Friday 20 July 2012

Day 97: The Holy Spirit is IN Me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Parents IMPRESS upon children their Belief that the Holy Spirit exists everywhere with such Drama and Gusto that children will inevitably impress the Same Memory on their Children with the necessary energetic charge to Make Sure it Sticks – so that the Holy Spirit can become one of the Many Tools Parents will use to Control their Property as Children till the Day the Parent Dies, Making Sure the System as it exists Now, Remains the Same to Protect the Characters the Parent Values within themselves, as themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Holy Spirit exists in the Mind of a Person in a Dimension Created By the Person with the Memory Relationships Super Charged with Energy where the Holy Spirit becomes one of the Array of Characters the Person can Call on to present the Role to be played to transfer the Memory to others and especially children, in such a Way that the Total Being of Flesh will for a Moment become Possessed by the Energy of the Holy Spirit Memory – thus feeling the Energy all over the Body, using this Experience as Justification and Proof that the Holy Spirit in fact exists – Never Realizing that it is just the Con of Consciousness as Energy that was programmed into a Character as a Memory to such a degree, that when the Memory Character steps forward and Speaks as the Energy, the Experience Seems to be Real – BUT IT IS NOT – and only Indicates Ludicrous Ignorance and Abuse of Life by Self-Created Demons that are Given Holy Names.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Holy Spirit has become a Method to INVOKE Fear in People as a Demon Does, Confirming the Demonic Nature of Characters as Memories People Build into their Flesh as Self to Scare People around them and Especially their children into Submission and Slavery to Fear and Memory, and Characters – without EVER investigating HOW these Entities are Created and Energized and Maintained to Form Part of the Human Nature as Accepted Consciousness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Giving Pertinence to Entities like the Holy Spirit, Programming Each Generation to Become the Progression of this Self-Abuse, is at Root-Cause for all the Abuse of Life on Earth, Creating Systems that support the Illusion of Character in Self-Interest, Robbing Each New Born Child FROM their GIFT of Life, Leaving them as Just a Clone of the Memory Character of the Parent.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Holy Spirit Possessed Characters will Defend their Stance Vigorously, as they Cannot Conceive to be Alive Without the Characters they have Defined as Life – and that it will take Consistent Effort with Common Sense and training to Help Free those thusly Possessed From their own Creations.

I commit myself to SHOW How the Holy Spirit was Created by each one Themselves that is Possessed by this Entity.

I commit myself to SHOW that when One Experiences Anything and Cannot In Fact IN Detail SHOW How you Created it, One is NOT IN FACT AWARE.

I commit myself to SHOW that those Claiming Conscious Awareness WITHOUT actually understanding How the Inner-Experience is Created, step by step, is In Fact Possessed by their OWN MIND as Memory, as Energy.

I commit myself to show that there is a Way to Stop this Possession, by Understanding Step by Step How Oneself actually Created this.

I commit myself to SHOW that NO Holy Spirit in Fact Exists, as it is Only Existing as an Energized Memory in the MIND of its Creator, The HUMAN.

I commit myself to SHOW that those Promoting Understanding of the MIND, have NO Clue how in Fact Functions – Step by Step – and that One Should Only Participate in any Process where you Will Become the ONE that Understands in Detail How you Created yourself in Every Way, as is Taught in the Desteni I Process.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool again Bernard - thanks for exposing this holy possession !
