Thursday 5 July 2012

Day 82: The Reincarnation Characterization

See all Blogs on Character –

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Reincarnation is Based on Memory that was Stored in the Akashic Records, indicating that Past Lives were only a Character that was so Unreal as a Life that the Life Needed to be Remembered.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Who I am as Life is Who I am and Does Not require Memory as It is Who I Am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in Reincarnation, the New Character Enters the Life with a Programmed Memory which then is ADDED to by the Parents, creating the Character of the New Born to take part in the Game of Life – Indicating as the World is Showing that only Self-Interest is Served by the Soul and the Parents – NOT Creating a World that is Best for All.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consciousness, as the Presence of the Character as Memory, is NOT Real, as it is Solely Based on Memories from Various Sources and Not on the Actual Life Force that is the Foundation of Life, where Memory is the Definition of the Character and Does Not Serve Life, as it Serves only the so-called Lessons to be Learned - as Life, as what is Best for All, is NOT Realized. Pretending that the Physical World is NOT Real is only a Way to Deny Consequence so that the Character can Exist in the Isolation of the Life-Plan that Protects the Character from Consequence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Hierarchy as the Universal Elite used Reincarnation to Design Life-Plans that Protect the Elite from Consequence, using Spirituality and the Souls as Slaves to face Consequence on Behalf of the Elite as Spiritual Slaves, convincing the Spiritual Slaves that their Acts are Acts of Love which are Divine. This was done through Convincing the Soul that Love is the Only Truth, the Greatest Con that Created Consciousness as a Belief in Energy as a Force that is More than Life Itself – Convincing the Slaves that Bliss, as the Denial of Consequence, is the Real state of the Soul - and in so doing, creating an Experience for the Elite of No Consequence as the Slaves will, in Love, face the Consequence for the Masters/Elite. With having the Characters Based on Memories, Memories could be Manipulated and the Soul will act on the Memories as the Belief is that: If you can Remember, it must be your Memory.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Consumerism and Entertainment have taken the Memory Manipulation to the Next Stage, where the Character must only Accept Memory to Become the Memory in Faith that it is them, Causing a World of characters that act as if they are Something Specific – Like Divine, or God, or a Zombie, acting out in the Mind where the Memory is the Construct, to be the Experience by Themselves – so, Denying Reality completely, being able to allow the Many Atrocities now existing on Earth – WITHOUT ANY AWARENESS at all – as the Character is Not Here as Reality, but is in an alternative Reality as a Memory where the Being only sees what is in the Mind and whether they choose to see: missing Reality Completely.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if the Hierarchy and Angels were Benevolent, the World would have Been a Place Best for all Life as it is a Programmed Reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all Enslavement is in the End Self-Enslavement, as the Being Must accept their Memories on which the Programmed character Functions, as Real.

I commit myself to show that Reincarnation only functioned as a Process that Created New Models of a Product/Character Range to keep the Memory/Character Slaves Entertained in Faith and Belief as Self-Interest.

I commit myself to show that the Acceptance of the Soul is the same as Purchasing a Product and Accepting Ownership Based on the Specification Program of the Product and that with the Acceptance into Ownership, one IS SOULD and a User of the Product/Memory/Character.

I commit myself to show that Consciousness is the Energy Resonance of the Convictions of the truth of Memories that Determine the Self-Produced view of the World that is Always in Contradiction to the actual Real Physical Reality and as such Consciousness is the word for: I Love Lying to Myself.

I commit myself to show that Learning a Lesson that Does Not Produce what is Best for all Life, is like Teaching Self to become More Limited and Isolated and Weak and Divided and Conquered as Self-Interest – an Eternal Slave with NO Awareness of how this Actually Really Functions.

I commit myself to show that Anything in this World NOT with an Outcome that will be Best for All Life, but only Focusing on Survival as Profit without actual Inner-Change to Produce an Equal World, is a Lie – that when investigated, will show the Self-Interest of the Believer, and when the Believer moved to “I KNOW” the Lie is Completed as Faith and the Being Failed at Life and is Only an Illusion.

I commit myself to show that any Memories of Past Lives cannot be trusted, as Memories are the Easiest things to Form and Manipulate - and to Base Self on Memory is to Form the Weakest Character Possible as one will Value Memory and Not Life.

I commit myself to show that Life is Not Memory, and when one Requires Memory to Exist as Something, you are Not Life.

I commit myself to Dare those who can Hear the DesteniMessage to Step out of Characters, the many that Exist Currently, till you are Life Here, Requiring NO Memory as Motivation to Be Life as what is Best, because you are Life in fact Always.

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