
Sunday 22 July 2012

Day 99: Predators of Capitalism

Watch the Documentaries The TrapThe Century of the Self and Psywar for context

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that Capitalism is a System where the Corpus must focus on Battling the Competition for the TARGET of Profit and CUSTOMERS by TARGETING the MINDS of the Customer for the reWARds of the Customers LOYALTY to a Product.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Corpus after the Capital as Profit will END and Die as a Business if the Profit Does Not Materialize from the Battle for the MINDS of Customers – and that the Lack of Profit is the FIRING Squad used in the CAPITAL PUNISHMENT where the Corporation is LIQUIFIED as a reWARd for its LOSSES.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in the Battle for the MINDS of Men, the ADVERSE must be Effective to Make Sure to CONTROL the Decisions of the CAPTIVES to Not Resist, as the Prisoners of the reWARd systems Must Remain Placid and Focused ON the reWARds as Loyal Prisoners with CONVICTION so CONVINCING that the Loyalty will be ENSURED TILL ALL Competition is WIPED OUT and Only the Dictatorship of the Corporation Remains that WON the Battle of CONVICTION as Loyalty in Controlled Choice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Corpus will Continue within the Battle of reWARds by Continuously ReBRANDing its Convicts WITH NEW Control Tags to Make Sure No One Escapes form the Concentration Camps – so that the reWARd can be Maintained Profit of the Great Dictatorships of Boardrooms of the FORTUNEate Corporations that WIPED out ALL Competition with Impunity.  

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this Battle for the MINDS of MEN is So Concentrated NOW, that the Me-Died in a Barrage of Media that Captivates the TOTAL VIEW of Life on Earth, Keeping the Earthly Dictatorships Stable in a Concentration Camp of the MIND to MINE the Captives of all their Labor and Dignity, reWARding the SOULDEARS that LOVE to Concentrate on this TYPE of Life in Self-Interest as the reWARds of Loyalty to the CORPUS of the Dictators of the MIND, is Happiness and Bliss.

I commit myself to SHOW that there is a War Going On, that is Won already: the War for the MINDS of Men, which Now Move just to Keep them Captivated, as all are Captured and Concentrated through the Media.

I commit myself to SHOW that Capitalism is the Capital Punishment of Life that Leads to Eternal Death.

I commit myself to SHOW that the DICTATORSHIPS Installed in the MINDS of Characters DO NOT Condone Life Equally for all in any Way, and will always Crucify Life the Moment it emerges as Life in FREEDOM – and Capitalism Cannot exist where Freedom Exists, because the Profit will No Longer be Certain and for that, Dictatorships change from Corporation to Corporation, but the Intent of Profit and the Control of the MINDS of MEN Remains the Same.

I commit myself to REMIND MEN, you are a Slave in Your OWN MIND, WITHOUT understanding How, a Convict of Conviction Convicted and Sentenced to a Life of Concentrated Self-Interest that Destroys ALL Environments just for Happiness. See for yourself that Happiness While Suffering exists, IS LALA Land and actual Insanity. It is time to STOP and Change For Real.

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