Happiness Play a Central Role in the Evaluation of Life Experience on Earth. In this, Money Plays a Significant Role, as anyone that’s been under Financial Pressure can Attest to.
The Vital Question then, would be: How can we Ensure Happiness for ourselves and our Loves Ones as a Constant Experience in Every Way Possible?
To Investigate this, there is a Way – to Ensure Happiness for Everyone on Earth as much as Physically Possible. This will also Ensure a Secure and Dignified Life for Every Child Born, and thus for One’s Own Family. This will be a Journey though, as Each One will have to Investigate their Current Version of Knowledge and Adjust their View of the World to not Only Include their own Self-Interest, but also to Include the Self-Interest of everyone else. It’s like taking the Jesus the Message of “Giving as you would like to Receive”, to its ULTIMATE Success, which Ensures Successful Living for yourself and Everyone Else on Earth. There are a Few Exceptions like for instance, Distorted Mental Health, Physical Disabilities and Unforeseen Events – but, for the most part: it is Possible to Ensure a Life of Happiness for Everyone.
What is Amazing is that: you do not Require the Law Of Attraction for instance, to Bring this to yourself. You have to Understand the Law of “Giving as you would like to Receive”, and in this – the First Step is, GIVE. And the Law Of Attraction – you want to First Receive before you Give. And therefore, it is Not an Effective Way to Ensure Happiness for yourself or Anyone Else, and only a Few will Hit the Jackpot with the Law Of Attraction.
With the Law of “Giving as you would like to Receive” –everyone will Hit the Jackpot Every Time, which Bring an End to Luck and Casting the Lot, as Happiness will no longer have an Element of Luck to it.
To Grasp How this is Possible: we Must Emphasize the Importance of Initially, Patiently, Studying the Economic Principles of Equal Money Capitalism. And Yes, it is Capitalism – Functioning in the Way it was Intended, to Produce Not Only Opportunity, but ACTUAL Success for Every Person on Earth. A Few Points about Equal Money Capitalism, just to Wet your Appetite:
- It will Bring an End to All Debt in the World
- Property Ownership will be a Basic Human Right
- Healthcare will be a Basic Human Right
- Happiness will be a Basic Human Right
- Employment will be a Basic Human Right
- Education will be a Basic Human Right
- Freedom of Choice will be a Basic Human Right
This is But a Few of the Results of the Law of “Giving as you would like to Receive”, Embodied in Capitalism that is Based On Equal Rights for Every Human Being on Earth.
Every Human Being Claim ‘the Right to Life’, yet there is no Protection of this Right – unless you, in the Current Capitalism, have the Benefit of Money; this Equal Money Capitalism (EMC), will Prevent. What will also be Prevented, is War. As War is Profit-Driven.
It is Time for a New World System. One Based on Prevention, instead of Reaction. One Based on Honouring the Right of Life, Equally for All.
Join the Journey to Life, and Become Part of a Solution.
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