I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that the Inner-Conflict Between Characters Vying for Dominance over
the Living Body, are the Proclaimed Souls Dearly loving the Soldier away in the
Name of its Creators, to claim Dictatorship of the Body in the Made Up Belief
that this Energy Experience Created is in Fact Reality that Lasts forever, when
the Graveyard attests to the End of the Graven Image with No Actual Real Data
about what Happens after Death.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that the Dear Souls are the Soldiers that fight Daily not Only in
the Dimensions of the MIND, but also about What is being Mined on Earth as
Resource, as Happiness on Earth depends on What Can be Stolen from Earth and
Each Other in a Justifiable Way through Manmade Illusions called Religion and
Politics – two Symbols of Vandalism of the Same COIN that All Agree to be the
Currency as the Now we exists in, without Understanding How this Illusion in
fact Functions, Ending up as Psychopaths walking a Path of the Psyche without a
Clue How it in fact Temporarily Exists.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that Creating Light as the Means to Represent being Awake is Only
Blinding the Inner View to Not See the Living Self as the Flesh Reality,
Placing all the Faith in an Illusion created in the Mind, without Understanding
How it is Created, Confirming the Height of Ignorance and Stupidity, Even in a
Time where Abuse is at Unprecedented Highs.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that the Soul is not the Deer that Walk the Earth as the Animated
Animals as the Living Picture, but is No More than Just a Character in a Comic
Book looking to Be a Hero in an Illusion, Regardless to what Extent this
Illusion must be Imposed on the Real World to have some form of Experience that
can be claimed to be Proof of this Apparent Reality. If one Could, like Breath,
Move in fact In and Out of the Physical Reality, and See for Real what is Here
in fact, as the Desteni Portal Shares, the Awakening will be Rude, as all Ever
Made up in the Mind in all Dimensions of Experiences , Has only Ever Been a LIE
that has been Personaliesed.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that the Wake Up Required will take as Much Time as the Time it
took to Educate a child to become the Fake Character Each Adult is Now existing
as on Earth, and that only those that find a Spark of Life as Common Sense and
Dedicate themselves to the Process of Awakening will be able to Revolutionize
the Spirit into Life and be able to become the Spirit of Life as that which is
eternally that which is Best for all Life, Regardless in which Existence one
Find Oneself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that if One Cannot Exist in the flesh as what is Best for all Life
in Limitation, One will also not Be able to Exist as What is Best for Life in
any other Reality, and as such will be Making a Decision that One is in Fact
NOT Life, as is Demonstrated at Death – if one Could Have Seen Beyond Death,
but One Can Only See What One in fact is, and that which is NOT Life, but only
Energy, can Only See Energy and Remains as Energy, Cycling Infinitely as
Energy, never to Actually Become Life for real.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
not realize that Earth is the MIRROR in which Reflects the Image and Likeness
of the Nature of Man, and that unless Man Awakens to What Life is in Fact and
How Creation functions in fact, Man will Only Ever Be an Image in a MIRROR, NOT
ALIVE in fact.
I commit myself to SHOW that Man existing as Soul is Only
the Image and Likeness of a Character in a Memory as Knowledge, temporary and
Useless Energy that ends without Warning, making the Life Lived Useless as it
only was an Illusion and a Lie.
I commit myself to SHOW that as Long as Energy is the
Dictator, the Result will be a Dictatorship where Life is Not Honored and the
Self-interest of Energy will Prevail, as Energy Requires Energy to Continue,
and Once Energy Ends, the Image and Likeness Energy Formed, Ends.
I commit myself to SHOW that the Dear Souls Have No Clue How
anything of Energy in the Mind as Form functions - and that those claiming
Enlightenment, Have Only Mastered How to Accumulate Energy through Abuse,
Hardly Something Worth Mastering, as it ends like all Energy Does when Energy
Runs Out and Returns to its Source.
I commit myself to SHOW that the World that Now Exists is in
the Image and Likeness of the Soul, where all are Soldiers fighting for the
Illusion of Self-Interest, gunning for Superiority no Matter the Harm
Perpetrated in the Name of Harmony - without Seeing what actually Happens, as
the One Seeing is in fact Only able to See as the Form of Energy as Knowledge,
as Memory, as Character it Exists as, and UNLESS all of this is Given UP
totally, Rebirth is Impossible and only New Dimensions of Self-Delusion is
I commit myself to SHOW that What Each Human allows to
Happen to Each other and all Other Living Beings ON earth, is also the fear
Each one Has that May Happen to Themselves, yet the Human Refuses to See that
there is Another Way where all this can be stopped and Each other can be the
Support and Service to Each other that will Produce a World that is Best for
all Life.
I commit myself to SHOW that Waking UP to Reality on Earth
should Be the Easiest thing Ever, but Because of the Demonic Possession of the
Flesh by Energy Characters, a False Consciousness is Created in which Faith is
Placed Blindly as Enlightenment and the Suffering of Real Life is Justified as
the Apparent Illusion, yet the Very Ones Lost in their Faith, Refuse to test
the Physical Illusion to check if it is in Fact an Illusion by Subjecting
themselves to the Suffering to test their False Hypothesis.
I commit myself to SHOW that Earth is a Test to See Who is
life Even in Limitation, as Life Does Not Exist in Self-Interest.
I commit myself to Wake Up the Enlightened, and to Assist
them in Freeing themselves from the fake Character of Light and Love, so that a
New World Order can be Established that is Best for all Life Always.
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