Monday 30 April 2012

Day 16: Atheism Failed as Home for Reason?

Read all of this writing to gain context and answer the question for yourself if Jesus were not in fact been the First Atheist.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to consider Atheism as an alternative to the obvious fanatical irrationality of the ways of faith-religions that is patterning the world towards war, conflict, poverty and suffering when it shows that Atheism is equally bastardized by haters and fanaticism.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see Atheism be represented publicly by those that use Atheism as a label to attack society, religion, and family in spiteful and vengeful ways without presenting a common sense, reasonable solution to create a stable, peaceful and harmonious society – this can be seen in the comments of the Day 15 Blog which can be seen --here--, where the minority presents themselves as the voice of Atheism in less than reasonable ways, while the common sense majority of Atheists remain silent yet supportive of common sense as shown here in the original blog [Day 15: Who Am I? Prisoner of the Mind?] . This degrading of Atheism through just another religion, ruled through abuse and destructive irrationality in an attempt to generate fear being allowed by the majority of Atheists to represent them as a group, will certainly not lead to Atheism playing any major role in establishing a world of reason where life as the common denominator in all beings will be honoured. Obviously, this is not what the serious Atheists intended, but a cleaning of the ranks to a common principle of reason is suggested.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Atheism is formed from the words - At-The-Is – implying the present awareness of common sense, mathematical, scientific, deductive reasoning as the true measurement of what is here as the physical reality. This should be enough as a living principle used by reasonable men and women to challenge the irrationality of faiths that cause the world and society so much harm – yet, Atheism has fallen in the same trap as religions and made no difference to the accepted ways of society and in fact embraced much of the trepidation that is created through profit, greed and consumerism in a way that implies a form of giving up in the face of the fanaticism that threaten to abuse anyone that dare to stand in its way to expose the abuse that is being allowed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Atheists, in the end, are no different to any other human in the self-serving driven motive to profit at all costs and to destroy our common home without care.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Jesus was in fact an Atheist, whose living words of common sense reason is reduced to irrational nonsensical blood-offerings to an invisible entity called ‘God’ in whose name abuse is justified, while Jesus clearly insisted on the scientific, mathematical ways of – investigating ALL things and keep what is best. Yet Atheism, like other faiths, made of science an entity of profit as if money is the saviour that must replace Jesus as saviour in their lives instead of applying the common sense reason of the first Atheist, in establishing what is best for all life and the common good, and to bring that to bear as the foundation of society on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Jesus confirmed his status as Atheist in his statement: I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow as a statement of stable, trustworthy, common sense reasoning that would establish a benchmark for deduction, to bring forth a stable society; and that in fact Jesus is one of the fathers of Atheism.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that the word ‘is’ in the word Atheism is the living action of the words of Jesus: I am that I am, as the statement of realization that man is the reason as the words we live that result in the way things are and that who I am as reason is what I will create as my reality. This is the foundational starting point of deductive reasoning, which many Atheists use when making a decision that there is no God, but few took over the responsibility of creating a reality that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see Jesus was an Atheist, because he promoted the principles of reason through the example that to give in equal-measure to all will have a result that all will receive in equal measure, and that such reasonable actions form the foundation of fairness as reason, and would ensure a world that would be a measure of good-will, peace and harmony. These are the very reasons many rejected all forms of faith as fanaticism and questioned religions, because fanatics placed value in invisible irrationality that never consider the welfare of all beings unless they accept some form of godly saviour.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Jesus established Atheism as a reasonable, fair way to live but those that would lose control and wealth to reason manufactured religion as an effective antidote to reason to keep the masses in irrational, imaginary fears – unfortunately, Atheism never capitalized on the foundations made, and allowed it to become only a fear-like label that project images of angry, vengeful followers – not unlike what one see in fundamental Christianity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be disappointed that Atheism, as the representative group of humans that could be the foundation of a world with reasonable integrity that support life and magnificent diversity of life on Earth, was reduced to holy crusaders that present the same face as the fanatics of religions instead of the stable, common sense, deductive reasoning from which will flow a stable solution on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be disappointed that Atheism as a group emerged without a common goal, but allowed itself to be labelled with fear, vengefulness, spitefulness, ego, and brutal desire for profit no matter what – which were all the same things Atheists tried to escape form when they were still part of fundamental religious groups, and that the integrity of Atheism is yet to be born.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to realize that Atheism, to become directive as a group, will have to embrace the world of law and politics so that we are enabled to directively help those lost in the delusional fears of fairytale faiths. As many of us, at some stage, were trapped in the illusions, but based our eventual decision to freedom on sound, deductive reasoning – yet, we allowed ourselves to be divided as a group through over-emphasizing individuality while mathematical reasoning clearly indicates that only groups will attain power on Earth, and that religions demonstrate that by using a singular rallying point – as, for example, an imaginary god around which they form laws and control politics. The question Atheists should ask themselves is why have they not learned from the enemies of life to become one group of reason through which the world can be changed?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Atheism ended up using the same excuses and justification as religious faiths that human nature apparently cannot be changed; and that human nature is subject to a god or a saviour, while the answer is clear: stable, consistent, breath by breath living as deductive reasoning, managing outcomes to always be best for all that I hear on Earth, will change human nature and make the need of a god or saviour  irrelevant. Many Atheists realized this but never capitalized on it due to the fear of being victimized in some way or another. Yet, the modern-age Atheist allow the group image to be tainted by allowing petty victimization of those challenging the foundation of Atheism.

