Saturday 21 July 2012

Day 98: Humanity is ONE BODY, ONE LIFE

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Humanity is One Body on Earth as One Consciousness as the World System Working TOGETHER IN FACT to Create Life on Earth, and that Every Human Being Plays a ROLE in this Either ACTIVELY or Through Allowance.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that FEAR is the Excuse used by the Individual Human as the CELLS of the World Body as Life on Earth to Allow the SPREAD of Ignorance, Like Cancer – claiming to Be UNABLE to change the MIND of Life on Earth as this Ignorance.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that FEAR is USED to NOT HEAR that We are in Fact ALL ONE as Life on Earth as the Body CALLED HUMANITY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that what we ALLOW in FEAR to Exist INSIDE EACH one of us as the CELLS of Humanity, will Manifest a Life on Earth Somewhere on the PLANET.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the World System that Manages Life on Earth is the Thoughts and Memories of the Individual Human that is Externalized as a MIRROR to Show how the Inner-Being is Creating the Outer Reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the OBSESSION with Life Beyond the Physical is Based on the Denial of the Inner, Creating the Outer – as the Human DOES NOT want to Change the Inner Being and Bring an End to Fear, as Fear Protects the secret Desires of Each One From Being Seen for What it Really is as Consciousness. In this, the Belief is Created in the Inner Being that the Physical is an Illusion, while in Fact, that which is Created in the MIND as Thoughts and Memory is the Actual Illusion that is then MIRRORED as the World System of ABUSE, just as the Memories and Thought INSIDE is Secretly Abusing others for the Sake of Pretending that the Inner Self is Better that the Physical, as the Being in Thought can Create Images and Pictures that Look Better than What is Really Going on Here on Earth. This Process of Inner Self Photoshopping is then Deified as Divine Consciousness and the Real Physical Mirror as Life on Earth is Deliberately Denied.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consciousness is the Conspiring of the Illusion that the Spirals of the Sacred Geometry Created in the Mind of ILLusion looks Pretty as Pictures, which is then Confused as the Real Self, just to Deny that Each One is IN FACT Causing ALL Suffering on Earth in Every Way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to Create a World that is Best for ALL Life always is Just as Easy as Creating a World of Suffering as it NOW exists Here as Life on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the MIND NOT UNDERSTOOD is the CANCER of Suffering and Abuse of Life on Earth – and that Energy Feely Given by the Physical is MUTATED by the MIND into the Cancer as Consciousness that Presents a False Picture in the MIND as What Life is, while Real Life is the Physical World, Slowly being Destroyed by the Cancer of the False Inner Being that Each Human allows themselves to Exist as.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Parents Play the Pivotal Role of Determining the Way Life will unfold on Earth and that at this Stage every Child Born is ABUSED and trapped Into Self-Abuse as Consciousness, as Characters of Self-Interest that DO NOT Care at all about Life on Earth and Actually Care More about Fear as Love than Life as Reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Nature of Oneness Exists as Humanity as a Whole, and that this is NOT Life at the Moment and will Require TOTAL Inner-Change till Life on Earth is What is Best for All - before Actual Integrity is Restored and the Reality of What MAN Should Have Been, will Emerge.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as Each Human changes to Life, they Become ONE CELL of the Body of Life that No Longer Sell themselves out to the Illusion and through this will be the Dedication to the Creation of this One Body In Every Way till the Cancer of the Illusion is NO More – and Because the Cancer of Self-Interest and Abuse is just an Illusion, it will simply End and Life will Remain. Thus, decide Who you are and Make Sure that Breath by Breath you Support the Body of Life to Be the ONE that will Determine Life on Earth as What is Best for All Life Forever. You are the ONE that Decides.

I commit myself to SHOW that Life on Earth is the Consciousness of Humanity as a Group that Should OPEN the Eyes of Each Individual that the Inner Being of Man is CORRUPTED in Every Way and that an Inner Self-Honest Investigation is Necessary to Lead to Actual Self-Change, Resulting in a World that is Best for All Life and Nothing Short of this Goal is Acceptable.

I commit myself to SHOW that FEAR is Used as an Excuse to Not Take Responsibility For Life on Earth in Self-Honesty.

I commit myself to SHOW that Consciousness is the Cancer that ALLOWS ABUSE to Exist on Earth as Consciousness is used as the False Image to NOT SEE What is ALLOWED as Life on Earth.

I commit myself to SHOW that Consumerism has Replaced the Individual as the Cells of the Body of Humanity to Become SELLING to Each Other as the Way of Profits and Support Instead of Supporting each other as Part of the Body of Life as One on Earth.

I commit myself to SHOW that Not Realizing the Fact of Equality as what is Best for all Life on Earth, is IN fact a Lack of Awareness, Misconstrued as the Fake Image called Consciousness.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Inner Humanity as Caring for Life DOES NOT Exist in the Human as Consciousness as Self-Interest is Accepted and Promoted as a Positive approach to Benefit, while the Real Way to Benefit all Life, is to GIVE as One would Like to Receive, which is Equality as what is Best for all Life, Always.

I commit myself to SHOW that ALL Conspiracy is ALWAYS Fear of Ignorance where the Value of What Life Really is Equally in Each One, is NOT Realized.

I commit myself to SHOW that What is Allowed and Accepted as Life on Earth, IS IN FACT an Inner Decision by Each Individual.

I commit myself to SHOW that Parents Determine What is Valued as life on Earth and that Unless Parents teach children to Value all Life Equally a world of Abuse will Continue.

I commit myself to SHOW that ONENESS as Consciousness is the Excuse used to Allow Abuse of Life on Earth and that this SHOWS Clearly the Actual Lack of Integrity of those Claiming that Consciousness is the Way of Life. This Must Be Realized and Stopped as the Cancer it IS.

I commit myself to SHOW that Consciousness is the Illusion as it Justifies Self-Interest and Allow Life to Suffer through Reason and Justification.

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