Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 57: Experiencing the Sacred Knowledge

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all knowledge is transferred from generation to generation through the Pattern of the Dominant Self-Interest Groups of the Time, to Control the Direction of Human Behavior as Consciousness to be that which will Benefit and Protect the Self-Interest of the Groups Dominating Human Nature.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that All Experience is Subject to the Knowledge within the Human Flesh as Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Dimensions of Memory based on Decisions Made in Multiple ways, Most of Which the Decision Maker is NOT AWARE of.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Experience as Fundamental Starting Point of Faith, Belief or Self-Definition is ALWAYS Tainted by the Knowledge in Various Multiple Dimensions of Memory Patterns - and that Experience is Only Valid when it is Measured in terms of ALL Physical Events Involving ALL Life on Earth to Establish if Equality as Life exists and how to Improve it, or if Equality does not Exist, and why Equality is NOT ALLOWED to Exist  - and Experience as Self-Interest to Benefit Self Alone, while SMITING all other Life forms is the Predominant accepted way of Experience on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to Make decisions Based on Experience to Benefit Self-Interest alone, will Require the Denial of the Experience of others not Equal to the Opportunity, and will Produce Global Inhumanity as is Now on Earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Experience WEAR the Glasses of Knowledge that shade reality to benefit Self-Interest in spite of the Harm done and accepted Globally while Living the Dream Experience Only Possible for the Elite few MINORITY.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Promoting the Experience as Life worth Living will divide the World in haves and Have Nots that will Misalign Integrity and Morality to Benefit the Elite as the Majority will Hope that Somehow with a Miracle, they may too Experience the Dream Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Dreams are always Based on Knowledge acquired either Consciously, Subconsciously or Unconsciously and are Never the Measure for Reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Experience is a Commodity as Consumer Product SOULD to the Elite with Money to Make Sure that what is Best for all Life on Earth Seems Impossible and those that Have the Dream Life, must be Grateful for their Experience. This Leaves a world Lacking in GREAT Leaders that will NOT fall for the Deception of Experience and Cause More than Half the world to Live Lives that will never Experience the Most Basic Human Rights – like: Shelter, clean water, flushing toilets, proper education, electricity, etc. – the Elite that can change this, and here the Elite are those that Experience Basic Human Rights, will Not share Life on Earth with the less Fortunate, but will keep them as Slaves for cheap labor to make the Special Experiences as Exclusive as possible and so Expensive that some will Work years to Experience just some of the Grand Consumer Experiences on offer.

I commit myself to show that Experience can Never be trusted, because Experience with Integrity as Life would have produced a World that is Best for all Life, Always.

I commit myself to show that Even the Most educated on Earth only Experience their Knowledge, and are in fact Slaves to Knowledge – incapable to Honor Life as Equal in All.

I commit myself to show that the Personalities of Humans as Experience is formed to benefit the Consumerism Concentration Camps where most Fight for Scraps in a World of Plenty.

I commit myself to show that all Decisions justified through experience and for experience are Based in the Fear of Losing the Experience, especially if the Experience is to be shared Equally by All on Earth as a Basic Human Right. For this Reason, all Basic Human Rights are Watered down and Structured to Protect those who Live the Dream on Earth, while the Rest Live the Reality of Poverty.

I commit myself to show that all Knowledge that does not produce a World that is Best for All, is Suspect, as it only serves the Minority with Dream Lives.

I commit myself to show that Research and Knowledge Benefit and Protect the Dreams of those who have Access to the Basic Human Rights on Earth, while the Rest are Enslaved by a LACK of Money.

I commit myself to show that the Door to Equal Experience as a Basic Human Right in Every Way is to Change the Knowledge on Earth to be Only VALID if Life is Honored Equally in Every Way.

I commit myself to show that Experience has been used to Elevate Some Knowledge to Sacred Knowledge while Life is Left in the Dungeons of the Greedy for Experience.

I commit myself to show that Only Life is Sacred and Experience and Knowledge are the tools within which Life is Supported and Served to Produce a World that is Best for all Life Equally.

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