Wednesday 19 September 2012

Day 158: After Death Communication ADC - Part 8

This Blog is a continuation to:
Day 151: After Death Communication Research - Part 1
Day 152: After Death Communication - Part 2
Day 153: After Death Communication - Part 3 
Day 154: After Death Communication - Part 4
Day 155: After Death Communication - Part 5
Day 156: After Death Communication - Part 6
Day 157: After Death Communication - Life Force - Part 7

Luck and Luxury

You will Notice a PATTERN in all After Death Communication where the Emphasis is on Luck and Luxury. Luck, being the Promise that things will go better as long as the One Receiving the Message Focus on the Positive (Obviously, if you focus on the Positive you will have more Positive Results for yourself because you Ignore Reality in favor of Self Interest). Luxury, being that you are Loved and your Life is Fine as If the Reality of a World of Inequality can Afford the Luxury of Love, mostly bought with Money anyway. You will NOTE that the Message from those that Supposedly can See the Big Picture, never give Any Advice on How to Change the World to a Place that Honor Life; but that Messages are always aligned to the Self Interest of the Gifted One and the Message Receiver, Never to Point out the TOUGH Changes Mankind will have to Make to change the World for Real. These Messages are of this Nature, because No Actual Communication take Place. If you want to Understand How these Messages are Created, Study the Desteni Material.

You will also Notice that the groups that follow the CON of Consciousness through Positive Reinforcement, will Ignore all Evidence in the Physical World that Humanity is without Integrity, and this Lack of Integrity is Visible in all After Death Communication. Faith will NOT Produce Truth. Love is NOT TRUTH. TRUTH is the Exact Mechanics that Create the World for All, where all Influences like Money and Luxury and Luck is accounted for to Establish Why things Happen.

The Nature of After Death Communication is Molded and Formed on the Consumerism Model of a Service formed around the Customer, to Make the Customer Happy. One should Rather Call these interactions Psychological Counseling, where the Messenger KNOWS just as Little as a Psychologist, and try and keep the Customer in a FRAME of Mind that Make the Best of a World that Should be What is Best for All, and Not What is Best just for some chance at Luck, the Luck for Instance, is to be Born into a Culture of Money.

Common Sense is the Self Honest Evaluation of this World and to Find the Message that will, when Implemented, will Reduce Suffering in this World Substantially. NOT Having an Interest in Reducing the Suffering of the Unlucky, is a Psychological Disorder with a tendency to Cruelty and Brutality.

More in the Next Blog 

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