Thursday 7 March 2013

Day 316: Sensitive Souls - How to Face Success

(Context: Question and Perspective Process of an Individual Facing difficulties with regards to doing Sales – door-to-door Sales, and within the Perspective understanding the reactions/Mind-responses that one may Face with facing oneself in doing door-to-door Sales and the multi-dimensional Personality/Character layers/acceptances/allowances that can unnecessarily limit oneself in New Ventures within one’s life experience- specifically if you are of a Sensitive Nature, with an Artist’s Mind.)


In your Personality Development, you Developed a very particular Protection System against Pain and Hurt - and essentially, against Failure. This is like Multiple Firewalls where you will find, that: every time you Transcend a point and you get to a next point - you will Experience extreme Physical Resistance.

In essence, the problem is that: in your Development (this is since Childhood) you have seen Failure around you, as well as the point of being Passive, thus - rather 'Lose' than 'Go for it'; you will rather hold back and justify Why - at a seeming ‘very Intellectual Level’. The same Pattern will occur over and over in all facets of your life – thus, none of what you work at will ever be anything as your System will Prevent it.
In this form of Characterisation, you will not even See the one layer or the next - as each Layer functions independently, each with a particular Feeling attached to it; and therefore: in spite of some Momentary Points where you Experience Insight and Feel Lighter - you will soon Return to your previous position where you are even within your own experience barely existing and just functioning.
This is a Tough point(s) to Transcend and will not go with ease. The only way out is Breath by Breath Living Application, to take that which Commonsense Reason presents as the Obvious Best Answer and then to Live it. You Cannot Trust a single thing you Feel, and certainly - you Cannot Trust your Thoughts or Backchat. So - you are going to have to Directly Direct every Breath and Walk through every Fear, every Resistance. Realising, that: what you can be, is a matter of You programming You to be That, and that everything in your System has been set up against it. To try and write it out will be Difficult, as most of it is Subconscious and you can't Remember how you did it, when you did it and what Memory is relevant to the Position you experience yourself within.

This is normally what happens to very Sensitive people, and this happened to me - and therefore: my Process was Extremely Difficult, and Sales was never my Preferred situation as I tended to Overanalyse every point. And only once I placed myself into Walking Breath by Breath and not succumbing to my Mind and Body feedback in terms of feelings, resistances, anxieties and fears: could I Retrain the Body to be Supportive.
That is Why, in the end, I could Trust my Body so much - because I Recreated it from Scratch, in every Breath. Never giving-in to these things in me that seemingly out of nowhere Pretended to be ‘me’ and be all these obvious Inadequacies. This does not mean that Sales is for you - you are Facing only yourself, and within this: you have to make the Decisions with which you can Live, but at the same time you have to Face that which is your Embodied Limitations


I have noticed that I only ever get to the very beginning stages of something and never break through onto the next phase. I do various things but only within the first phase so to speak, and never seem to get any "momentum" in anything, or accumulate anything that change my life in any way and thus remaining constantly in a state/position of barely surviving.
With the sales I have had massive resistance each day, and as mentioned in the blog that accumulated becoming heavier and heavier, but it seems no matter what I do this experience is the same


Yes. That is the ‘Firewalls’ that you have. They are extreme Fear-based Constructs from Childhood without any Words that can Define them - they are Pure Energy. You Built these during the Quantum Physical Stage as Pure Energy.
What I did with these is: I gave it (the undefined ‘pure energy’) a Name and described it to myself as effective as possible, ‘till I was satisfied that the Word I used to Describe it contains the Energy I was Experiencing. Then I did Forgiveness on that particular Word, with the Directive Will that the Word I am Removing is the particular Experience/Energy I connected to that Word/as that Word - and I did it for every point. The Last Point on this I only managed to Remove after about 7 years. So, this is Tough stuff.

But, as an Artist you can grasp that: with Symbolism, which are Words (as Words are formed through Symbols) - you can Capture the Essence of an Experience effectively, and through this you can Remove Energies, Experiences, Resistances that used to be Nameless.


