Friday 31 August 2012

Day 139: The Rapture and True Activism

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Rapture also Implies the Bursting of the Bubble of Ego as the faith in Self Righteous Self Interest, that form the foundation of Society of Earth that Seek only Ways to Profit and Abuse the Gift of Life that was Given Freely Equally to All.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Not Taking Care of the Gift of Life in a Manner that Indicate that the Value of Life Equal is Understood and Appreciated, is Tacit Permission for the Rapture of the Illusion and the Replacement of all those that Dare to Abuse Life as if They Are More than Life, Yet the Rapture only Implies that the Life Given is Returned and the Abuser ENDS, the System on Earth as Society is the Works by Which the Participants are Known, and No Faith will ever Remove the Consequence for the Abuse of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Each One Knows themselves as their Minds, and Understand that their illusion will be Raptured, and as Example, Death is always a Rapture, a Sudden Removal of the Being from their Illusion to Face Reality and Consequence, Where One Question must be answered “What did you do with Life on Earth?”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within the MIND, only the Characters as thought is Responsible, as the thoughts are the Confirmed Movement of the Being as Participant, which if One Were Life Equal, would Not have occurred, as Life Do Not Require Thought to Exist.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Idea of the Rapture Leading to Some Greater Reality in the Afterlife, is but the Snake Oil SOULD by Unscrupulous Abusers feeding on the Fears of an Ignorant Abusive Populous, only Confirming that the Abuser will be Abused, and the Liar will be Lied to, Creating a World of Lies where EVERYONE knows for a fact that the Lies are Happening, yet Continue to justify the Participation in the Lies, Regardless of the Daily Evidence of the Truth of the Ways of the World.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Raptures of a Society and System of Abuse SHOWS Daily in Horrific Ways all over the Planet, Yet is Ignored with Such Deliberate Intent, that FORGIVENESS is Invalidated for Eternity, Confirming that an Intervention is Imminent, and Not in Any Way What Man would ever Consider Could Happen.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Sufficient TIME was Given for Man to Redeem themselves and Correct the Abuses, and as ALL Knows NOW for Certain, Man will NOT Create a World that is Best for All Life, as Man will not give up Self Interest and Share Life Equally as Brothers.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Human Body is the Real Person, and the Mind Characters are the Illusions, and that the Body will Remain, But the Mind Not, thus, while there is Still TIME, Make Sure you are Part of the Destiny of Life on Earth, which is Equality.

I commit myself to SHOW that Life is Eternal, and that which is Not Life or Abuse the Gift of Life, will be Raptured.

I commit myself to SHOW that allowing abuse out of Fear, is Abuse itself.

I commit myself to SHOW that allowing abuse in any Way, is Abuse itself.

I commit myself to SHOW that Life DO NOT Exist in the MIND, but Exist as the Body, Thoughts can be Deleted in a Moment, the Body Must be Killed with Force and Action, but thought Cannot Kill the Body. Try it for Yourself to establish what is Really Real.

I commit myself to SHOW that Each One knows the End of Abuse is Inevitable, and Each one knows their future in fact. 

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