
Sunday 9 September 2012

Day 148: Swopping Places

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Daily Life on the Daily Planet of Society Revolves around Pretentious Characters that SWOP Places Depending on the Situation and Context of the Environment a Person find themselves in as the NOW, Creating in Full Knowledge Billions of fake Scenarios Daily where all Participants Pretend to Be a Character just to Suit the Illusion around which Society Revolves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Principle of Swopping Places is so Ingrained in Human Consciousness, that the fake Life on Earth is Believed to Be Swopped for a Higher Life after Death as the Soul, without any evidence that this SOUL will be in fact of any Different Awareness than the Current Characters People pretend to be, as they Roleplay in this Daily Illusion of the Now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that those that are in the Fortunate Positions on Earth do not want to Swop places with those that are in the Unfortunate Positions on Earth, and will find ways like Religion, Education, and how to Influence Society to keep the Unfortunate in their Place, to Safeguard the Place of the Fortunate in Society. Yet, if Places are to be Swopped, Each Fortunate Person on Earth will at the Very Least Insist on a New System that Guarantees Equality for all at the Very Least.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Even Economics that should be the Management of the Earth Ecosystem in a way that Guarantee that All Life is taken Care of Equally, is only a lot of Self Centered fake opinions to Protect the Fortunate ones, and will seek to Create ways of Charity to keep the Charred Remains of the Unfortunate at Least Desperate Enough to Be the Slave Necessary for the Fortunate to Live Careless Lives.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize this Careless way of Consciousness as the Now Created Consequences, where Eventually the Very Occupant of the Flesh Body will be Swopped for a Presence that Care about Life, and that the Design and Preparation for this in All Dimensions, Even on Earth, is Already in Place nearing its completion to Usher in the Age of Change to be Actual Real Change to Safeguard Planet Earth from it’s Abusive Invaders.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Integrity to Learn from the Facts of Real HISTORY showing that Man Do Not Care about Life, is Swopped with Stories about Characters in a Books, on Television Series, as Sport Heroes, to Fuel the Hope that the World will One Day Change, in spite of the facts of the Real Story, that Life as the Way of Society do Not change, as NO ONE is WILLING to Face the Real Problem of the Characters that Inhabit bodies pretending to Be Life, while all Characters, Good and Bad, are but Made Up Fiction Pretending to be here Now on Earth, But the TRUTH is, that which is Real as the Physical is Disregarded and that which is Illusion as Character, is Given all Authority over Life and Death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Idea to Swop Places with famous and Successful People in the Imagination of the MIND, are Promoted as the Magical Way to Create the Character of Self into a Self that will have a Life Experience that is Fulfilling, with a total focus on Ignoring the Physical Reality of the Impact of the Social System on Earth and all those less Fortunate and unable to Lift themselves out of Poverty, causing a deliberately designed Bottleneck to Keep the Fortunate as an Exclusive CLUB, the CLUB for Bullshitters that Justify the Art of Deception as Intellectual Superiority, while the Intellectual Superiority is But a Byproduct of Elitism and the Access to Self Brainwashing through EDUCATION.

I commit myself to SHOW that SWOPPING PLACES in the MIND between Characters Deliberately Designed for Survival on Earth, is a Field and Frontier yet to Become Realized by Humanity, and Once this is Understood, Life on Earth will dramatically change, as the Value System will NO Longer Feed the Illusion of the MIND.

I commit myself to SHOW that History SHOWS that the Human Race Have Not in Fact Evolved or Learned Anything from the Past, and that the Now is but the Narrative that is Ensuring that the Future will be a Repeat of the Past.

I commit myself to SHOW that all the Education is available for those WILLING to Study the Mind to Understand the Creation Process of thoughts, feelings, and emotions to Become an Actual Master of Life on Earth.

I commit myself to SHOW that Unless one Actually SWOP PLACES with Every Living Being on Earth to ASSESS the Real Experience, the TRUTH of the Current Economic System will be missed and justified in Self Interest.

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