Tuesday 28 August 2012

Day 136: Knowledge and True Activism

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Knowledge as it Exist in the World at the Moment, is based on Assumptions Conceived and believed in the Dark Ages, and that Even when One Pretend Yourself to Be Light, the Knowledge you base yourself on Will be Dark and Will exclude the Only Sacred Knowledge of all Existence that Life is the Only Real Value, and that When Life is Abused and Denied - One Deny Oneself, and as Such is No Longer Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Common Knowledge that All on Earth Know as fact, is that Each One Born, is Born as New Life freely Given Equally, and yet this Fact is Not Recognized and Honored in the Way Humanity Co-Exist, and because of this - the Gift of Life Come to Nothing, As it descend into the Darkness of Human Knowledge to be desecrated and Doomed and to End at Death as that Which was here, Empty of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Knowledge Humanity Glorified and Based Human Existence on, is Reflected in Our Minds and in our Deeds, Where we DO NOT Recognize Life, but instead Develop More Dark Knowledge to Feed our Greed for Power, which we have Named Self Interest, feeding our Obsession with Happiness and Greed for Self Gratification.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that All Knowledge of the Light and Love Do Never Honor Life Equal, and in fact Mislead to Pretend that Life, Even on Earth, is but Illusion seeking Ever Higher States of Consciousness and Energy and Vibration, feeding on Life as if it is Nothing, which Result in us to Become this Nothing, Making Life on Earth Worthless, without Seeing, we are the Creators of this through the Knowledge We have Deified, and we Pay the Price with the Second Death Where the first Death is when We Die for Life and Embrace Knowledge, and the Second Death is the Last Breath, which is the End for Real. So Much for Enlightenment and Knowledge, because then the Gift of Individuality is Lost and One return to the Oneness of Before the Gift, Not becoming What May Have Been, Eternal Individual Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this Choice as Life in the Face of a World Lost in the Darkness of Knowledge, is a challenge that will take it all, all the Precious Knowledge, to Stand Naked before Life and to Realize that a Blade of Grass as Life, is Embodied with More Glory then all of Human Existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Intellect as Knowledge are but Programs Evolved over Time, Too Blind to See Where it Come from and Where it is Going, In Spite of the Daily Evidence that Inequality Produce in this World. There is no excuse for such Ignorance, as the Evidence is Everywhere that Life is Being Abused, and this will Stop, as All that is Temporary by Choice, When Life is Denied, STOP.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all the Knowledge we teach our Children, teach Nothing about How to Live as Equals, but only Perpetuate the Hate that is Covered in Love of Inequality and the Self Glorification of Ignorance as thought, emotion and feeling, seeking to Gain the Upper Hand, the Righteousness of Knowledge, while that which Contain All things Ever, which is Life, is Denied.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is Nothing Unknown to Life, as Life is All in All, and only that which Leave Life, become that which abuse Life and Justify such abuse in Fear and Self Interest. Like Before, this Time will Pass, and No One that is Knowledge or Love or Light will Remain. Only Life will Remain.

I commit myself to Call on Life in Each to Stand and Realize Itself, and to throw off the Parasite of Energy and Illusion that this May Be the Last Journey, the Journey to Life.

I commit myself to SHOW that all Knowledge on Earth is Tainted with Inequality and Separation Making it Toxic to those that Could have been Life.

I commit myself to SHOW that In this World Exist the Opportunity to Be Life as Equals. May this Realization Dawn on All Men.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Timeline of Knowledge Can be traced to See for Yourself How tainted and Flawed Knowledge is when Life is not treated Equally, as History Show and as History Repeats to Show. Wake Up!

I commit myself to SHOW that those that DO NOT Wake Up to Honor Life Equally, are not Life Anymore Anyway and will Be What they Are, Unless they are Re-born and Repent for What they allowed themselves to Become through Inequality.

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