Monday 2 July 2012

Day 79: Stepping out of Character with LOVED ONES

This post is Part 2 of the Stepping out of Character series – read Day 78: Stepping out of Character for further context and support

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I keep my Loved Ones in Character if I do not Step Out of Character – that I am scared to Step Out of Character as that would mean I will Lose my Loved Ones that Validate my character – yet, I want to Change – not realizing that change in character without changing ALL Relationships of a character, will NOT change your character, and all I will do is to Mutate my character to Make Sure I feel I change in my Inner-Character, while my Outer Character as the World does not change, so I Make Sure I DO NOT change and Remain in the Character I LOVE TO BE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that characters Exist as the Relationships I BUILD on those that LOVE MY character, and that IN THIS, Parents are the Primary KEEPERS of Character that MAKE SURE children Remain In Character so that the Illusion Created by Each can be Stable and SEEM Real as the Experience is MADE Real by the character, but the Reality is that EVERYTHING AN ILLUSION  creates WILL BE an ILLUSION as a REAL ILLUSION, so it will Feel Real to the ILLUSIONARY Character.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those with a WEAK Character will NOT be Able to step out of Character with LOVED ONES as they WOULD Fear to Lose the Support of the LOVED Ones and in Fact be TRAPPING LOVED Ones IN Character, proving that the Love for the Loved Ones is NOT what is Best, Best is Only FEAR HIDDEN Behind LOVE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that LOVE in Character is Only a WAY to Control the Character Environment to Make Sure Character Support Remains Stable so that No Character gets challenged to Make Sure the System of Characters on Earth Pretending to Live, can Remain Stable to Give the ILLUSION of Reality as Character to be Real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Initial Creation of a Character is the Job of the Parent that Makes Sure the Child FITS into the System of Character Environment, so that the Character of the child will be Accepted as a Character of the System, where the Agreement Between all Characters is to NOT challenge each other’s character, but to Remain in Character so that the System of Characters Remains Stable, and seems Real, Pretending to NOT KNOW Where the Characters come from or How the Characters are Created – all together acting DUMB to Have a Valid excuse as to the Real Nature of the Illusion of Characterization.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Loved Ones are the Audience of the Character that will say you play your character well even if you are not, so the Love of Loved Ones is Claimed to be Unconditional, Making the Breaking Free from the Illusion Even More Unlikely, Because My Character gets the Attention and Love that I feel validates my character and my Life as Character Creation Real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when Loved Ones Die, they are Stepping OUT of Character so that I can change my character to Look for New Loved Ones that will Love my New Character – proving it is possible to change Character through changing One’s Participation in the Character Love Cycle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that When a Relationship or Marriage Breaks up, the Previous Love Characters will Change their Character to Look for a New Audience as Loved Ones Mutating the Character TILL they find a Loved One again, showing that to Break up the LOVE Relationship DOES force Characters to Step out of Character and if Directed to show that Creating New Character will Only Result in the Exact Same Cycle, the Opportunity Exists to Step out of Character FOR REAL, to Sort out the Mess Created ON Earth to Get Back to Actual Life.

I commit myself to show that the Hidden Agreement between Characters to Perpetuate the Lie of the Illusion is “I’ll Support your Character if you Support my Character – therefore, we are Friends. And if you Don’t Support my Character we’ll be Enemies for Life, because you’re taking the Life from my Character by not Supporting it. I’ll rather Kill your Character First, before you Kill my Character.” It is the Survival of the Fittest Character for this Game of Life.

I commit myself to show that every Character is a Slave to every Character which Exists as a Relationship defining a Character.

I commit myself to show every Character is a Slave to those who Love them and will not Step out of Character, out of Fear of Losing the Ones that Love them.

I commit myself to show that Death Proves that Characters trapped in Relationships can be Set Free to, at the very least, change into Another Character.

I commit myself to show that Breakups prove that Characters can Change, showing that it is Possible to Step out of Character to Find out what Exists Before the Creation of Characters.

I commit myself to show that Parents should be called Character Builders, because that is what they Really Do.

I commit myself to show that when you Step out of Character with you Parents, they will do Everything possible to get you Back into Character because they will feel they Failed at building your character in a way so that you will Never Change and remain as Only their Creation, justifying their own Character as the Creator of You. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bernard!

    "I commit myself to show that when you Step out of Character with you Parents, they will do Everything possible to get you Back into Character because they will feel they Failed at building your character in a way so that you will Never Change and remain as Only their Creation, justifying their own Character as the Creator of You."