I commit myself to remind Atheists of the prime objective of deductive reasoning, which is the Jesus message to investigate all things and keep what is best.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that we must not demonize the message nor the messenger, but rather find in the message, that which will support reason so that we may be able to help those still lost in irrationality.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that throughout the ages any message that would bring an end to the irrationality of invisible gods and saviours has been distorted and demonized deliberately to divide any opposition to the current world-regime and thus humanity has remained conquered and imprisoned, either through direct participation in irrationality, or through silence and non-action.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that to allow the minority in the group to spread hate and vindictiveness distorts the face of reason as the foundation of Atheism; and that because this is allowed by the majority who remains silent in fear of similar vindictiveness, you must ask yourself the question: whether those that misrepresent Atheism through hate and vindictiveness are not just still in service of the very same irrational faith they claim to have left behind.

I commit myself to remind Atheists of the primary objective of Atheism as deductive reasoning, which in its very nature implies mathematically and scientifically the principles of self-honesty.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that faith and religion do not hold the only view on forgiveness and that forgiveness used by oneself is the first step to reason as equals within the objective to free the world from fanaticism as the disease that holds the world in the shackles of insanity.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that to base Atheism on taking revenge on all those preoccupied by the fear of God is unreasonable as fear is a condition parents used throughout history to control children without realizing that this fear would bear fruit when the child becomes an adult and create a world that is based on fear seeking redemption from fairytale God.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that present awareness based on mathematical reasoning without profit and self-interest motive is the only way to find outcomes that will change the world effectively to be a place where peace and happiness rules and where children can be born into a life of fulfilment.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that individuality focused on common goals of deductive reasoning do in fact form a group, that should act as a group, or the division of individuality will make the principles of the individual useless - as divided, Atheism will fall and fanatics will be born.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that understanding how the mind interacts with the living flesh and has been used to program human response through desire and fear implants is critical to stop and prevent all such methods and to allow deductive reasoning to become the foundation of a sane society.

