Monday 6 August 2012

Day 114: #TeamJesus

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if Team Jesus was in fact Representing the Message of Jesus, they Would FIRSTLY Champion an Economic System that ENSURES that NO CHILD is BORN EVER Lacking in Anything, and thus Do What they Would like to Be DONE UNTO Themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if Team Jesus was in Fact Representing the Message of Jesus, they would Love their Neighbors as Equals, and Lobby and Ensure that ALL War is stopped No Matter What, as they Walk in the Shoes of Jesus.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if Team Jesus was in Fact Representing the Message of Jesus, they would Ensure that ALL Political Systems In Fact Result in a World Where ALL appreciate the Message of Jesus, because it Brings into Actual Being a World that is Always Best for All on Earth, and in this Way Shows that the Message of Jesus and His Followers Can be TRUSTED as it is IN FACT a Practical Solution of ALL on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if Team Jesus was In Fact Representing the Message of Jesus, NO ONE will Ever Go Hungry, as the Eco-System as the Economic System will Be Based on “Love thy Neighbor as Thyself” and “Do Unto another as Would be Done unto You”, and this CENTRAL LIVING REFRAIN will be the POINT DRIVEN TO Become Life on Earth, so that Heaven on Earth as ALL as Equals as Life, will Become a Reality as Jesus Envisioned.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if Team Jesus was In Fact Representing the Message of Jesus, Each would be a DISCIPLE of EQUALITY, as ALL is BORN EQUAL, and thus anything less than Actual Equality on Earth is an ABOMINATION and the ABUSE of the Gift of Life.

I commit myself to CALL on Team Jesus to IN Fact Bring the Message of Jesus to Reality so that Peace on Earth May Be the Practical Reality for ALL, because then NO ONE will Deny the Message of Jesus or Distrust His Followers as Purely Self Seeking Abusers of Life that Feed on the Poor and Slaves of Economics by Not Realizing that the Current Eco-System on Earth is NOT the Way of Jesus.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Message of Jesus is in Fact TIMELESS, and that it is Only the FEAR of MAN for Each other that Prevent Equality as Life to Become the Law of Our Being as Life.

I commit myself to SHOW that Jesus Died on the Cross to Make a Mark in TIME that Nothing Must Stop ONE from Changing the World to that Which is Best for Life Always.

I commit myself to SHOW that Man is Responsible to Change Man as the INNER Being of Man, and that this is IN FACT possible through Self Forgiveness and Self Honesty as IS PROVEN by those Walking the  JOURNEY TO LIFE.

I call on Team Jesus to Stop All Fear, as that is Preventing One from Realizing the Actual Practicality of the Message of Jesus.

I commit myself to SHOW that Jesus is Alive as His Message as LIVING WORDS that Must Be Lived BY ALL to Ensure Eternal Equal Life for All, and to HONOR the Gift of Life that was Given Equally, so that Equality as DOMINION May Be Realized By All as the DOORWAY to the Eternal.


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