Friday 20 April 2012

Day 5: In the Beginning was God

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and embrace the clear certainty that the Beginning was the Word and that the Word was God, implying and stating that I as a Creation and Creator of Words are in fact The God of Words.

I forgive myself that I have refused to accept and allow myself to see how I participate in the Creation of myself and this world as the relationships between all that is here as Words that define Life while it clearly shows that I do not define life, but only myself interest and in fact that the image and Likeness of my words reflect to me that I have abdicated my responsibility of giving life as I have received Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not accept the responsibility of Creation as what is best for all life through my words as this world and instead have created words that form relationships and maintain relationships that cause harm to those less fortunate than me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the power to create to be as an abomination that do not honor and respect life and that in my vanity I have use the name/Word of God/creator in vain by not standing as equal to life in image and likeness through creating my Image and likeness as Less than life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to foolishly belief that I can do whatever I want in the name of free choice without any direct consequence as I am somehow a special creation as I received the Power to Create the living word as Flesh, while in fact I am using that which I have received in vain and vanity in both the creation of myself and the creation of the relationships which form the image and likeness of this world as humanity, and creatures and plants.

I forgive myself that I have refused to see how I have bedevilled the words of my creation by creating all words with backwards meanings that do not represent Life, but represent that which works as the opposite of life which is evil.

I forgive myself that I have deliberately create me and my children for generations as the Word made flesh in ways that do not support life and even as I write here, this creation of abuse continues with no certain end in sight and no certain action taken to stop such abuse  in spite of the Image and likeness of My creation that exist as this world.

I forgive myself that I have refused to realized that that which has a beginning has an end and that unless I create me as the Living word equal as life in every way measured as best for Life, I must end as I have relinquished my right to life through my consistent example that I refuse to respect life and that I refuse to give as I have received.

I commit myself to dedicate myself to purify my Words as the Creator and purveyor of my words that they may represent life as that which is best for all life and thus represent me as life understanding that through my creation I look at me and when I see Life everywhere as my creation I will have confirmed that I have created me as life.

I commit myself to bring this awareness as the living word to all that are here living Words so that All may realize that they are in fact their own judge through the image and likeness of the living word and that the Word was with God means that you can never be more than the words you accept yourself to be which is the reflection as this world in every way.

I commit myself to study my refection as this world and to see how I have mirrored myself till I understand how to stop what I have allowed and how to create in fact living words that reflect life supported as equals in all ways and in this way I will be able to give what I would be willing to receive in a practical real measurable way. This would then be where Love would be made visible and where I would in fact be Love in living action in all reflections and in this I will end the illusion which had been my delusion that I have named fear.

I commit myself to educate myself and all others till we as one will use the Life we received temporarily to create a living example of what is best for all life that will stand for eternity.

I commit myself to take responsibility for all creations whether directly or indirectly allowed and created by me as I realize that regardless of whom create what, I am here part of this creation of words and am sentenced by my sentences and a convict of my convictions. I will no longer allow myself to be directed by faith as I understand that the practical meaning of faith is that when I walk as the living word as flesh, all relationships that follow will eventually respond in ways that is best for all life and thus this certainty in action to walk till it is done is me as dedication to life as the living flesh as the word faith. I will not wait for the illusions that is not of this world of flesh which I have mistakenly given values to through the mis-creation of faith without proven outcomes here as flesh.

I commit myself to dedicate myself to the only choice I can freely make namely that which is best for all life as the living word as that is the only choice that will not produce some influence of fear and in that choice I am free and thus create the same freedom for all to embrace once they have relinquished the fear they have embodied as flesh and see the simplicity of the living word when all are equal creators of the word with meaning that supports life equal in every way.

I commit myself to reveal how evil backwards is life and when we stop and reverse what we have done in self interest and act in the best interest of all, we will create that which will be the image and likeness of life in every way

I commit myself to purify my words to represent in me and in my reflection as image and likeness of my creation here on earth that which is the living flesh as the flesh itself and all relationships related to this existence. I understand that I must purify each word one by one to make sure that all relationships that will represent me as life will in fact support life in all ways that I will be able to trust my words as the creator of life and in so doing in fact accept the gift of life by creating myself as life and doing such in spite of all beliefs that may spit the contrary as I understand that only in equality as That which was given to me as life will I find that which will be eternal life for me and all others no matter where and what.

I commit myself to be able to meet my end in this cycle at any moment, in any breath and to be ready to look at my creation with the certainty absolute that in every given moment  I have given life as I am life that I may enter that which is life. I realize that earth is here to ground me so that I may not mislead me with that which is energy  that creates illusions only and that I realize that The vehicle to self is the flesh as the living word confirmed as life

I commit myself to not allow those in illusion to trap me with beautiful words when it is clear, with the illusion we have created , the truth will hurt and only teachers that can cut to the bone of my mis-created flesh will have the understanding proven consistent to assist me in this most difficult task, that task to give up what I have valued in separation from what is best for all life. I commit myself to not fall in the trap of false promises as false promises will cause me to not correct myself as the living word made flesh and will cause me to not correct my creation that is the image and likeness of my words and for that I will in fact create the outcome of me which is not equal to life and in such action abdicate my life and be my own living judge as the evidence of my created words reflected as my reality.

I commit myself to remain steadfast as in this existence where I find myself as temporary I understand that the evidence is clear that I could not be granted eternal life as I have not yet understood the power of the living word and as such I have created my world as words to show me how little I understand and why I cannot have eternal life unless I grant it to me and all else. Therefore I understand that if I do not create myself as Life, I would have proven why I cannot have life and as such would determine my expiry when the time come.


  1. Very awesome.
    Only the first part I don't understand
    "I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and embrace the clear certainty that the Beginning was the Word and that the Word was God, implying and stating that I as a Creation and Creator of Words are in fact The God of Words."

    I could understand it, if you with absolute certainty knew that the beginning was the word. But for myself, I couldn't say that because I don't know that. And it remains abit abstract as well.