I commit myself to remind Atheists to remain as just another label, using labelling instead of deductive reasoning, will put the integrity of Atheists and Atheism in question and would give rise to the question: whether Atheists are in fact equally controlled by the possibility of victimization as are Christians are controlled by the possible victimization of an angry God.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that unless the breakingfree from religious programming was based on deductive reasoning without emotion, the newly realized Atheist won’t be stable, as their formative experience was just a knee-jerk reaction based on emotional instability which will create just another jerk that should not publicly represent Atheism until their foundational reasoning has been clarified as trustworthy and stable.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that I am not asking you to support me or Desteni, but to support life in common sense reasoning to make the world  a place worthy living in.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that I and Desteni have been labelled by fanatics as a cult, quite similarly to Atheism in its infancy, and thus to label what we represent as principles based on deductive reasoning is using religious rhetoric demeaning Atheism as we all stand on the same foundation of deductive reasoning that produce an outcome of common good.

I commit myself to remind Atheists that I have been accused of brainwashing people that would be quite an unreasonable claim as I use words at arm’s length to stimulate common sense reasoning. Fanatics use fear to demonize the message of common sense through gossip and outright lies, feeding on the emotionally unstable that is found normally only in faiths worshiping invisible cloud-people. Brainwashing belongs to the categories of: parenting, religion, education, advertising, sales, consumerism, television and Hollywood – where common sense reasoning is replaced with illusionary pipe-dreams and desires. Spreading fear through unreasonable disinformation is the realm of division and control that has given fanatics the power to determine the destiny of the world.

I commit myself to remind Atheists to commit themselves to a world based in common sense reasoning so that we can restore order in the world and take our home back from haters and fanatics.

With this contribution I hope to elevate Atheism as a proud home for men and women of common sense reason that will as a group contribute to the establishment of a stable, fair society that will co-exist in peace and harmony.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Day 15: Who am I? Prisoner of the Mind?

