Image and Likeness of God, is Accepted due to the Holy Scriptures that Man has Created in the Image and Likeness of God. What does that Imply? God is Seen
as ‘Perfection’, ‘All-Goodness’, ‘That which is Best for Man’, ‘That
which is Best for Life’ - so, if you Accept that you are Made in the
Image and Likeness of God: then you Accept, also, that you are the
Perfection that God is.
If you Accept that you are, though, Born in Sin
with Flaws and Faults – then you Certainly not Accepting the Image and
Likeness of God, are you? You are Accepting and Allowing the Image and
Likeness of Satan or the Devil, which is apparently Roaming the Earth.
But, you don’t See the Devil anywhere, you only See it in the Image and
Likeness of Man and What Man Accept as their Creator. So, is your
Creator the Devil or Satan or God? That is the Decision you Face on this
Planet. And then, obviously – you have to Live accordingly, which is
the Principle of Free Choice. Your Free
Choice Gives you either the Option of the Image and Likeness of God, or
the Option of the Image and Likeness of Satan or the Devil, or Evil.
And, obviously – as Everyone is Created in the Image and Likeness of
either God or Evil, Good or Evil, then: How we Live really is the Destiny of what we Accept as our Creator.
Now, within this – it is Important to Consider, that: if you Choose to
Accept and Allow that ‘apparently’ - you are Flawed and you do not have
the Power to Direct your Own World to be That which is Best for All Life
on Earth, which is apparently by many that makes Excuses - ‘Too
Absolute’, then you are Absolutely making Another Choice, which is
Absolute: The Choice that ‘there is something Faulty with you’, that
‘you are Born in Sin’ – is also an Absolute Choice. Because, you Accept
it as an Absolute – something that Cannot Change.
So, interestingly enough, that: those that Accept that they are in the
Image and Likeness of Evil and Born in Sin – would Defend their Decision
based on the Fact that: to make the Choice to be the Image and Likeness
of God, which is that which is Good, which is Goodwill, which is What
is Best for All Life – is ‘apparently’ TOO ABSOLUTE, and ‘one shouldn’t
consider that’, ‘it’s Impossible’. But, it is Possible to make the Evil
Choice and Accept and Allow oneself to be the Image and Likeness of
Now, for you that are Trapped in your Delusion and make the Absolute Choice for Evil and that Abuse your Free Choice in that way, and through that – Abuse Life: we have for you Support and Examples of What to Do to Solve
this Conundrum that you’re Finding yourself in. That is the Journey to
Life Blogs, where People are Walking themselves through a Process from the Acceptance and Allowance
of the Image and Likeness of Evil – to the Image and Likeness of Life,
or Good. And, in that – we obviously will State and bring to Bear the
Fact, that: Life on Earth should be Honoured as the Actual Value that
Each One EQUALLY have, and that – that must be Honoured through a World System that Supports All Equally in every way, to Make Life on Earth what one would call “Heaven on Earth”.
After all, what is Fascinating by those that ABSOLUTELY Accept Evil as
the Foundation of their Being – do not Consider that, it’s also Written
that “Heaven will Come to Earth”. Now, that’s not going to come by some
‘Magic’, because some ‘Magic’ means for instance, by Implication, that Jesus come again and then suddenly Change your Mind – the One thing you Fear
Beyond All things, is to be Brainwashed – because that is What Jesus
will have to do. Jesus will have to Brainwash you to Goodness, Remove
All your Evil Thoughts – and then you are What? A ZOMBIE! You haven’t done that yourself - You have Not Honoured the Actual Power you have, which is Free
Choice. You have the Power to Choose. What you Choose is Exactly Who
You Are, and That means that: if you are Unable to Choose What is Best
for All Life – then there is a Problem in your Own Mind, and you have to
Sort this Problem out. There is a Process with which One can do it. It
takes Time, because – your Problem was Taught into you from Birth by
your Parents, and after that – by the Educators, and after that - by the
World System.
No one Wants to Consider, that: the Way Life Exist on Earth NOW, in a
Way which Allow Abuse - is In Fact a Form of ABSOLUTISM. It is Accepted
ABSOLUTELY as ‘the Only Way Man can Exist’. And strange, when we Present
that there is another Absolute, which is That which is Best for All
Life – we’re apparently EXTREME. But, the Conditions on Earth is in fact
Extreme – What we are Proposing is the END of Extremists, the END of
the EXTREMITIES that is on Earth.
And, yet: those that Accept that they are the Image and Likeness of Evil
– Refuse to Consider, that they are That by their Own Free Choice.
Because, if you Accept that you are in fact Born in Sin – then you are
Blaming God for that, while you are the One that have the Choice. What
are you going to do about it?
I DARE you to Read the Journey to Life Blogs and to Start the Process.
Yes, it takes years of Correction – because, for MANY YEARS you have
Allowed yourself to be the Image and Likeness of Evil, it’s not just
going to go Away. And, if you Really Consider it – you don’t want Jesus
to turn you into a Zombie, because then: what was the Point of your
Existence? Then you’re just the Walking Dead.
You would like to Enjoy Life? There is a Way. Join us.
There is an Alternative to the Current Destiny of Earth, which is Abuse
and Evil - There is ONE, which is What is Best for All Life.
You are born unlimited and remain unlimited until you believe otherwise. Thanks!