Monday 20 August 2012

Day 128: Economic Slavery and True Activism

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Slavery has Evolved through time to FIND New Ways to Keep the Plebs in Place, and that Money is Now Used as the Means to Force Compliance to the System, Where the Rich Remain Protected as they have been throughout Generations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Slavery is a Religion that Promotes Beliefs that Find Ways to Ensure that the Slave feel they have Choice, but the Set of Available Choices lead all to the Same Conditions with No Actual Change Ever Part of the AVAILABLE Choices, Causing Slavery to Be Managed by Choice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by Controlling the Available Resources BINDING it to LABOR and Debt, the Slave is Forced through Goals of Self Interest to Make Choices that BINDS them for a Lifetime to a System where in 99% of LIVES, No Possibility Exist to Become Part of the Protected HIERARCHY of the Wealthy, but the Few that Do Enter a Life of Wealth will be Promoted as Successful, and in this Way Wealth is Placed as a Desired Positive Outcome based on Hope to Keep the MIND of the Slave Occupied with Positive Thinking, and in So Doing Making Sure the Slave Never Develop Common Sense Reasoning to Change the System to What is Best for All Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those WITH Money have the MEANS with which to Influence Meaning on Earth as Life, and the Meaning they Give to Life Protect their Interest with the Objective to Ensure that the Slaves agree with the Meaning Attributed to Life, so Ensuring that the Slaves WILL Protect the Masters as We See throughout Generations. Obviously, here the word ‘Life’ is used in context of the current version/meaning that is not Life in fact, but ‘Life’ that is granted by the system as Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Ultimate Con of Consciousness as Economic Management is to Make sure All Slaves Believe that Nothing is Free, because that Ensures that the Slaves also Accept that they are Not Free, and the Slaves will thus even Make Sure that No Slave Ever Claim or Present Freedom, because all Slaves Only Follow the PATH Presented to Freedom as Money/Wealth/Elitist. In So Doing, ALL Choice that Represents FREEDOM always leads to the Same Outcome. In this, Activists are Only Financially Supported if they Toe the Policy of the Economic System, in this Way Ensuring that there are Outlets for Built Up Frustration for Not Being ABLE to Become the Next WINNER that Successfully become Part of the Elite that Control the Slaves with Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a Whole Industry Formed Around this IDEAL of Wealth and Mastery to Ensure that Every Available Moment a Slave Has, is Directed towards the Hopes and Dreams the System of Control SELLS, to Ensure that the CELLS of the Body that Contain the Memories that Forms the FOUNDATION of the Character that INHABIT the Body, are Constantly Controlled by the THOUGHTS produced by the Memories, Ensuring total Control of the Inner Being of the Slave to Comply to the Outer World, within which the Slave finds itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Entertainment and Television are Tools with which the Hopes and Dreams of the Slaves are fuelled to Ensure that All Character Building Remains WITHIN the Parameters Set by the System, So that the Slave Can Enslave itself by its OWN Choices, Hopes, and Dreams in a Positive Manner, as a Positive Slave is a Compliant Effective Slave.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Religion and Spirituality were all Designed Deliberately and through the Evolution of the Character of the Human as Consciousness, to ONLY EVER Come up with Solutions that Present New Ways to become Part of the 1% Elite Masters, being Fed by the 99% Slaves Using the Concept of Positive Slaves Controlled by Hope So Effectively that the Slave Walk Into Hell in a State of Bliss.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that All Education, from Family to University, are Focused upon Creating a Positive Slave that At the Very least is Surviving ‘till Death, and During a Lifetime, the Slave Never Actually is Alive as the Total Life Experience is Spent in the PRISON of the MIND, so well Designed that it Seems to Be the ONLY REAL REALITY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Even Democracy, where the Majority Rule through One Man One Vote, is So Well Managed through the Positive MIND Control, that the Majority of Slaves will Willingly Vote for the Protection of the 1%, and Never Consider that there is ANOTHER WAY that Can Exist as a MODEL that is Best for All Life Always, which would be the Only FREEDOM actually Possible on Earth. The Control of the Mind through Positive Thinking is So Complete, that the Slave is Willing to DIE for the System without Ever Actually Questioning Why, or Ever Making an Effort to Understand the Mind to See What is Positive Thinking, How is it Created, and Why it is So Important to Remain a Positive Slave.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Psychology is one of the Fake Sciences of Slavery, Developed to Ensure the Slaves are kept Positive and Happy within the Parameters of the Mind Prison, while True Psychology would have been the Logical steps of the Actual design of the Human Psyche that Builds the Characters, that become the Personal Presentations of a Self in this World, but Unfortunately the Current Self is based on the Logical Steps necessary to Ensure a System that Keeps 99% of the Population Enslaved in a Quantum Virtual Prison.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Laws that Govern the Slaves are Designed not to Serve Justice as Life given Equally to all Freely by the Universe, but is Designed as the Punitive measures with which to Ensure Obedience to the System to Manage the Slave Colony on Earth, that Ensures that the 1% acting as Prisons Guards with all the Benefits Earth Presents, do not have to be visible, as the Slaves Imprison themselves and each other through the Faith that the System is Righteous and just because it offers an Equal Chance for all to become Part of the 1% - although, Simple Logic dictates that it is 99% unlikely, Yet the Slaves will Build their Hope and Positive Thinking against all Odds, and therefore will Never Consider Removing the Chains of Slavery and Change the World to What is Best Equally for All, making it 100% certain that All Live a Life at the Same Level as the Elite Do Now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that FAITH in the LIE as the HOPE for Salvation of Maybe Becoming Part of the 1% Wealthy Elite on Earth, is the Key to The Religion of Self that is the Undertone of All Philosophy on Earth, as Only Philosophers are Supported that Can Justify the Sacred Hope of Positive Nature that Subscribe to the Way of the World, HONORING the Characters that Remain Positive Against All ODDS as the Holy Way that is the Way of Life as a Slave, as ALL Slaves Are Given the Opportunity to Have Some Benefits in the Prison that Makes the Prison Bearable, like Love, Joy, Pride, and all Positive Experiences Consciousness of the Slave are Endowed with to Ensure the Psychological Well Being of the Slave, to Make The Prison as Peaceful and Profitable as Possible for the Benefit of the Elite and Elected Hierarchy, whom By the Way, Have Been Placed in Power By an Invisible God that Only Serve Judgment AFTER DEATH as to Whether you Were a Good Slave or Not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all Health Care in the Prison System on Earth Only Focuses on Serving the Slaves that can Prove their Loyalty through the Money they have and the Support they Give to the System by Remaining obedient, making health care one of the effective ways to eradicate and cull inefficient Slaves to Serve as an Example for all Slaves that it is Best Not to Rebel or Challenge the Rules of the System, as that will ruin your life and the Opportunities you may have within the System.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Money in the Prison on Earth act as the Card Numbers that Tag the Value of the Slave, and Determine What Access a Slave has to the Many REWARDS Available to Loyal Slaves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Religion acts as the Slave Rehabilitation Centers, to Ensure the Slaves Remain Positive and Motivated to Keep Moving the System to So Keep the Way of the World Moving, able to Justify All Things on Earth as the WILL of GOD that May Not Be Questioned, Ensuring that the Slaves Remain Good Slaves In Line for the Promised Salvation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that FEAR is Used as TORTURE and Promised TORTURE to keep the Slaves in LINE, and that Children are Integrated into the work force of forced Labor through the Promise of TORTURE through FEAR, Repeated Over and Over through Many Years, TILL the Child Submit to Become a Slave Worthy of its Parents.