Read this to the end if you are ready to escape the prison of the matrix. If you react to any word re-read again or remain a prisoner till your last breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what I do does not determine who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I am a doctor, or a dentist or a believer as a Christian, or an Atheist or a Muslim that that is not ‘who I am’ but that is what I do or what I believe in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this world is in fact the real reflection of who I am as what I do and thus the world created in what I do has resulted in the way the world now exists, which is reflecting back at me as evil and therefore confirms who I am to be evil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that I must make the decision as ‘who I am’ so that I can confirm who I am in what I do and that if I am life, my reality will be one of life, which will be reflected in my support of life, in myself as life will be equal as life everywhere as my created reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to accept that I am not life yet because what I do on Earth is not supporting what is best for life, in fact. It is confirming the opposite of life, which is in fact evil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become addicted to what I do and believe as a self-definition because then I can take more than who I really am, and create myself through what I do and so I will become more in my own eyes. To do this I must take from others, directly or indirectly, from their equal measure of life they received, and this is the cause of all the suffering on Earth, and why life is imprisoned by what I do when I take the right to resources to support life from others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the simplicity of the solution to decide to be life so that ‘who I am’ can define what I do – breath by breath – with my direct participation, as life in every possible way, without trying to create myself as greater than others through stealing their resources through what I do, because what I do does not create life then, it only creates ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see, in spite of the evidence, that who I am is determined by who I accepted and allowed myself to be/become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that each child born on Earth is programmed as who they are and that that will determine what they will become and do for life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that parents in fact act in the capacity as creator with their children and program their children according to what they as parent believe and do with no principles that will lead the child to life and to live in ways that are best for life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that this parental training of the children through generations is in fact the reason why the world is in trouble. It all starts at home, as all systems, all abuse, all fear, all suffering, all dishonesty and every facet of the disregard of life starts at home with parents the direct cause of what happens in the world in every way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that I can stop and delete who I am through self-honest self-forgiveness and re-design myself as what is best for all life, and thus re-birth myself to become the foundation of life from which I will create a world worthy of life, through me as life participating in the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that deleting what I am will take the same time as it took to create the current version of me, and that the re-design and re-definition of myself will, after the deletion-period, take the same time it will take to teach a newborn child to live as what is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to realize that the longer I take to make the absolute decision to stop the current self-abusive, world-abusive version of me – the longer it will take when I eventually do make the decision to walk the process which is the same for every human, to the deletion of the faulty-me, and the creation of the perfect-me as Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to realize that the effectiveness of my deletion of the old-version of me will be reflected in how my current abusive relationships breakdown and that the evidence of my re-birth as life will progressively show as actual world-change in government, education, food production, and EVERY aspect that are the systemic relationships that support humanity as a group.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that changing me will not be enough to change the world as it will require the change of everyone, and that if I allow others to not walk the process to life, I submit my life to be imprisoned to their  self-interest. Therefore, for my own freedom from abuse I must take self-responsibility automatically for every other human – in their face – until they realize that I will not accept them as my prison warden, and that I will not be their prisoner. I will set me as life free, no matter what it takes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that free choice and free will is in fact the mechanism that I use to imprison myself and others with, because I grant free choice, which includes: the right to abuse and imprison me to everyone to protect my own free choice so that I can erroneously feel that because I have free choice, I am free, when the evidence clearly shows that I am in fact imprisoned by myself and everyone else, and therefore equally responsible for all suffering and abuse on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that I have become addicted to the experience of exhilaration when I steal the energy of life from others through abuse and self-interest, as the power I gain will overload my physical body with energy and place me in a exhilarated intoxicated state which I have named: power.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that as much as free choice is the reason for my imprisonment, it is also the key to unlock the prison and set me and everyone free, as we are all free to make the choice that is best for all life in every way, and then with this freedom gained I will be able to show to all others still imprisoned to Earth, how to set themselves free and why it is in everyone’s best interest to choose the best version of self as that which is the original life that was given and then lost to the mind and the system of ego. Failure to help everyone else unlock their prisons will lead to me being imprisoned by those not yet free, as they will continue participating in a world-system that is feeding the prison of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that the abusers are those that have become addicted to stealing power from others and therefore they have set themselves up as the guardians of the prison as if to say: If I am a slave, I can just as well make the best of it. Instead of unlocking the prison doors for themselves and all others with the free choice key, so that they can find themselves as life and see for themselves that the only place where there are no slaves is where all is equal,as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that parents are in fact the prison wardens that construct the prison wall with the rules of fear in the name of love, as to protect their children from the evil they know exists in every home as fear because it also exists in their own home, and they fear losing their children (which is their property) as love, as the children may escape from the prison and leave the parents alone in their confinement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that parents have not given life to their children, but have instead locked their children in the prison of hell on Earth as fear and ego justified by the delusion that they love their children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to hear the messages of Jesus that there will be discord between parent and child and brother and brother, as all will try and keep each other imprisoned in every way possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to realize that when I change there will be more conflict in my family, which is a confirmation that I am changing and that I am in fact walking the message of Jesus in giving life as I would like to receive, and that all that is imprisoned will try and keep me imprisoned as well, even if it means they must use violent words and any means at their disposal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to my responsibility toward myself is to change to the best version of me, that which is best for life, so that I am able to give life through showing others how I changed myself as I have received life through being shown how to change me by others, so that we may all get out of the prison where free-will is our key.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that life is not a religion or a label, and that when I labelled myself as Christian, or Atheist, or Muslim, or any other label I am in fact only choosing in which prison block I will be confined to, and I do so by my own free-will – with free-will though, I can unlock my self-accepted prison and realize life as who I am, and as life I will realize that only life can free life, and thus I as life will give freedom to myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that Jesus was not religious and did not create a religion, but was the example in the living flesh what life must be, and that he left us the key to unlock our prison of self-created hell.

I commit myself to decide who I will be as life, defined through my own free-will to be that which reflects in every relationship on Earth as an outcome that is best for all life.

I commit myself to expose everywhere in this world where the system relationships show that life is not honoured, the consequence of such abuse, and to present a solution to the relationships so that the outcome can change to what is best for all life.

I commit myself to live my decision as who I am as life in every breath through my direct participation to effect relationships, change, and understanding through re-definition till the outcome of ALL relationships on Earth, by all participants, is ALWAYS what is best for all life.

