Thursday 19 July 2012

Day 96: Advertising Success Secrets or Economic Doom?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Advertising follows a Campaign to Reach an Audience for Very Specific Reasons.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Advertising adds a Verse to the Mind of the Consumer, targeting specifically the Building of Relationships within the Mind of the Consumer that would Favour the Products, specifically gaining the Trust of the Consumer that they like the Product so much that they will Defend it and Share their like with those in their Immediate sphere of Influence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Verse that Advertising Presents is in fact the Creation of a Memory within the Mind of the Consumer wherein the Consumer is the Character that desires to Fulfilment that the Product offers, playing specifically on the already existing Self-Interest of the Other Character within Memories of the Consumer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Medium through which the Consciousness of the Consumer is Programmed is using Symbolism, Color, Sound with Implied Messages that Invoke Participation of the Consumer’s Mind so that the Consumer can Create a Memory Dimension to Store the Advert – and if the Target of the Pre-Existing Symbolism that is in the memory of the Consumer is hit, the Consumer will place themselves in the Memory as a Character that likes the Product, and would like to try it out – and so will Store the Memory, Supercharged with Desire/Energy, to Motivate themselves to get the Means to Procure the Product as soon as Possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Memory plays the Major Role as deciding factor on what Products will be Embedded into the Mind of Consumers, and that Advertising Agents with a Flare will unbeknownst to themselves, have a Knack of Identifying Pre-Existing Symbolism that the Consumer likes and Present it in a Fashion where it looks like the Character will Evolve through Owning the Product, thus making it a Primary Motivating Factor for the Character as the Consumer to Become a User of the Product.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that using Media to Manage and Create Memories with Character that Favour Products is the Key to Profit and Success – and that this Leads to a Society that, through Generations, has become Easily Pliable and Controlled – Resulting in a Civilization wherein the Character in the memory seeks Self-Fulfilment in the Products and Promises of the Corporations, leaving Society without the ability of Common Sense discernment as the Total Memory Base of the Human is Controlled and Managed through Media in all its Forms.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this Memory Character Management is at Root Cause for the Failure of the Money System, as Goodness and Philanthropy has been Defined as Making Products cheaper, more Accessible, with Free Rewards Systems and Loyalty Bonuses – causing Major Global Job Losses, and through the Job Losses, shrinking the Money in the Hands of Successful Advertisers, inevitably Spiralling Down to an Unmanageable Economic Reality where Many Products are Available with Insufficient Buyers with Money – not realizing that the Good-Heartedness of the Businessmen were in fact the Greed that Caused a Global Economic Crisis that will Escalate as the Creators of the Crisis are those that Benefitted most from the Control of the Minds of the Consumers, using the Drive for Profit at the Lowest Price, not realizing that it was a Recipe for Global Disaster.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Evolution of the Character of the Consumer has become a Monster that must be Fed with the Next Gimmick, otherwise it will get tired and bored with a Product, Causing a Global Drive to have new Product Roll Outs with More add ons, bonuses and enticements – causing Many Businesses to go out of Business as the Intent of each Business is Market Control – and in this Manner, the Consumer-Base shrinks and as Unemployment Rises, Purchasing Power Drops and the Need to Survive Drops prices, causing a Global Pandemic of Collapse upon Collapse – as the Human Gave the Market the Status of a Living Force without Understanding that the Design of this Market is what Drives the Collapse, trapping the Human in a Cycle of the End of Capitalism, as the Drive between haves and have-nots will Grow till the Situation will Force all Character to Realize that the Evolution of the Character followed a Path that was Not Sustainable – and through this, change will be Forced upon Humanity at Last, the Result of Lack of Understanding How the MIND actually functions.

I commit myself to show that the Human is the Creator of All System on Earth and as Long as the How-To of this Process is Not Realized, Doom for Many is Inevitable.

I commit myself to show that Consumerism and Profit Created the Human Character as a Monster of Greed and Profit, seeking Self-Interest in Every Way, Making Sure that the Economic System will Collapse in total.

I commit myself to show that the System Now is so Fake that Money is Printed just to Keep it Going, but because so many are Excluded From the System through Lack of Money, No Revival is Possible.

I commit myself to show that the Lack of Understanding of the Human Mind has Caused a total Loss of Control by the Elite – and unless they Hear this Message, their Days are Numbered.

I commit myself to show that all Poverty and Unemployment is the Direct Result of the Failure of the Economic System because the Human Mind was not Understood.

I commit myself to show that Psychology has NO Clue how the Human Mind Really Functions.

I commit myself to show that Cheaper Products with Less Competitors Ends in Less Jobs.

I commit myself to show that Rewards Systems Cause Inner-Conflict that Results in Wars of Survival and the Brutal Competition of Illusionary Character that Inhabit the Mind as Human.

I commit myself to show that the Creation of the Self-Importance of Characters embedded in Memory without Understanding How this Effects the Way Society Develops, is like jumping into a fire Hoping to Not Burn – as these Characters that are Being Created by Consumerism, Religion, Education, Parenting Politics and Economics – are in fact Fake Pictures based on Pure Self-Indulgence, with No Concept of Actual Reality on Earth.

I commit myself to show that Desteni Material Prevents this Disastrous Brainwashing and Makes Sure that One can Set Yourself Free, IN FACT.

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