Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 138: Authority and True Activism

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority on Earth has been Vested in the hands of those with VESTED INTERESTS, allowing Abuse of Life to Grow to Unprecedented Levels, Creating a Race of Slaves on Earth forced to Serve the Ones with Vested Interests, using Fear of Survival amongst Ways to Force the Slaves into Economic Subservience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority for Real is Vested in Life as Death, where that which is Given Equally Freely is Removed when ABUSED at the Moment of Death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority on Earth is the Interaction of the Physical as What is Best for All Life, as that Also Ascertain Authority as Life Even after Death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority Claimed as Governments through Politics are NOT Real Authority, But when Investigated will show that it only act as the Authorization of ABUSE to Enslave Life in All Forms to Systems of Control, where Choice is Deliberately SHAPED to follow the Vested Interests of those WILLING to Abuse for Self Interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that LOVE IS NOT AUTHORITY, as Love have Been FORMED into a SUBSTANCE of ABUSE by its Support of Systems of ABUSE on Earth, Doing So in a State of Bliss, Confirming that Love Only is a Drug with which to Escape Reality as the Physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority as What is Being Allowed to Exist of Life on Earth, is formed by the Relationships between Humans which Serve Self Interest instead of What is Best for All Life Always.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Authority on Earth will be Challenged by Life, as the Way Abuse was allowed will Spread to affect Each Life to Challenge What Authority Really IS, So that those That Do CARE may have a Chance to REDEEM themselves before the Beings that Refuse to Assist the BODY to AWARENESS as Equals, are Replaced by Beings that DO CARE, these Beings Currently being trained for the TASK, to ENSURE that Life is the ONLY AUTHORITY on Earth. These Steps have been Authorized through the Abuse allowed on Earth and NO ONE on Earth Can STOP this, just like NO ONE Can STOP DEATH. LIFE WILL BE THE Only Authority on Earth, and TIME IS RUNNING OUT, Yet for the Moment, there is still TIME ‘till There is NOT.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Authority IMPLIES Power, and that Real Power is Life and Death and the Equality this Implies.

I commit myself to REMIND Man that Life and Death Confirms that Man have No Real Authority.

I commit myself to CALL on those that may ATTAIN Self Honesty, to Walk their Process, As TIME waits for NO ONE.

I commit myself to SHOW that Mankind is Not the Authority on Earth, But Life is HERE to Measure Equality as this SHOW Comes to CHANGE.

I commit myself to SHOW that there is NO GOD, as GOD implies INEQUALITY, and as Long as GOD is Imagined to Be More than Life, Suffering and Inequality will Exist on Earth.

I commit myself to CALL on COMMON SENSE, as the Equality Equation that Governs all Relationships, that Each One Realize that the Life You Have, Can be Taken if ABUSED, and that FAITH is but the FAILURE of COMMON SENSE.

I commit myself to SHOW that MAN is Supposed to Be the DOMINANT FACTOR that Take Care of ALL Life on Earth Equally, Regardless of Form, as that Determines the Nature of EACH MAN.

I commit myself to SHOW that the OUTCOME as Life Equal on Earth is CERTAIN as TIME WILL SHOW.

I commit myself to CALL on Each to Face the EGO and WRITE YOURSELF to FREEDOM so that One MAY BE LIFE. Read the Blogs of those Walking the Journey to Life, and You WILL see How Much was taken for GRANTED.
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