Saturday 4 August 2012


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the SUN is the Real Father of Life and the Earth is the REAL MOTHER of Life that Endow PARENTS with the DOMINION to Create in THEIR IMAGE and LIKENESS.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that PARENTS DO NOT EDUCATE children as to the REAL FORCES that Make Life Possible and instead INVENT Imaginary Forces that are then Used to Justify Inequality as SIN so that Generation after Generation Dominion is the Abuse of Life to FEED the Illusion as the MIND as Character, Creating a HUMAN RACE of Brutality and SELF CENTERED EGO that BOW DOWN to INVISIBLE ILLUSIONS as the Excuse to WHY this Brutality is Acceptable and Allowed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this BRUTAL Competition for Position, Survival, and Self-Interest Actually Starts at Home, through the permission of the PARENTS that make Sure the Same Illusionary Gods Make the Rules of Brutality, so that the children WILL FOLLOW in the FOOTSTEPS of the PARENTS, who change Every Example to ONLY feed the Illusion and Justify the Abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the INNER STRUCTURE is in fact the OUTER STRUCTURE as SOCIETY , which Resembles More a Tendency to Species Suicide and termination than the Realization that Life is Sacred and IRREPLACEABLE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to walk in the FOOTSTEPS of Jesus is NOT the Giving of FOOD STAMPS, but is in fact the Development of an INNER STRUCTURE in Each Human that Reflects in the OUTER STRUCTURE as the WORLD SYSTEM, as the Recognition that Life is Equal in Each Child BORN, and that this Equality is that which must be Supported and Honored through the Ways Jesus suggested as to GIVE what one would Like to RECEIVE; although this is Understood, the Justification is that IN MODERN TIMES, the Message of Jesus is NOT PRACTICAL,  so justified - just Because of the Protection of Ownership and Intellect which Are Not Equal, as it was Not Equally Given to ALL as it should have Been.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the CONTRIBUTION of the HUMAN to what is given by Father Sun and Mother Earth is in Essence today the Deliberate Deception to Deprave Everyone But family and friends as to Ensure a Life of gluttony and greed, Selling this Idea through the Constant Telling of VISIONS that Entice and Teach the Weak in Character to Seek Only Self Interest, while in Fact it is POSSIBLE to Change the World to a Place that is Best for All Life Always, to Bring an End to the Competition that Cause All the Inequality and Conflict, to Ensure a World of Eternal Peace.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the INNER Create the OUTER and thus the OUTER is the Evidence of the INNER, and that NO Amount of Self Delusion WILL Ever Change this FACT.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that ALL EDUCATION on EARTH is GEARED to Create an OUTER WORLD through Controlling the INNER WORLD that Creates and SUSTAINS a World of INEQUALITY, where Life is NOT HONORED as the ONLY REAL VALUE.

I commit myself to SHOW over and over again that the INNER WORLD Creates the OUTER WORLD and that the OUTER WORLD is the Evidence of the NATURE of the INNER WORLD, regardless of claims Made to the Contrary By those that attempt to BLOT out Reality with Love and Light as to Remain BLIND to REALITY.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Evidence is Clear that the Sun is the Real Father of Life and that the Earth is the Real Mother of Life, and Any Denial of this will Cause all Creations by the Children of Life to Always Fail and Create Suffering instead of a Life WORTH LIVING.

I commit myself to REMIND PARENTS that they are the PRODUCTS of their Parents and the Creator of REPEATING HISTORY, and are the ONES that MUST STOP and LEARN How to CREATE a WORLD that is BEST for Every Child BORN ALWAYS.

I commit myself to SHOW that BRUTALITY is the Creation of the Family that Place Family before the Equality of Life.

I commit myself to SHOW that the family is the Justification of the MURDER of Species and the POOR, and that the FAMILY is Instrumental in Changing the WORLD to that which is Equally ALWAYS Best for ALL Life, as ALL EDUCATION and Instruction Begins at HOME.

I commit myself to SHOW that No Christian Could Ever Be a Capitalist and Claim to Walk in the FOOTSTOPES of Jesus, as that is a LIE, as Jesus as the SON of Life Presented the Solution to Bring an End to ALL INEQUALITY.

I commit myself to SHOW that the MIND is the System through which INEQUALITY is Created, because the Creation as HUMANS DO NOT EVEN know What Create Even One Thought, and How Consciousness is in fact Created.

I commit myself to Never GIVE UP till all Life is EQUAL and FREE.

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