
Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 481: Energy and Illusion – Part 1

Energy and Illusion as Quantum Reality as the Future (Part 1)

energy illusion history universe bernardpoolman desteni

Ok so let’s look at the situation around energy.
What has caused our problem within the context of our existence? In the very beginning, we emerged from the physical universe. From that which was, call it ‘manifest’ – that which was here. So the physical universe. In our emergence from it, we were in a way like an energetic impulse that came from it. So in the beginning, they will explain to you, for instance if you look at and you study the races that is here in the universe – how everyone emerged from the planets. And then when you died, you returned to the planet.

For instance, when we found Anu – well, all the beings in heaven – we started going back: we were looking at the forefathers of Anu. We found them in the planets. They existed as an imprint, as the history of the movement of the energetics. Because energy always changes form but it’s always the same energy. So, dimensionally, it will have a different imprint. When you for instance now eat food, the food that you’re eating is coming, say, from the plant, but that plant has derived its energy from the shit that was placed back into the earth, and thus it’s the same energy –it’s just another dimension of it. Which is how your multidimensionality operates in a physical way.

So if you really go back at any singular point in the physical reality, you will be able to find all its dimensions –that means that which it has existed as before– which is your quantum reality as you experience it as a physical reality and as you assess how it has progressed through what you call time –but it was simply its functionality within a sequential process of eternal existence, where it simply changes form from energy to energy. Which means it changes substance, it changes its nature from one form to another form. But you can go back within that and actually trace back its origin. That means: Where does it come from and how did it move –which is similar to past lives and one’s existence throughout time. This ‘time’ though is not really measured as anything else than the sequential change/transfor­mation of the energy (energy=that which was its substance).

Within that we became aware. We became an energy of the energy. In that awareness we created a mind. That mind was basically our attempt to understand our existence within this emergence from what is here. Everything was always fine because, from a certain perspective, if you have managed, or, directed it within the interest of all, there was no conflict, there was no friction necessary, because the energy was simplistically transforming within the relationships that was existent. The relationships that was existent was within its definition of and as the form it has, that is then taken apart and it releases energy – which is fusion, for instance, or combustion for instance.
We all existed within a reality that you could call quanta, a quantum reality, where everything in a way was immediate, yet we would experience ourselves within the sequence of our expression. Within that emerged a process of abuse. A process of, where some noticed that they could form a point of view about something and that their point of view, which you could call an opinion, was worth more than another’s point of view.

Within that point of view, a friction developed between two points of view. The friction between those two points of view, which are now a manifestation of another dimension of the same energy where it comes from, which has become individualized and separate from the total movement of the physical energy within which all existed. Within that contextual relationship that was created, a friction developed between those two points of view / opinions. That friction created (energy) or allowed energy to emerge that was separate, that could be directed as individualized energy –which you can call THOUGHT today. Within that we created our ILLUSION.

Once we started taking that thought -that separated changed perceptual energy which was not seen, which was not returning to its source– we started to create illusions. And we started to trap that energy which is real into an illusion and we slowly consumed the universe. Throughout billions of years, as you now call it, we have consumed the whole universe like that.
A solution had to be found. Because of the very nature of the energy, that was created as a mental energy, as an energy of individualized delusion. Implied within that, equal and one, was a limitation to a single point, which made possible the manifestation of the individual form within the context of the triangle. Because that emergence of an opinion, of a point of view about something, in conflict with the point of view of another point: created a triangle. Two points in conflict created a point of combustion, a point of friction which created energy. Another level of energy. That energy is the energy we today live as personality. That made it possible obviously for the automatic emergence of what you would call 3-dimensions. Because that’s how we created 3-dimensions as a system. The fact that that was a delusion didn’t matter. Because within that we became that separated opinion, that idea of ourselves. When we became that idea of ourselves, we created what you have today. Entities, beings, even in the physical, that exist NOT AS the physical.

You are existing as the mental projection of your physical self. So, you became a digital self. A self contained within opinion, digits, symbols. Which is not physical. Because remember, if we go back to the story of Anu and them, they took symbols from the planet –they took pieces of the planet and made symbols of it- which is then made to an opinion –they created an idea. Then the idea became important and your opinion about the idea became your mental projection, your delusion, your illusion = what you believe yourself to be, which then I would call a personality. This personality will fight for its existence by having a point of view, which is in conflict with another point of view. The friction between those two has created ‘the System’ as it exists today. According to that we then made rules for the system, which is the laws and the moralities and the beliefs that exist today –which we then adhere to, we have taken that and put it back into symbols, which is Writing, made it our laws, and we have bound ourselves to that.
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