Thursday 26 July 2012

Day 103: Passion for Economics

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the passion of the Christ demonstrate in various symbolisms that the Physical-Body is the Temple of God that should not be subjected to Money-Lenders in all its forms as the Physical-Body, is the vehicle through which creation on Earth takes place - and therefore the Eco-System as Earth is given, as One Body, as Support, for All Bodies of Flesh on Earth. And thus – the Passion for Economics should be to design and present ways that make sure that every Body of Flesh that enters this System is supported in every way, so that no one Ever needs to Suffer and Wish they were Born into another Body simply because they are part of the ‘have-not’s’, while the ‘have’s’ passionately protects their lifestyle, creating theories as personal-theology, justifying their passion for self-interest, defining morality based-on possession and ownership of that which was given freely to All – implying that those that do not allow equality for All Bodies of Life: are in fact the Thieves of Life, and as such must be held accountable - which is inevitable through Democracy, where the Majority will no longer accept the Mockery that is being made of Life as Bodies, just to allow the Minority to have a Lifestyle protected through an Economic System that does not include All Bodies of Life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Passion in its fullest measure, is to Pass-On that which is Real and Equal for Each Body of Life that exist in an environment of space and time; to understand that Economics is the Eco-System of equal co-existence that should be directed from Birth for every Child, Equally – to ensure that the quality of Life on Earth is Always measurably Equal for All, as that is the very minimum each Parent knows they would like to give to their Children. Yet, because of an Economic-System on Earth based-on a Value-System of Winner and Loser, this has caused the Majority to Live in conditions that are not Equal to the Full Measure Earth is giving to All – as the Winners, which are always the Minority, do not want to give up their spoils and keep on spoiling themselves and their children - making sure, through every way possible, to create Systems that spoil every Child born on Earth to become part of the Rotten Nature of the Fruit of Knowledge of Win and Lose, through enticing each one with Hope and Promise that somehow: some may be Lucky enough to actually also become part of the success that the Winners portray as a Lifestyle, as they betray Life in every way possible; finding theory upon theory to create theologies of hope and promise, which Always immediately can be assessed mathematically to have an outcome that will  not be best for All Life Equally. And yet, deliberately – those passionate about protecting their own Lie-Style, will find another Lie to theorize about, and will do everything to demonize that which is Best for All Life as Equality, proving only One Thing: that they are in fact the Demons in the Flesh that seek only self-interest, as by definition – a Demon is only passionate about their own justifications and theories. And in this, the World has become a Body of Pain and Suffering, of Slavery and Lies – playing-out lifestyles, like reality-T.V. to entice and trap the Children to become the Dull-Trees that will bear the lifeless fruit of Eco-Systems that acts like parasites and vampires – sucking Life from every Living Body, forcing them to walk like the Living-Dead as Zombies on Earth as they seek to just Find Enough to pay the Bills and feed their children - because they believe in the theories of the theology of the Buy-Bill, which forms the Foundation of the Abusive Economic-System on Earth, through an Invisible God of Desire that characterize Every Theory that is placed into practise to prevent Equality for All Life from ever becoming the way of life on Earth. This will End. May those that refuse to Hear these words realise: that there is No Forgiveness Ever for allowing and participating in the abuse of Life for the purpose of protecting your self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Ignorance of How characterization becomes the Medium through which this abusive-creation is being perpetuated, is no excuse – as the Evidence of the Abuse through the Economic-System cannot be Ignored, but is Ignored – deliberately – through using theologies based-on theories to Justify why the Lie is acceptable to those that found ways to infiltrate and manage and direct the Characters in the Living-Bodies, and that do so – deliberately – Ignoring the Consequences and Outcomes the World presents as Evidence that the Characterizations that are being allowed: are not what is Best for All Life. And yet,  these atrocities are glorified through Media, Politics, Religion, Education, Parenting and Glamorous Lifestyles, as-if the Glory of Life is in the lifestyle; causing through this: separation between man and man, through inequality - as only through inequality can the ‘glorious lifestyles’ of the Minority be sustained.

I commit myself to show, that Life as ‘lifestyle’ as origin as source as resource, is Given: Equally – to every Body of Life; and that dominion is to those that are able to distribute this which is Given Freely, Equally to All – that no-one may need or desire anything that will cause this separation that now exist as ‘lifestyle’ on Earth.

I commit myself to Call on those claiming to be experts in Economics, to remove their Fears and prejudices, and to walk in Forgiveness for what they have allowed on Earth, and to rectify the situation so that All Life may be Equal at the table, prepared for Each One to have enough to Eat and Drink, and to have a Home and a lifestyle worth Living to such measure that that is the Inheritance they give to All Children that may ever be born on Earth for All Time – as that is the Foundation of Eternal Peace and Love on Earth.

I commit myself to show that these are the Principles of an Equal Money System, that those that oppose these Principles are in fact, through their opposition, their own Judge and Jury that will determine the Consequence of what awaits – as there is One thing Certain: Life in this Eco-System on Earth will End. And there will be an accounting: who Will be Able to Stand and Face Life and say with certainty “ I am Life, Equal and One – and my Life on Earth is the Evidence of this”, as that is the measure of what resulted from the Gift of Free Choice.

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