I commit myself to walk the time that is required to delete through self-forgiveness from my flesh the abuse that I have allowed the living flesh to become, and then to re-birth myself and gift to my flesh Life, as what is best for all Life, as the living participant, till this is done. Clearly stable, trustworthy, effective, and it results in a world changed to in every way reflect that which is best for all life.

I commit myself to prepare the way before all children to be that of life by confronting the accepted foundation as parenting of the world system as it reflects in education, religion, government, and all other systems that protect the current abusive parental system until parenting is in fact that which guarantee that in every way every child will always be educated to be that which is best for all life, and through this we will guarantee a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to unlock the prison of this world through free-choice and to give the key through understanding of how the key functions to everyone else, so that they can also unlock their prisons as I understand that each key has been uniquely created by each person themselves, and therefore alone each one can unlock their own prison door, but I can support them and haunt them until they realize the confinement they find themselves in is their own personal hell from which they are free to escape - if they dare.

I commit myself to not accept any excuse in any way that justifies why the prison on Earth should continue.

I commit myself to be the parent I must be with my children, so that they will result in the living flesh that is freely life in expression here on Earth.  

I commit myself to create, breath by breath, the evidence of my presence as life here on Earth as I realize that only once the world has proven changed to life, will I have proven to myself that I in fact life as well.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Day 14: Do you Love Breakups?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that in spite of the repeated evidence in my own living experience where love failed to sustain a relationship and prevent it from breaking up, I still place value in love as the bond and reason to engage in relationships without considering the practical factors like: communication, past life clearing, vocabulary alignment, psychological patterning clearing, honesty, intimacy, goal alignment, secret mind eradication, investigation of the allowances and acceptances of irrational fear and the necessity of skill training to prepare myself for effective agreements to hold the relationship together as a giving of myself in total commitment to successful living.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept breakups to be the natural  condition of human relationships instead of acquiring relationship agreement skills to manage the relationships as equals and to support the integrity of the commitment to each other as the expression of self respect and respect of each other as living beings to prevent the fear of being hurt and the fear of vulnerability that is the key to complete trust and intimacy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept love as an untouchable feeling that will somehow obliterate the physical evidence that love do not conquer all, and that I allowed myself to become irrationally possessed with love to such a degree that I became blind to the physical signs that predictably show the signs of breakup and failure already in many cases BEFORE the relationship turned into a committed agreement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept love to be holy when it clearly shows love is used as manipulation with or without intent to get feelings fulfilled and to counter the fears of loneliness while these fears only go to the greater fear of breakup later that compromise all rational relationship stability considerations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that thought plays the major creative role in the creation of love through energizing and justifying feelings through a process of listing acceptable and unacceptable points that I can live with, instead of standing on the principle that will create a certain successful relationship agreement through following the common sense of openness, self-honesty, integrity, and communication. All the points I know is critical for a stable commitment, yet I compromise through justification because I fear I may not get into the relationship unless I compromise. Yet, the reality of the breakup is born out of the compromise before the relationship starts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the use of love in movies and advertising to influence me as to how I project that love should be while I deny that the picture perfect presentation is not based in the reality of daily living – yet, I allow myself to compromise my integrity and that of my partner and foolishly follow the road of breakup using justification and compromise to make my decision sound right in the thoughts I entertain as I create the illusion of my choice by colouring it in with all the reasons why, while denying all the reasons why not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place all my trust in Love instead of the common sense of living in ways that is practically best for all life and thus best to be the foundation of all relationships in all ways.

I commit myself to create love as the living result of communication, past life clearing, vocabulary alignment, psychological patterning clearing, self honesty, intimacy, goal alignment, investigation of and release of irrational fears and the training of myself in the skills of effective agreement design that all my relationships maybe always be best on what is best for life because of the relationship that was agreed to be formed.

I commit myself to reform the foundation of relationships to be lived by me and passed on to my children that is based in the common sense practical living in space and time that will always result in what is both best for the relationship and best for all life as life as a group is based on relationships and the consequential outflows of the agreements within relationships and I stand for that which is mathematically predictably best for all life.

