(If one Read this Post and had not yet Read the previous post – we
suggest, for context, to first Read the previous post DAY 324.)
The Mind Demon that for instance, Achieve a Certain Level of Understanding of the Current System – would become Very Proficient at the Manipulation
of Feelings. Because, that Way they can get what they Want and this is
Done without Remorse, and Justified through Structured Emotion and
Feelings to get a View that makes it Sound as if What they are Doing is Acceptable, because – everyone has a Choice, and they’ve Accepted that this is the Way things are.
An example of this, is for instance where – an Individual will with words/behaviour, manipulate their work-force/labour-force to Believe that the work/labour they’re doing and the amount of Money they are receiving for it, is ‘valid/worthwhile/just’ and/or manipulate with words/behaviour charged with emotional/feeling energy
to make the work-/labour-force believe that “there is No other Way”. In
this, those that Manipulate with emotions and feelings through Words
and Behaviour, protect their own Money/Resources
and Control the masses into accepted and allowed life and living
Conditions without question. And so, such ‘Mind Demons’ that understand
the Current System/Money System – with Money, essentially representing ‘Physical Energy/Physical
accumulation of Energy’ – are able to resource Energy as Money from
Humanity, through using Words/Behaviour in creating ‘Two separate
Worlds’: the World of the Elite
and the World of the Masses to control their resource/accumulate of
Physical Energy, as represented by Money; taking for themselves, the
Money/Resources through manipulating/ ‘drinking’ it, as Demons, from/of
the Masses.
They would then normally end-up as an ‘Upstanding’ Member of Society
that Benefit Extensively from the Energy or Labour of others. But, there
would be Simply No Remorse. They would also, Deliberately, make sure
that Not enough Resources – which, in the Case of Control is Money –
Moves, so that: those that is Within the Coven, that means under their
Control, Remain so-Controlled.
They’ll go one step further and make sure that they Control the
Government and so can make sure, that: even the Laws of the Land, with
the Help of their Covens which is Those that is Dependent on the Money
that is Cycled from the so-called ‘Head’ of the Coven – that Those
Remain in Power. Because it’s All about having enough to Survive. The Acceptance of Survival is also an Emotional-Character. The Fear
of being without is simply too Great, and therefore: one will Accept
the little you have without Question. You will Feed-it, though, through
Backchat or Thinking and Emotional-Turmoil, but in fact: you’re only
Feeding your Character. You’ll Never take Actual Action, because the
Character is in Complete Control.
And so, the Demons of the Earth – control the Masses within and as each
Individual Human Beings’ own Mind, with the Character-relationship
created to/towards Money. Because Survival and Money is Feared, it
becomes easy to Control human beings with Money, and so becomes easy to
control Humanity with Money through Controlling Money/Resources-itself.
Thus, all such Mind-Demons have to do, to accumulate Money and Resources
from the masses, through keeping it all to themselves – is
activate/initiate/instigate the Individual Human’s Thought and Backchat Patterns of the Character they created, in fear, in their Relationship
to Survival and Money, and the Human Beings’ Thoughts and Backchat will
start repeating and cycling in their own Minds, activating
emotional-responses to Survival and Money and so, in fact, keep
themselves into accepted and allowed life and living conditions in
relation to survival and money, without Question – without
Considering/Standing up for a better way of life/living as each
individual human being is keeping themselves Controlled, in their own
Mind, by their Own Survival/Money-Characters and the Emotions that it
initiate/evoke within them.
If one Get to the System-Demons: they are Particularly easy-to-see
when you Look at the Professions that the System Represent as Necessary
within the Control-Construct that Allows those that is at the Top of
the Feeding-Chain of the Demon Earth-Colony can Always have what they
set-out to Have. The System-Demon, if you Look at it, you can Study it
by Observing for instance a Family-Man at home that is a Policeman and How that person Change
once they take-on the Role of ‘Policeman’, or the Role of ‘Nurse’, or
the Role of ‘Fireman’, or the Role of ‘Doctor’, or the Role of ‘Lawyer’ –
they Become an Absolute Subservient Servant
of the System and Act on Behalf of the System. And, one can say that it
is the ‘Head’ of the System – Representing the System as the
Living-Flesh. With No Consideration for Anything else, but – in the End:
its Own Survival and therefore, the System’s Survival. Because the
Dependency on the System is Complete, it is Complete Control - it is
Absolutely Certain, that you won’t do Anything else.
This means, that: once one become a System-Demon – and become OF the System, where one change one’s Self-Definition/Character to ‘fit into and play/become the Role’ of Policeman/Nurse/Fireman/Doctor:
how the System function within those/such Fields - are Never
Questioned. Because what is Most Important – is one’s own
Character-relationship to Money/Survival, and will accept, through
accepting/becoming/Characterizing oneself into a Role within the System,
will accept and allow the Entire System to remain existing as-is and
even protect/defend it, to protect/defend one’s own Survival/Money and
Characterization/Self-Definition in the Mind, as all that one will
see/experience in/as a ‘tunnel vision’ is that fact that “I am
Surviving”, and so would not in fact See/Consider/Regard the masses of
Humans that are NOT Surviving/Living from their relationship to the Very System that one is accepting and allowing to continue existing, and that is the very cause/source/origin of the Majority of Humanity existing ‘outside of the System’. And so, would Never consider for example – a Change
of the Entire System to ensure that All have enough, equally as one,
and have an equal and one opportunity to Life and Living because, as a System Demon
– one become the same as the Mind-Demons that exist within this System
without Remorse of what this Very System is perpetuating within Life on
Earth for Humanity/this Physical Existence as a Whole.
We’ll continue more in the Next Post…
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