Thursday 6 September 2012

Day 145: Labor and Slavery

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the meaning of “by the Sweat of your Brow, you’ll Earn your Living” did not mean Earning Money, but implied the Labor necessary to Produce the necessities for a Life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that even a Child entering this World is produced by Labor, and that the Easy Way Out had been coined a Cesarean, to indicate the link to Elitism (Caesarism), when Labor is Sidestepped.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Caesarism and Royalty are the Product of Labor reduced Slavery, represented by Money as the token of That Imitation of Life called Consciousness, through which the Earth as the Greatest Laborer for Life was reduced to a mere Slave, to be Raped daily in the Name of this ‘Money-Consciousness’, with the Rapists Foolish enough to Believe, Faithfully, that there will be No Consequence to this Callous abuse of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consciousness in its cunningness, created Spiritual Elitism in many Forms to Justify ‘Money-Consciousness’, proven through the fact that anything Spiritual that Man claims Represent ‘Life’ is deliberately Separated from Politics, which Man claims Manages Life, but both these Systems Act to Protect Money-Consciousness and Create Labor-Slavery, and play a Pivotal Role in the Corruption of Knowledge on which the Education of Every Human is based on, Generation after Generation ensuring the Brainwashing of every Child into becoming 99% of the time another Labor-Slave, that Sweat for the Royalty in the firm belief that “This is the Only Way Mankind can Exist”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Mind of the Human has deliberately been presented as a Mysterious, unable to be fully understood domain, to Protect the Brainwashing of the Populace by Promoting the Insidious idea that ‘Free Choice’ exist in the Mind of the Labor-Slave, while focusing on Entertaining the Consciousness Parasite that Possess the Mind of the Slave to, through the Addiction with the Reward of feeling keep this Labor-Slave occupied to Never Question the relationship that exist between Master and Slave, created with a Paper-Castle of Money claiming that “all is well when you have Wealth”, ensuring that No Human Ever drink from the Well of the Living Water that Jesus Died for, as even the Message of Jesus has been occupied by the Consciousness of Slavery to ensure that the Mind Prison keep the Labor Slaves under constant Control.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consciousness have ensured the Value of Life as Equal for All, was replaced with the Race for Survival based on the Principles of Debt, to ensure that no Slave realize the Truth until Death by promoting unique Individualism of Consciousness, to ensure that No Groups form that Challenge the Status Quo - Leaving Life in a State of Woe, from which No One has been able to Escape throughout All of Human History, because until All are Equal and Free as Life: No One is Equal and Free.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Mankind Require Labor, and when Labor is Shared Equally for a few years as Proposed in the Equal Money System, Man can truly have a Life that is Free to Enjoy this Journey in the Physical and Bring an End to Consciousness Slavery through Self Awareness, that Each One as Life is Created Equal, But Not yet Free.

I commit myself to SHOW that Consciousness in its Current Format, is the Graven Image of Self Deception, that Produce a Society of INEQUALITY.

I commit myself to SHOW that the MIND can be Understood in Exactness to SEE How the Parasite of Consciousness is Created to Be the Pretend Human that Chase Dreams, Hope, and Love, while Disregarding the Equality of Life in Each.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Earth, as Nature Labor, Create the Environment within which Man Exist, But Man Learns Nothing from the Examples Given, and instead transform the Earth’s Labor into Money Consciousness with which to Enslave Each other.

I commit myself to SHOW that Science and Mathematics based on the Foundation that All Life is Created Equal, will Produce a Society that is Best for All Life.

I commit myself to SHOW that Psychology is NOT a SCIENCE yet, as it only Study Consequences and NOT the ORIGIN of Human Behaviors, because Psychology Cannot Study the Actual WORKINGS of the MIND Yet, so do not give current Psychology too Much attention, as it was formed by Money Consciousness to Keep Labor Slaves Content.

I commit myself to SHOW that When Life is Valued as the Only Real Currency on Earth, the NOW will change to that which is always Best for All Life Equally, and Expose the Abusers of the Concept of NOW as Only Fools of Self Interest.

I commit myself to SHOW that the REAL NOW do NOT YET EXIST, as those that attempt to Describe the NOW is NOT HERE as the NOW as Life, and that is WHY they Cannot Conceive a World where All Life is Equal even Economically.

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