I commit myself to reform the foundation of love to be the result of effective common sense living in a practical measurable way where all cards are always on the table and no thoughts exist that are hidden that could lead to justification and judgments that will end up in break-ups purely because the self interest of feeling was measured to be worth more that the integrity and respect of self honest living.

I commit myself to hold only life as worthy and holy and to reform all relationships on earth to that which respect and protect life in all ways necessary.

I commit myself to reform the understanding of the place and use of the mind and thinking to its rightful place as a tool with which to design living patterns of flesh as self that is best for all life and not allow myself the compromise to regard the mind as more than life and as a tool that has rights that overshadow life.

I commit myself to make sure that movies and advertising is no longer used in ways to design the human into a robotic consumer that must live a life of compromise and desire just to feed the greed and fear of those unwilling to respect and honour life as equal.

I commit myself to put all trust in right relationships where I will play the part of one pole to make sure that no uneven polarity is created through which life will be imprisoned to the illusions of energetic consciousness to make sure that life as the physical is respected and supported as it was intended as the dominion that was given.

Friday 27 April 2012

Day 13: Failed Relationships

It is suggested that you share this writing with your partner and see what is the real temperature and intimacy and trust in your relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to not see that relationships will fail if I have expectations that are greater than the reality of the relationship and I do not communicate and align myself to build intimate trust through effective sharing and immediate self forgiveness if I find that I react in some emotion or feeling towards my partner.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to not see that when I project my pre-programmed designs onto my partner that I would create a fighting environment where we would both argue for our limitations creating an energetic game where we would compete with one another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to not see that to create intimacy within my agreement I have to BE intimate within my agreement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself  to not see that if I would like to create a more affectionate agreement I have to give affection.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be guided by feelings instead of that which forms effective equal relationships and ended up disappointed and with feelings of failure and inadequacy when my expectations turn out to be different to reality because I did not spend time to get to know my partner and did not make sure that my partner will in fact be able to change to what is best for all life as that will be best for the relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be self honest about  my life to my partner as I fear they would never accept me if they know all about me, but later when they found out the partner felt more betrayed by me not sharing than about my ideas of my past and how it may influence another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to realize that any new relationship is a complete package with the past of both partners as part of the package that must be investigated and released with self forgiveness to make sure past issues that have become part of the living tissue do not emerge to sabotage the newly formed relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that relationships are based in words and that unless me and my partner align our vocabulary to have the same meaning, we will end up miscommunicating and with constant miscommunication, resentment and judgment will build that will sabotage the relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that money will play a major role in the effectiveness of any relationship and that if I do not play open cards about money from the beginning to establish trust and to see that there would be no issues about the past of money, the present of money and the future of money, due to a clear understanding to clear the past issues with money together, establish a present effective action with money to build a future with money that would support therelationship to develop in ways that would bond the relationship in its sharing, the money issue will cause resentment and back chat and the back chat will lead to the failure of the relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed  myself to not see that sexual ability is always an ego issue and that past sexual skills are not necessarily present sexual effective expression as the new relationship will require new specific alignment and the discovery of each other which must be practised regularly and with full participation from both parties to lead to a fulfilling relationship and that whenever an issue arise, it must be addressed immediately, because if I allow it to fester, it will become back chat as resentment thoughts which will lead to emotions that will influence effective touching and sex and lead to the eventual failure of the relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that effective self honest communication and an effective letting go through self forgiveness of the past will support a relationship to be very effective and a pleasure to be part of. Any thoughts that are in any way derogative or judgmental to a partner or any thoughts that would compare a partner to a previous partner or an imaginary partner are all indicators that the relationship is in trouble and immediate communication and self forgiveness to stop this secret position towards the partner must be done or it will grow in energy intensity till it burst over either in infidelity or anger or any other emotion that will be destructive and could be used by either partner to end the relationship.  It must be considered that where there are secrets in a relationship, the likelihood that such relationship will last is not good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to  not consider that when I compromise my values and or cause my partner to compromise values, resentment as secret thoughts will develop with a judgmental blaming nature that will grow and imprint on the physical body until I become possessed with the energy and use the energy to bring change to the relationship instead of preventing these type of events with a self honest heart to heart that leads to self forgiveness and forgiveness of each other where each take self responsibility to act with integrity at all times within the relationship.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have never been trained to be a skilful relationship partner and that education in relationships skills will improve the effectiveness of the relationships extensively and prevent failed relationships.

