Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 77: Stopping the Mind in the Flesh – Part 3

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the World as it exists today is the Flesh Living Back through the Mind - with the Flesh the Automated Programmed Nature, and the Mind the Justification as Inner-Talk, and Feelings and Visions to make sure the CONvict Remain within the Parameters of Conviction so that the Sentence can be Lived till Death, to Make Sure this Reality Remains Enslaved to Energy and the Production of Energy, as the Creators Intended.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to Change the World to what is Best for all, the Individual will have to LIVE IN THE System as it exists NOW, as the System – using the System so to Change Reality through Agreement , as that is the Exact Way the System Reality was Created in the First Place – thus, through Politics, Education, Knowledge and all ways Currently Existing, Participating and Directing with Common Sense the Point that all Actually Desire, to Fulfilment – which is a World of Peace, Harmony and Self-Fulfilment, which is only Possible in a World that Supports Life as what is Best for all Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the World as it Exists in Automated Acceptance, is Programmed into the Flesh of Every New Born Child by those that act as Parents, ensuring that the Child will be Following in the Footsteps of the Parents that Follow the System, and that Money Plays the Dominating Role in what will Become of Each Child in the World, in every way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that a Fail Safe was Programmed into each Human - then when the Human believe they have the Answer, they must Stick to it as Proof of their Faith in themselves, and Never look at anything Else that May sway their Faith – as, in Faith ALONE, one is Saved – is the Con Sould that Now is Part of Every Spiritual Form, just dressed up in Different Justifications, as the Inner-Me, as the Real Enemy of Life, is Protected in Every Way Possible; perpetrating a System of Abuse at astounding Level, with NO Awareness Arising within the Human that Something is Wrong in this Living Picture on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Physical World is the Perfect Net, the Perfect Planet, through which All Ego will Forevermore be stopped, and Whomsoever does not Walk the process of Space and time to understand all Details of what is Created on Earth as Consciousness Energy, and in this Stop it forever: shall NOT ENTER LIFE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Living Flesh is what Must Become Self-Aware as Self in the Process of Self-Creation, and those that Follow the Energy and Light as By-product of the Mind, thinking they are the FIRST, and the Way-Showers – are in fact the Abusers of Life for Self-Interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Every Word Spoken in Conversation based on Definitions and Meanings that are understood by the Speaker, in fact comes from the Physical Body and NOT THE MIND.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that with the Abuse of the Physical Body, the Body became so Automated as Slave to the Mind, that Only Extreme dedicated Discipline in Every Breath will bring the Opportunity after Many Years, to in fact Birth Self as Life from the Physical – and then One will have to Re-Educate yourself as the Body-Awareness to Live that which is Best for all Life, always.

I commit myself to show that the Flesh is the Real Self that Must be Freed from the Bondage of the Mind as Energy in all its forms, and that this Self as Flesh is Completely Enslaved and Unaware.

I commit myself to show that this Journey to Flesh Self-Awareness is the Journey to Life that will Produce Life Eternal.

I commit myself to show that this Journey to Flesh Self-Awareness will be the Most difficult Journey ever Undertook and Only those worthy of Life will Make it.

I commit myself to show that All the Keys and Steps to Support this Journey to Life of the Flesh as Self is available and Only those able to Embrace themselves as Life to Be, will become Life.

I commit myself to show that the Process as the Journey to Life, as the Flesh as Self, is the SAME for Every One in a Space/Time Framework – WITH NO SHORTCUTS, or Sudden Awareness – and thus those addicted to Quick Fixes will NOT walk to Life, but try and Sell Light and Love while the World turns to Hell.

I commit myself to show that all Knowledge on Earth, in all ways, is Contaminated with the Con of Consciousness – and that those that Peddled Consciousness will be the Last that May Realize they should STOP and get back to Reality, with Few at this Stage able to Muster themselves as Life in the Physical. DO NOT Postpone, as TIME waits for NO ONE, and All are Equal in Space and Time: as it MUST BE.

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