I commit myself to SHOW that the meaning of Words as How Words are Lived on Earth and are accepted as a Means of Expression, is the Key to Understanding the Slavery of the Mind and the Formation of Personality Characters that are Based on the Meaning of Words.

I commit myself to SHOW that any Slave that Reacts to my Words, Only Confirm their Slavery to the Mind.

I commit myself to SHOW that any Psychologist Worthy of Life will Never Condone the Psychology of Slavery that Now Exists, but would Endeavor to Understand the Total Functionality and Design of the Human Psyche.

I commit myself to SHOW that any Master, Guru, Medium, Psychic, Life Coach, anyone claiming to Understand the Human Condition or Claiming to have the Spiritual Wellbeing at Heart, would be able to see Direct, First Hand what Desteni and Equal Money is Sharing - those who Cannot See this and work toward a World that is Equal and Best for All, are but Slaves trying to Benefit themselves by Abusing other Slaves.

I commit myself to SHOW that the 99% of Slaves, Do have the Legal Power to Change the Prison Forever, through One Man One Vote, into a System that is FREE and Equal for All, if they Can Free Themselves from the Quantum MIND PRISON that DICTATE Slavery through Thought, Emotions, and Feelings.

I commit myself to SHOW that Individuality is Slavery when the Character Pretending to Be the Individual Do Not Even Understand the Actual Origin of Thought, Feelings, and EMOTIONS in such Detail that One Can Change it Immediately and Stop it Forever, to Demonstrate that WILL POWER is Real, because those with FREE WILL, WILL Create a World that is FREE and Equal, as that is Peace and Abundance for All on Earth Forever.

I commit myself to SHOW that Relationships of LOVE is the MOST Effective Way to SUBDUE ERRANT Slaves that May Challenge the Prison Authority, and therefore Extensive Investment is Made to Ensure that the Primary Goal of a Slave is to FIND the ONE that will Be the LOVE of My Life, Driving the Slave to Compromise All Commitments to What is Best for All.  
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