I commit myself to enter any relationship on the basis of equal agreement to directively  form a sound foundation from where the agreed relationship can prosper.

I commit myself to investigate and understand mypreprogrammed designs, to effectively remove them before I enter in an agreed relationship for life so that I will be aligned to in fact walk my relationship with life as my partner and to insist that my partner do the same as there is sufficient evidence in the many failed relationships that relationship technology and self technology  is necessary to prevent failure and to enhance effective living.

I commit myself to give intimacy as I would like to receive intimacy so that my giving will be the example for my partner as to what I would like to receive and that we as partners agree to not want anything from each other unless we give to each other to show by example what it is we would like to receive as intimate communication, touch and togetherness.

I commit myself to give affection as I would like to receive affection so that my giving will be the example for my partner as to what I would like to receive and that we as partners agree to not want anything from each other unless we give to each other to show by example what it is we would like to receive as affection.

I commit myself to not enter in relationships by feeling, but by agreement as to what is best for both parties to make sure we start with common ground and do not end in failure because we rushed in high on emotion only to found out we were blind to the obvious.

I commit myself to face my fears about the judgments of others and to share my past with my prospective partner so that it can be clear whether the partner will accept all of me or not. Unless both partners accept all of each other’s past regardless of what happened, the relations will not be based on a sound agreement and may fail at any stage. I commit myself to close all back doors so that no sudden secret issue form the past may become the reason for one or the other partner to use it as a reason to call the relationship agreed upon as a failure.

I commit myself to as partners together investigate how words make us feel and experience ourselves and to identify the primary words we would like to live as our world and to redefine these words together so that we can be as one in the creation of our future together as we understand if we work against each other because we are not as one, the relationship is bound to fail. Thus, if we cannot agree to work as one in all our words as living words, the relationship should be failed before it starts.

I commit myself to be open about all money matter, earnings and debt that we as partners can plan our life together and start with a foundation of trust.

I commit myself to leave my ego outside the agreed relationship and to explore sexuality in fun and entertaining ways so that both partners can develop an effective relationship with the body as vehicle of life.

I commit myself to make self honest self forgiveness part of the agreed relationship as that would ensure that the relationship will weather all storms, but the best of it is that most storms will be prevented through clear communication and a structured effective living style.

I commit myself to never compromise the agreed values of the relationship as that will lead to failure and we have agreed that failure is not an option and must prove that in our effective living by not having failure as an option. This will improve communication and the force of two as one will be very effective in all we do in this life.

I commit myself to investigate how I could become more effective with the skills necessary that will ensure that my relationships do not fail.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 12: BrainWashing and Mind Control

