Monday 25 June 2012

Day 72: Is Profit Driving the Spirit?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those claiming to be Spiritual in Nature, use Spirituality to Drive Personal Profit, Fame and Glamour in the Name of Individual Freedom of Choice – Disregarding the Fact that All Life Is Given to Each, Equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Life is the Source of Each Person’s Existence, Given Equally in measure to All – and that that Equality is the Real Spirit of Life that is Abused in the Name of Spirituality, through the Creation of Uniqueness and Exclusiveness as Individual Placing Individual Self-Interest Rights as MORE that the Right to Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Fact that Life is Given Equally to All is the Proof that it is the Foundational Human Right that, if Not Honored, will cause Some to Cause the Death of Others by Taking the Right to Life through Individual Self-Interest, causing Less Life Expectancy and Suffering – making the Spirit of Profit and Individuality that does Not Respect Life Equally in ALL in Fact, an Act of Murder.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that due to an Unfavorable Economic System on Earth, Spirituality developed into a Consumer Commodity Drive by Profit, where Diversity is SOULD in Spite of the Fact that Life is Equal - and instead of Creating a favorable Economic System on Earth to Support Life, which will Confirm that the Spirit of Life Given to All Equally is Grasped, Spiritual People have become a Consumerism Disease that justify their Survival above all without any Regard for Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Intent of Spirituality as Commodity in Consumerism is Published and Shown Clearly as Individual Self-Interest, in the Advancement of Self Spiritually without any Consideration for the Real Value of Life that is Equally Given to all for Free. This places the Spiritual Teachings in this World as Only focusing on Matters of Profit, causing a World that Increasingly is becoming more and more ABUSIVE toward Life, where Spiritual teachings are used as Justifications as to the Reason why Some Must Suffer, while Others Profit, causing the Question ‘Why is light as Blind as Faith?’ and ‘Why are the Consequences of Spirituality in Its Current Consumerist form Not Questioned?’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that TRUE Spirituality has its Foundation in Life Given Equally to All, and that the Spirit of Life will ensure that Life is Supported Equally always, and that Resources are always shared Equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Ascension and the Advancement of the Personal Self in Disregard of Life Equally, is a System of Profit by Definition, that must Consume the Lives of those seen as not Spiritually Equal, although all is Life, Equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Heart of Love is the Heart of Life Equally beating in Each Chest and with Spirituality separating Spirit from Life for Profit – begs to all: ‘How is the Spiritual Idea of a Heart Valid if it Causes the Living Flesh Heart to Suffer, and it Causes Lives to be Taken without Regard?’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Spirituality has been overrun by Charlatans seeking to Profit from the Fear of People that KNOW Life is NOT Supported Equally, where the Charlatan promotes themselves as their message of Love Purely to Profit Either Financially or Emotionally, and these Charlatans will Attack the Desteni Message of Equality – as Desteni will Prove that the Only Message Valid is Equality as One as Life, and Time WILL be the Evidence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Ignoring the Message of Life as Equal in all Does Not make it Diminished, it only acts as a Decision to ABDICATE the Gift of Life for which the Consequence is Death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Only True Definition of Spirituality is the Spirit as Life as what is Always Best for Life Equally in all Forms it make Take.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Spirituality has been Commercialized and High-jacked by Entities only Interested to Profit from Energy and Money and that do not Give a Rats Ass about Life, or Earth, or the Suffering Caused by spreading False Hopes to Override Common Sense as what is Best for All.

I commit myself to challenge the Commercialization of Spirituality where Personal Profit, and Fame, and Glamour is the Result, instead of a Result that is Best for all life on Earth to Produce Heaven on Earth.

I commit myself to show that Life was GIVEN to Each Life-form Equally, and Life Cannot be Measured as More or Less, as Life is Given or Taken and when Taken, it Ends. Those thus that Enslave Life for Personal Profit and Glorification are in fact taking Life like a Parasite and must be Stopped as this is Unacceptable.

I commit myself to show that mankind ARE NOT GIVERS of Life and that Dominion Means to be CARETAKERS of Life IN Realization that Only Life is Real Value, and is Equal in ALL.

I commit myself to show that any Spiritual Message that Dispenses Hope of favors personal Self-Interest, is only a Consumerism Commodity for Personal Profit.

I commit myself to show that the Soul is but a Body Commercialized to be Sould to those that Fear Self-Honest Equal Living on Earth, and that still seek to Live the Dream instead of Being the Caretakers of Life on Earth.

I commit myself to show that Light Blinds as much as Blind Faith, while Life on Earth suffers at the Minds Lost in Consciousness to Hope.

I commit myself to show that all Resources on Earth are Given Freely to Life, and Abuseof Resources for Personal Profit is Abuse of Life and a Choice to abdicate Life Given - and as such, will end in the Life of the Abuser Being Lost upon Death.

I commit myself to, as Life in the Position and Ability to be Caretaker of Life, bring about Real Change on Earth that will in All Ways be What is Best for all Life, Always.

I commit myself to show that the Only Heart that Determines Life or Death is the Heart Beating in the Chest.

I commit myself to show that No One can Call themselves Spiritual if They Do Not in all Ways Preserve the Spirit as Life Equal in all, always.

I commit myself to Restore Real Spirituality to Earth as the SPIRIT as Life as Equal as What is Best for Each One.

I commit myself to Set Life Free from the Drive for Profit so that Each Life can Live Life to the Best, in the Time Given to Each One.

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