Monday 11 June 2012

Day 58: Psychic Phenomena

Watch The TrapThe Century of the Self and Psywar to Identify the Psychic Problem

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Psyche is the Resonance developed through the Physical Leaving of the Body to Quantumly Interact through Presence to FORM Interpretations of Reality Based on the Basic Patterns of the Human Relationship System within which Some Humans Develop a more Specific Interpretation Deliberately to Feed on the Insecure and Less Developed Psyches.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that many Psychics end up being a Psychic when the Psychic finds Self unable to Live effective in the System, yet Psychics then Dedicate their Lives to Keep others Happy in the Same System ending up Living a Life of Double Cross, Double Deception – Deceiving themselves and others for the sake of Survival and Money, claiming they do Not do it for the Money but for the Love.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Phenomena is by its very Nature things on the FRINGE of Reason that are interpreted to Enhance the Control of the Mysterious to in the End Serve the Consumerism Industry by Keeping the Irrational, Insecure Human in the Spiral of Inner-Talk that always Serves Self-Interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Psychics Always Serve Consumerism as Love and Happiness and Never Life – as the Basic Equality that Exists in All.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Psychics are Seldom Born but mostly trained through Life Experience – looking for ways to Survive in a System that does not Honor Life, ending up becoming Abusers of Life themselves without Ever seeing for Real what will be best for Life to dedicate themselves to a Life that will Produce a World that will Always be best for all Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that challenging Psychics to realign their Lives to what is Best for Life practically on Earth is the Greatest Service that can be GIVEN to Psychics, as they are Potentially able to be of Great Service to Life if they can Reach Inner-Integrity and Self-Honesty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Healing People without Assisting them to Heal the Inner-Dishonor to Life, is in Fact Not Healing, it is serving Consumerism acting as the Psychic Policeman in the Head.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to allow a World with Suffering while Self-Interest is Served in the name of Love, is a Love without Integrity that will Continue to Produce a World in a Downward Spiral.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Sense Psychics make of the World is Not Common Sense Best for Life, but Survival Sense Best for the Customers that must Hear what the Customer wants to Hear in Self-Interest to Become a Regular Trusted Customer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that no Psychic Medium has in any way Contributed to the Debate and Solution that will build a World Best for All, as all Psychics are trapped in the Love World of Consumerism.

I commit myself to assist Psychics to face the Fear of Survival that trapped them in the Love Design of Consumerism.

I commit myself to show that to Promote the Love Design of Consumerism as if it is the Ultimate Answer to Life on Earth, is to Double Cross Life with a Smile on the Face.

I commit myself to show that using Words in Ways that Make it the Responsibility of the one Receiving a Psychic Reading to Connect to the Words in a Very Wide Way is Deceptive. Life is to be Lived DIRECT with the Outflow of Consequence Realized so that Human Behavior and Reasoning can be Adjusted to what is Best for all Life.

I commit myself to show that Development Circles and Meditation leads to the Creation of Personality Entities that The Psychic will use as a Presence to TUNE INTO the Energy to do a Reading – this is a form of Programming that Serves only the Illusion of Consumerism, and NOT LIFE.

I commit myself to challenge Psychics to Investigate what is Allowed in the Intuitive Consumer Industry and Why Nothing is Done to Produce a World that is Practically Best for all Life.

I commit myself to show that LOVE has Never and Will Never Improve the World, as the Human is a Programmed System which Must be Programmed to Practical Effective Living or the Human will Result in a Useless Hypnotized Happy Customer of Love as just a Consumer of the Product called Love created to Trap the Consumer in a world of Imaginary Love separate from the Real World where millions do not Even Have Basic Rights for Many Generations already.

I commit myself to show that Disease is the Incorrect Programming of Words into the Flesh where All that is Life is not Considered or even Realized.

I commit myself to show that Consciousness is Not actual Awareness, it is the Love Design of Consumerism that Rooted itself in the Flesh as Feelings and Emotions – DICTATING all Choice on Earth with NO REGARD for Life

1 comment:

  1. Amazing blog, great to understand how phsychic abilities work and why.