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the obvious fact that every person born on earth is in fact brain washed and mind controlled through what they are taught  through family, education and all systems of society.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to erroneously claim that anything that threaten my brainwashing is brainwashing - without realizing that that is the failsafe of mind control in that it establish such clear control that the brainwashed actually believe they have made a free choice as a free will being when it is obvious if we dare to investigate that no free will exist and no free choice can exist, as we are in a reality where we are subject to many forces and conditions that control our choices in every way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to use the evidence that the world as society produce as a benchmark to see to what extent I am in fact brainwashed and mind controlled - to make sure that I will accept living in fear and do nothing to produce a world that is best for all, without me realizing that my decision to support inequality do not benefit me, it only benefit those that benefit from my pre-programmed desires.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be so convinced of my own power of mind that I fail to see that the voice in my head as my thoughts were not me when I was born, it was programmed into me to act like my personal God that keep me in line with the way the system work; where I will never consider what is best for all life as my program says that what is best for all life is impossible. This confirms the extent of my brainwashing and submission to control of the mind and has been part of my life every day in every way with only the fuzzy logic choices of like and dislike to entertain me and make me believe that I have choice in fact, when I do not have any say about what happens in reality. Even my vote counts for nothing as the choices will be made by a few people that made me believe that what they represent is me in a democratic society where my voice count, but my brainwashing make me blind to the honest truth, because then I will have to admit that I am in fact brainwashed and admitting that would mean that everything I have ever believed is a lie and that would invalidate every choice I have ever made and that is just too much, there must be something I did right. But I do not realize that the program is so perfect that it made sure that every way that I could in fact find life, was covered with a lie and there was only one point that could not be covered with a lie, so it was  covered with the greatest fear possible, and that point was that life is in fact equal and only through this equality can life ever be free, but the fear that such an equality must be communism and is impossible because the human nature cannot change and one can never trust a human are but a few of the fears that was programmed in to make sure I will never be free.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue in this world as if nothing is wrong and as if there is no splinter in my mind that constantly reminds me that something is just not in place and that I refuse to use the simple mathematics of the equality equation to measure the equality of the relationships that is the framework of the human system to see if the obvious answer as equality as a the mathematical equation actually exist where both sides of the equation must be equal or someone will win and someone will lose and I do not like losing, so I end up going for winning at all cost no matter what harm it brings. All I have to do though, is test all relationships as to its equality and I will see, the world is in trouble and so am I unless I equalize all relationships to be equal in giving and receiving as Jesus suggest a long time ago, peace and life and freedom, love can never exist but as a figment in my imagination of the illusion of my self-created mind world where I have a programmed personal god that will keep me in line with the system .
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that I and all others like me as humans are screwed in every way by our own dishonesty and our personal god as the personality as ego that constantly remind us of the rules of the brainwashing and mind control so that we remain in line as we march inevitably to our death without ever really living in spite of having received the gift of life at birth, yet we abdicate it as we follow without question what we have found on earth as if it is the only real reality. I must stop and set myself free. I must take responsibility.

I commit myself to stop and take responsibility for my life to investigate all relationships and to equalize them in every way to demonstrate that we as humans can in fact co-exist as equals and create a world of love and peace where all of us are included in living a life of happiness.

I commit myself to understand the tool as my mind where I have lost my footing and got lost in my own personal god mania as the personality so that I may set myself free form this personal obsession creation machine to take responsibility for all that is here as actual life as the physical world before I end up driving everything to extinction in my quest for personal happiness in the mind.

I commit myself to share the evidence that I find in blogs and vlogs to place in physical evidence the findings of my research that it may be available for all to see so that I with others may create a self evident investigative published work of research as the signs we have found to establish our own peer reviewed work as the science of life where profit will never again determine what is best for all life and where the control of the mind through self interest will never again be seen as science and this way, we will leave a living record as living words that will never be destroyed.

I commit myself to stop my addiction to the fake power that the mind make me belief in and to break-free from the brainwashing and mind control and to be in service of life as that is the real dominion on earth and will make earth a paradise

I commit myself to no longer eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge as it is tainted and poisoned with profit and self interest and cannot be trusted and to establish the tree of life to be the only valid fruit that will contain the knowledge of the equality of life so that we may return to life the life we were given.

I commit myself to speak out and to publish and reveal in every way possible all the ways that the brainwashing and mind-control work till all wake up to the fact that all have denied life and have fallen in the trap of the money god that use rules and forgiveness that do not support life, but only support those that love the money god.

I commit myself to stop the money god through knowing myself as life and knowing what I have allowed as the personality so that I may correct and restore this world to its former glory before I as man arrived here.