth and ownership.

I commit myself to never be subject to the motivation of outsides forces, but to always move as Life, as me, here – breath by breath.

I commit myself to end all evil in the world through the removal of all Inequality.

I strive in every moment for Life Lived in Excellence, by all Equally – from Birth to Death – in Magnificence; never again to be limited by limited ideas of Self-Interest.

I commit myself to restore Life to be the only acceptable nature of man on Earth.

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