Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 63: Pinky and the Brain

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Brain of the Mind has less relationship designs than in the Pinky of the Physical Body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Brain of the Mind has less Power than in the Pinky of the Physical Body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Brain of the Mind is the Same as the Brain of the Machine – Designed according to Relationship Circuits that Switch according to the Values of Self-Interest to Benefit the Ego in the Greater Context of Winning as Seen and Demonstrated in the Movie – Beautiful Mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Physical Body starts with a Relationship between an Egg and a Sperm and then work Together as One, as Equal, to Form the Relationships that will become the Human Body: a Marvel the Mind is yet to Fathom, and is such Light-Years ahead of anything the Mind has been able to copy or Emulate.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that just like the Circuits in a Mechanical Brain, in the Relationships that Make the Machine Function - the Mind builds circuits that Design the Personality into what we see in the World today, and that it is just as Easy to Develop New Circuits and Personalities that are Best for all Life, which will result in much Greater and Grander functionality with Much more Precision, than what is Now Accepted as the so-called Resultant Consciousness of Man.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Once the Environment and the Parents have built the Relationship Circuits in a Child’s Mind, the Personality Emerges when the Mind-Brain is Switched on and Produce a Working Mind Machine according to these Relationship Circuits that flows with Energy Producing what the Human Called Consciousness – and that has been Deified as if it is a Great achievement, while the Human has Not Even Realized how this is Created or dare to Investigate or Considered that there is Another Way that would not Produce the Suffering that Now Exists in the World.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Great Myth used by Psychologists to Make the Personality and the Mind a Consumer Product, is Actually only a Statement of Slavery and Ignorance by Psychology, as Psychologists do what they do for Money and to Manage a Dysfunctional, Badly Created Mind Machine without understanding or Correcting the Mechanics so that which will be best for Life on Earth Equally.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that for Consumerism to Remain as the System that only Benefits the Few, with an Air like a Casino where some, Sometimes, hit the Jackpot – the Parenting and Education must be defended and kept the Same, and we can then be Certain, the World will Never be a Place of Life, but only ever be Inhabited by the Organic Mind Machine that can be Switched on and off by Images, Words and feelings – the absolute Perfect Robot Slave.

I commit myself to show that the Science, Psychology and Education in this World is Beyond Primitive and that the Human has Not Evolved at all, only the System Evolved – trapping the Human as External Slave.

I commit myself to show that Even the System, in its Illusion of Power with Billions of Slaves, are subject to the Human Physical Body, and will not Exist if the Human Body does not Exist.

I commit myself to show that the Examples of how Relationship-Circuits that Carry Energy as Brains of Movement, Decisions and Choices – Producing Society at large – are all around us, and in Everything, just like it is Claimed about the Spirit of God: and that the System is the Only Real God on Earth, Rewarding its Slaves with Money for their Loyalty.

I commit myself to show that a New Earth is Only Possible if the Human is Rewired to Only Act in Ways that are Best for all Life, and that anyone with Basic Free-Will Common Sense can work this out for Themselves and that if One is Unable to Work this out and See the Common Sense, you are Slave – trapped in the Design – unable to Escape, because only those that Understand the Design in Detail, will be able to get out. This Help is Provided at, and and

I commit myself to show that all Participation in all Facets of Consumerism is because the Mind as Slave Consciousness designed the Patterns to Coincide with the Inner-Patterns so that the World System will be the Mirror that Reflects to the Personality, the Illusion that the Personality is Real – just because the Inner and Outer looks the Same and Supports Each Other - while all it is, is a design of Relationships based on Rewards to Ensure Movement, and Decisions are made to keep the System Going: No Matter What.

I commit myself to show that the Mind of the Human that Produces Consciousness is just a Machine, Dependent on its Great God: Energy, that will Produce Light and will End up being called Enlightenment, which is actually quite Absurd once it is Understood how this is designed and How it Really Functions.

I commit myself to show that Consciousness has Never Been Anything Else but the Brain of the Machine that Produces Personalities within Relationships, and that this ends when the Body dies, a Real Simple Calculation that can be Made, if each were Real and Free – but those Not real and Free, will fight for Consciousness and the Self-Interest Design of Personality Individuality as is Shown in the Violence, Wars, Poverty, and many Dysfunctions of a Society that has No Clue How Realities are Created in fact.

I commit myself to call on Psychologists to Really Study How Consciousness functions, or Psychology will never be a Real Science.

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