Now you’ll see that the Debate around ‘Free Speech’ that is going on, is an interesting one. Because, we’re dealing, again, with the Trinity
of Control, which can also be used within the principles of ‘Freedom’ –
but, it is used within a very Specific Format for the Control of the Mind
of Those that have ‘Much to Lose’. ‘Much to Lose’, which is not their
lives, it is their possessions - and are thus but Products of our
Wonderfully Advanced Education System, which Produce Robots for the Corporations and the System.
In Real Life, in the Physical World, people have No Freedom. They’re
bound by Money, Possessions, Physical Conditions, Property, Laws,
Politics, Education and Religion - to Follow a System within which the
Ultimate ‘Decision Maker’ is Money. Because, Unfortunately, by the
Labour or “the sweat of your brow” - you do not necessarily ‘Earn your
Living’, as some simply don’t have Jobs and Others Don’t Work, because
they have Slaves working for them, so they don’t have to Sweat. The Only
Sweat they go through is when they’re going to the Gym. They’re
completely Supported by their Wage and Salary Slaves to have a Life
Without Meaning, in terms of Life in General. But, in their own
Particular Perception they believe they have a Life ‘With Meaning’,
because ‘apparently’ - They are ‘Free’, they are ‘Happy’ and they ‘Have
Everything the World can Ever Offer.’ Obviously, it’s Not the World that
it is Offering it to them, it is due to the Slaves they Have in the
Trap of Money that they have this Particular Advantage.
So, this Freedom of Speech on the Internet allows a Fascinating thing to take place: it’s like a ‘Free
for All’ – there’s No Laws, really, and Nobody wants to ‘Make Laws’.
Those that Can Make Laws don’t Want Laws on the Internet, because it is a
Most Wonderful Tool with which you can Classify People according to
‘What they’re Saying’; and you can Build the Database up and Establish,
through all kinds of Organizations, Who in this World are a Threat to
Your System. This gives you the Freedom to Enslave Whomsoever you Wish
with Money, so that their Labour comes to you, virtually Free, while you
have all the Advantage. It’s simplistic: Give them an Outlet, a place
where they can ‘Rant and Rave’ and Do Whatever They Believe is
‘Freedom’. So that there is this ‘Little Space’, like the Quarters of
the Slave, the ‘Slave-Quarters’ - this little space, an Illusion, where
they can ‘Feel Free’ to Say and Do ‘Whatever they Want’ – Abuse, Shout,
Look at Porn, Write what ‘They Believe the World Should be/ their World
is,’ Form their own Characters, Justify their Existence etc. And so you
have ‘Freedom in the Mind,’ Freedom in the Global Mind – but, in
Reality: You Have No Freedom. Freedom simply does Not Exist.
In Fact, the Outcome of this Wonderful arrangement is that: Everyone is now the Policeman
of Everyone, the Policeman in the head. You should Watch ‘The Century of the Self’, you have become the very Thing you Scream you’ll never be
and Fear - you are the Policeman, Policing the Words
of Everyone else, Unable (as Noam Chomsky say so clearly) to Apply
Critical Reasoning. Unable, because your Education has built Filters In
You where You Believe, in Your Mind, that you Actually ‘Do Know’
something and Actually Understand Something.
Obviously, if you have to Look at Your Own Written Words and start
Placing it within the context of whether it is In Fact what is Best for
Life or Only what is Best for Your Beliefs, you’re going to find an
Interesting thing: that your Self Interest is Virtually at the Level of
Demonic Possession.
Now, as this Global Mind is being ‘Brought down to Earth’ and is being
Made Physical - You’re going to See All of the Parts of it as it is
Published and as it is Playing-out, Noticing the fascinating thing: to
What extent this so-called ‘Freedom’ is more of like a ‘Free
for All’, a form of Mob-Madness. It will be Demonstrated over and over
again - the Irrationality of the Reasoning, the Extent to which
Pornography and Sex
Actually play a role within the Minds of Men and thus within the Global
Mind when you put all the parts together. The Reasoning as to Why this
‘Should be Allowed’ and Why it is ‘Freedom’, that Every Person
Apparently have the Capacity to ‘Make a Reasonable Choice’: will be
Disproved by what happens in the Physical World and what happens when
the Words that is Placed within the Global Mind is Placed in Writing.
That’s why it is important to do, for instance, your own assessment of
your Mind in Writing, like through the Journey To Life. What you do is
Read the Blogs, because You Should be Assisting yourself (because, you
claim you’re able) - to ‘Assess your Own Psychological Wellbeing’ and
whether that Psychological Wellbeing is In Fact a Threat to Other Life
Forms or Not. Being able to assess and assist/support yourself - would
mean you have Freedom. If you Cannot Do That, if you cannot Assess
yourself in terms of: first of all, What Threat You Pose to your
Environment and to your Fellow Men and secondly, to what extent you will
Apply, even in your own mind, Violence and Control and its straight
down and Nasty Abuse Against Others - That is what You Should Analyse,
and Analyse in a person’s Words in writing according to How they Place
their Words in terms of the Value of Life, and whether their Attack on
People are Personal or whether they are Questioning the Values of Society in terms of whether these Values are Best for All or Not - that determines Who you are.
If You are Able to Write Stuff Down, You have Made ‘that which you
Write’ and you are Making ‘That Which you Write’: the Physical Flesh,
the Self that You are. And therefore, more and more - that will Manifest
in your Life, until you Completely Become these Words.
We’ll continue with The Internet is the Global Mind (Part Four) in the next post.
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