Friday 1 June 2012

Day 48: The Visible and the Invisible

Watch Psywar Documentary

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we as humanity have given value to the Invisible Giving of a SMILE that is just a LIE, while the VISIBLE Giving of Food and Shelter have been placed in the category of Invisible Gods with Invisible Intent and Reason, so that our Invisible Self-Interest can Rule the Visible World INTO a place of Hell for all those that do Not have Visible Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we as humanity have Valued Invisible Love as Giving, instead of Forms of Visible love which would ensure a dignified Equal Visible Life for all, to confirm that we Visibly Value Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that We as Humanity have Valued the Invisibility of the MIND as FREED, instead of Valuing the Visibility of the Physical as Freedom, where every Life is Valued with the Necessities the Visible World Requires to Live.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we as Humanity have Glorified the Invisible Now, when we have Visible Money to Protect what we have WON, instead of Looking at the VISIBLE Conditions that is NOW here on Earth because of the way of the LIE we Live in the NOW of the MIND as Invisible feelings and Invisible Self-Talk in judgment of Life, as we Live in Invisible Fear while we LIE with a SMILE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we have taken VISIBLE History and made it INVISIBLE by changing the MEMORIES of HUMANITY into an INVISIBLE Greatness and DIVINITY in the MIND, while the VISIBLE actions and Participations of the Human are NOT HUMAN OR DIVINE and Based on FALSE Images of INVISIBLE MEMORY IMPLANTS.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not  realize that We as HUMANITY have GLORIFIED INVISIBLE SOULS as INVISIBLE SPIRITUALITY AS LIFE WHILE THE VISIBLE LIFE on Earth has been Reduced to ILLUSION in the MIND, causing the Human to NOT value VISIBLE SUFFERING at ALL.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Personality of a child has been shaped by Invisible Memories through Childhood Stories, and Myths, and Television and Knowledge – WITHOUT building ANY VISIBLE CONCERN or Action that will show VISIBLY that Life is valued by Teaching that the VISIBLE presence of MONEY/WEALTH justifies ALL INVISIBLE and VISIBLE Acceptances and Allowances on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Gurus and Masters and Spiritual Teachers sell the Greatest Consumer Products Imaginable as Invisible Love, Light and Feelings of Divinity that are implanted INVISIBLY in the Memory of the HUMAN, making FORTUNES while the Unfortunate are left VISIBLY in distress in the world – yet the GREAT souls Give INVISIBLE reasons and justifications why the VISIBLE suffering must be allowed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Corporation uses Invisible Memory Implants to Create VISIBLE consumers that Buy VISIBLE Goods to Satisfy Invisible Implanted Desires of Self-Interest that keep the Humans WITH MONEY Happy in the NOW, while those WITHOUT MONEY are Left in the VISIBLE WILDERNESS, without any guilt by perpeTRAITORS of this Dishonor of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that We as Humanity have GLORIFIED the INVISIBLE MIND as God, while the MIND can ONLY exist thanks to the VISIBLE existence of the FLESH which Should be the REAL PART that MUST BE GLORIFIED as LIFE, Equal and One for ALL.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that We as Humanity have Glorified and Given POWER to the NOW of LOVE as Invisible Self GRATIFICATION in the GLORIFICATION of the Greatness of the EVOLUTION of CONSUMERISM using VISIBLE MONEY, while LIFE WITHOUT MONEY has been MADE INVISIBLE in the NOW as the WILL of an INVISIBLE GOD whose Reasons for allowing Poverty is INVISIBLE, while the ONLY GOD on EARTH is the HUMAN as Jesus suggested: “YE ARE GODS” – the VISIBLE GOD would value LIFE as Equal for all, and Not allow the NOW of ATROCITY to Rule Life on EARTH!

I commit myself to show that a SMILE is the Best LIE as shown by the NOW of ADVERTISING and TELEVISION that IMPLANTS Ideologies that the INVISIBLE is Valuable, while the Real VALUE is the VISIBLE support of ALL LIFE on Earth, as the Realization of Life’s VISIBLE existence.

I commit myself to the TRANSFORMATION of all GIVING to be VISIBLY measured as what is Best for all VISIBLE LIFE on Earth.


I commit myself to show that what we have NOW on Earth is an ATROCITY justified by INVISIBLE Thoughts of Self-Interest, while the Interest of all Life is NOT Valued Equally as a Basic Human Right.

I commit myself to show what we have NOW on Earth is NOT DIVINE or GREAT as the Personal VISIBLE GIVING that is GREATNESS is NOT DONE in ANY WAY, as only the Feelings of Self-Interest is Served with NO SERVICE GIVEN EQUALLY to VISIBLE LIFE.

I commit myself to show that the REAL VALUE of the INVISIBLE SOUL is in the VISIBLE GIVING EQUALLY to all Life VISIBLE Support of FOOD, Shelter and the MEANS to Have a Life of Value, and that NO SOUL that allows any VISIBLE Atrocity on Earth can EVER be TRUSTED for ETERNITY to VALUE LIFE.

I commit myself to show that the EDUCATION of a child through MEMORIES determines who the child will become, and that the same Methods that NOW produce a child of SELF-interest, can be Produced by changing the MEMORY Implants to that which is Best for all Life ALWAYS.

I commit myself to show that ALL Spiritual Teachers throughout ALL TIME only EVER MISGUIDED through the INVISIBLE to ABUSE the VISIBLE WORLD for their OWN Self-Interest.

I commit myself to show that the PUBLIC Relations PLANNERS know they are IMPLANTING the Human with INVISIBLE desires that CONTROL HUMAN Behaviour in the NOW, and Anyone taking ADVANTAGE of the Now of Consciousness created for CONSUMERISM and Desire, are doing so in FULL knowledge that they are taking Advantage of the Invisibility of the NOW to keep the Human WITH MONEY Happy – IN SPITE of the VISIBLE EVIDENCE that the World is NOT a Happy place for all and WILL never be a Happy Place for all – UNLESS all Have EQUALMONEY.

I commit myself to show that GLORY is in the EQUAL LIVING as GIVING to ALL on EARTH what we would Like to Receive.

I commit myself to show that GRATIFICATION is the Result of GREED implanted in the NOW of the Reason to keep those with Money as Satisfied Consumers, while keeping those WITHOUT Money in a State of Desire, seeking Money as the Only Real Purpose NOW on Earth.

I commit myself to Help the Human Realize that while the Human is Not a God of the Universe, the Human is a GOD on Earth, that decides How What is Given FREELY by the Universe is distributed – Either Equally in ways that are Best for all, that will end Fear and Abuse, or Unequally – that will cause fear, War, Abuse and unspeakable atrocities that will be on Television and in the News Daily till the Human as God on Earth Stops and Creates a World System that is Best for all Life, always – as that would be the ONLY NOW acceptable of Glorification.

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