Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day 46: TRUST ME!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that most television series and Hollywood movies will use the words ‘Trust Me’ very specifically over and over again to imprint on the viewer PHYSICALLY the response to TRUST THE SYSTEM regardless to the FACT that the system DOES NOT SERVE LIFE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words TRUST ME are implied by the corporation and the capitalist when confidence and certainty is projected to the consumer to make sure the consumer consumes regardless of the consequences that accumulate – driving more and more people globally into poverty and despair.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words: TRUST ME are implied when Lovers say: I Love You, and that this creates the bond that eventually NOWADAYS ends mostly in DIVORCE where TRUST was violated.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that governments and politicians use the approach of ‘TRUST ME’ to gain the voter’s confidence, regardless of the fact that anyone with common sense can deduct from the public policy that promises will NOT be realized and that the country and world will NOT become a better place with ANY of the current policies in the world, as the policies ONLY protect those WITH MONEY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the PARENT will use the words TRUST ME directly or through implication, forcing a child INTO the pattern of IRRATIONAL TRUST that is NOW so effectively abused in the world by many parties that direct world events to their self-interest, and that the child will be taught NO REAL LIFE Values and thus end up as ONLY ANOTHER Consumer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Law of Attraction and religion are the same game, where testimony is used to convince the potential follower to invest their money or their faith in the promise of wealth or Eternal Life, when the obvious common sense maths will show that it is a Giant Leap of Faith that DOES NOT compute – as the Law of Attraction has been around for a very long time, that should have produced a wealthy world by now, and religion has been with us from the beginning – resulting in the world we have now: a place of fear and horror for most, with only money standing between horror and happiness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that TRUST as Self-Trust as Life is the realization that Life is the only Real Value, and that Humanity as a group must Give to each other the Right to Life to such a Level that TRUST can be established that is consistent for all Life so that the Game of Fear can stop and abuse on Earth of Life in favour of survival in self-interest, will be NO MORE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the words TRUST ME have been embedded as physical response codes that will determine the choice of the human to irrationally trust a system that has proven it cannot be trusted, showing that the control of the human through programmed response has reached complete control status.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I do not understand how the physical is programmed through the Mind, I cannot be trusted with anything, as whatever I am is just the result of my programming.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I only trust the inner me as my teacher, I am lost – as the inner me, inner voice, is physically programmed to always follow the system, even when it looks like a Love/Hate Relationship. Any inner voice is ALWAYS the result of external programming that took many years to form the you that you accept yourself to be.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only inner voice that can be trusted is that which is best for all Life, physically – as that would stop world hunger, war, abuse: immediately – and that is why humanity as a group must be assisted to understand how we create what we create, and why we create it: to UNDO what we have allowed ourselves to become in TRUSTING the inner voice as ME, when this voice is at the command of forces not yet realized by the human.

I commit myself to demonstrate that the human is physically programmed as an Organic Robot with Fuzzy Logic that will always end up choosing one of the programmes the system wants the human to choose, regardless of intent and that the human is a physical slave with the Mind NOT the Real Power.

I commit myself to show that the Self-Interest of Consumerism is an accumulative problem that leads to Global Horror.

I commit myself to show that Relationships built on: I Love You and Trust Me, are bound to fail, as the Human does not understand how this reality of the Flesh as Living Word really functions.

I commit myself to show that politics take advantage of the Living Flesh Programming of the Human and never have the Best Interest of Life at Heart.

I commit myself to show that the parent is just an extension of the system that programme the Living Flesh of a child to be compliant to the system in every way, to make sure the Horror of Abuse of Life continues.

I commit myself to show that the Religion of Self-Interest based on trusting only the inner voice is the Best scam ever played on the Human, as the Inner Voice has been programmed into the Flesh as Living Word to say only what the system wants it to say.

I commit myself to show that religion and the Law of Attraction are only Groups formed to take advantage of the Living Flesh Programming of living Words for personal Self-Interest with NO regard for Life. These acts are crimes against Life, as is all programming for control and self-interest, and when the total impact is studied, one will notice the Horror of the Inner Voice of the Planners that had NO Interest in Life, but only in themselves to be WINNERS NO MATTER WHAT.

I commit myself to show that the promotion of the Individual in the plan of TRUST ME, divided Humanity into conquered units that will never work together as a group for Life, as each only functions to please the voice of Inner Self-Interest as Individual – and in this way serve the system. The Individual of the Inner Voice is the reason the world is in peril and that voice can never be trusted as you do not understand HOW it was CREATED!

I commit myself to assist those that may find in them the resolve to stop the Inner Voice Control to find their way back to Life with the warning that this process will take up to 14 years per Individual to restore TOTAL Self-Control, as that which is best for all life, and that you will battle the invisible entity that was programmed into your Flesh to represent you, a battle of MASSIVE proportions – where there is NO certainty of victory, but if one stands as Life, breath by breath, till the word is no longer controlled by forces of Self-Interest.

I commit myself to find a way to help those Lost in the physical programme till ALL Life is FREE.

I commit myself to challenge the Inner Voice of the Human to show that it is always the voice of the system that disregards Life as a group and justifies the system as Individual.


  1. LOVE BOMBING is the right term to describe the attractiveness of religion and governemtns.
    Impression Management is used to alter the behaviour of people and make influential personalities through movies, fashion, small screen pgrorammes, cartoons, songs, jobs, schooling etc

  2. Well said, self-Interest accumulates in the global horror.

  3. yea I had noticed the "trust me" thingie in movies.