Another things as well is I tend to fuck with my common sense reasoning where it’s like I don't know what is common sense any more so to speak in terms of what is the best way to direct myself and live my life. Particularly with regards to Career/Job.
I imagine that the extensive doubts I experience towards everything I do would be one of these firewalls


You have to Fundamentally Realise, that: you are Programmable in a Programmable World, where you have been Programmed to Respond to your Environment in particular ways that Misdirect you from Commonsense in every way possible. Particularly because, being Sensitive in this World is ‘dangerous’ for the System - and you have to Realise, that: those that Benefit from the System do not give a rats ass about you, Ever. And actually Depend on you Never being of any Consequence, because in that way - they can use the Resources Naturally assigned to you in this Life by the Universe for their Pleasure while you exist in extreme displeasure. So, in a way - you are Completely Alone in this Process, as I have stated many times. Because it is only by your Own Will Power that you can Change your Destiny. All I can Support you with is some Pointers of Awareness in some appropriate Moments where you may be Able to Hear me.


I have also been finding that I sleep more and more and it gets more difficult to get out of bed before 8 hours of sleep


Sleeping more is simply a way that one Deal with the Displeasure of the Self that you are, that attempts to make sense of a World where you are Not your Own Original Programmer. And as long as you do not Take Responsibility for your own Programming and make sure that that is What is Best for All - Nothing can Change. Every day one Wait - it takes Longer, because the time for Deprogramming and Reprogramming Remains Stable and a day Lost, means a day it will take Longer. This I Fundamentally Realised many years ago and Decided - which is the DECISION each will Face to Walk ‘till this is Done - Knowing that: it will be the Toughest Journey I will Ever Undertake, but also Knowing that at some point it will be Done…and so it was


So the programming is done breath by breath and using the tools of writing, self forgiveness and living the correction. I mean I have been writing daily however still seeming to not get to the points or make any progress with really getting through any programming


This Walking also includes the Actual Correction Lived in the Breath. The other Tools (Writing, Self Forgiveness, Self Commitments) Support, but - you have to Fundamentally Will yourself to Change and Face the Consequences of what you have become through your life thus far. Writing to this point has only Supported you to Develop enough Skill to be Able to Walk this.
You can only now Understand what I am saying, due to what you have Done/Walked so far in the Process.


It does sometimes seem impossible from the perspective of when I look at my life at the moment and have observed my life through the past years not ever changing really but just staying the same and in a way getting worse, that when I look at this it seems like a monumental task, like "how the fuck will I ever get out of this mess" kind of thing


Yes, I experienced that for years - and the Intent of the Initial Program was to take everyone to this position where you will eventually Give-up. Therefore, you have to Walk Past Giving-up – every Day, every Breath for at least 7 years. That is the Only Ones that will make the Process on Earth, and it is appropriate - because then you will Deserve Life and would have Proven that you Value it as yourself.


It’s strange I am living with my Sibling now and their life is exactly the same - even worse than mine - but at the same time I am in the same environment as them so we may be walking a similar point


You may be - but that is Irrelevant. The only process, at this stage, that is relevant - is yours. And only once you have Transcended - you may be Able to Assist.

You have a Decision to make and a Journey ahead of you. There is the easy way out: to just succumb to the system – OR: there is the Birthing yourself to Life, with a gestation period of 7 to 14 years.
And only You can Decide which one has Real Value.

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  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing this.

    I particularly like the idea of assigning a word to an undefined energy and loading it up with context to be able to work with it more practically. Very proactive self-discovery method.

  2. Awesome support here, thanks for sharing

  3. "You have to Fundamentally Realize, that: you are Programmable in a Programmable World, where you have been Programmed to Respond to your Environment in particular ways that Misdirect you from Commonsense in every way possible".

    It finally starts to make sense sort of. This post was an eye opener. Thanks you very much for pointing the shit out in an understandable way.

  4. This is really supportive. I know I am a sensitive person, and I have written lots of points where I didn't know what I felt. And I kept writing, until I had a word, which encompassed that exact energy. It's like a puzzle piece falling in it's place, and you have exactly something to work with. I'm glad that there is this support now placed on the internet, because we know, we can't stop untill it's done.

  5. Very supportive, thank you very much for this!
