
Monday 28 May 2012

Day 44: In the Name of Love

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be WILLING to see that the SINS of the fathers are being visited upon the children from generation to generation and that this visiting is also a visit the planet Earth pays for dearly – all in the name of Love for profit and self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that parenting has been accepted as a job and career, which a parent needs no training as if it is an inborn skill, regardless of the fact that the most important job that exists on planet Earth is the education of the New Generation that is being contaminated generation after generation by the previous generation regardless of the fact that this atrocity is known to all humans, yet nothing is done to stop this obvious child abuse that leads to Life on the planet abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the parent would force the child to learn patterns of behaviour and speech as early as possible, patterned on the patterns that have been proven by history to not be in the best interest of Humanity or Earth - and yet no effort is made at any level to stop this abuse, and in fact the right of the parent to visit the sins of the fathers on the children is seen as a right that may not be challenged, as God apparently gave the parent the right to ownership over the child to do whatever the parent sees fit for the child – regardless of the fact that the result of patterns taught can be measured and thus much of the outcomes of a human Life can be patterned to greatness and equality, yet the pattern used is fear that is programmed into the body to a level of physical addiction that repeats itself as personality that gives the parent great joy to see themselves MIRRORED in their children.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that any form of religious indoctrination that the parent impose on the child is conveniently protected under freedom of speech, allowing the freedom to abuse not only the New Children but also the planet – regardless of the fact that the consequences are known, just because it fits unscrupulous business, political and religious leaders and allows them free reign to feed off the terror and fear programmed into the human generation after generation, so that no possibility exists to bring a world that is best for all Life that will expose abusive leadership and stop the intentional spreading of rumours and lies purely to protect power and profit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the belief that the human is irrational and dangerous in nature is programmed into every new child in the irrational and dangerous environment of the home, where parents impose their mental disease of fear and faith on the next generation just to feel some power in a world where all power has been given to a system of money and profit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that the right to Life on Earth has been compromised by the irrational faith placed in some higher force that apparently knows what it is doing, absolving the parent to allow the sins of the fathers to be visited upon the children generation after generation with full knowledge that this is happening.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that branding has made the parent into extensions of the corporations that make sure the children will be the consumers that this system requires to continue its rule of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be willing to see that through the idea of free choice, the corporation can defer responsibility to the individual by saying that you must read the label and when you chose to use a product full knowing the consequence, it is your responsibility – regardless to the fact that physical addiction  will force the person to use the products that have universal content like sugar, that is abusive to the physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the damage done to a child to become an insufficient, irrational adult is not done to the mind, but through the MIND into the physical as a permanent, chemically induced, infused bodily response pattern hidden behind thought and words visible as behaviour, beliefs, fears, mannerisms, thoughts, secret thought, desires, all exactly in similar patterns to what exists in the parent – that is why the metaphor says: like father like son. The Desteni Portal allowed for the total reinvestigation of all things to see direct with cross-reference how reality actually functions and those with some regard for Life left in them should pay very close attention.

I commit myself to show that the generational damage parenting inflict on Life is KNOWN, yet accepted, allowed and justified.

I commit myself to make sure parenting becomes that which will protect and honour Life as the Only Real Value in the Universe.

I commit myself to show that history is the evidence that parenting has never been in the best interest of a child on Earth, and that the parent has always abused authority to produce the child as a copy of the parent that repeats the same abusive patterns with feeble justifications like it’s God’s Will or that it’s is just Human Nature.

I commit myself to show that religion is never in the best interest of the Child or life and that religion should be banned as the abusive atrocity it is. The evidence of religion abuse is written in history in genocidal, catastrophic proportions done by every nation at some stage.

I commit myself to show that Leadership should be based on directing the system on Earth towards effectiveness and perfection and that the responsibility of Leaders is towards the Children, and the planet first – as they cannot protect themselves from Abuse.

I commit myself to show that NO God ever intervened in the affairs of mankind and only examples were left that are the obvious solutions to produce a world that is best for all – like the Jesus message. Instead, the Jesus message has been bastardized to the Satanic ritual based on blood offerings to feed on the superstitious parents forced into the psyche of children in many ways to entertain the parental self-interest.

I commit myself to show that BRANDING is a form of FARMING the corporations and politicians use to claim their ownership over the consumer to ensure profit with no regard to what is best for Life, while the only BRAND of real value on Earth is Life.

I commit myself to show that FREE choice should be the act by each human to ensure the FREEDOM from FEAR, superstition and suffering. Any other application of choice that causes some to not be equally free in support is NOT FREE CHOICE.

I commit myself to show that psychology and psychiatry have not understood the creation of personality and behaviour yet, as to the extent that it is infused as physical conditioning, and not mental conditioning – and that the subconscious and unconscious mind is in fact a physical condition that is embodied as human.

I commit myself to share that the Heaven’s Journey to Life Blogs should be one of the educational experience one should grant yourself to understand the step by step condition you are subjected to on Earth. READ IT ALOUD DAILY.

I commit myself to remind each Leader that weekly, up to 5 hours of recordings are released to explain every facet of Creation in detail, which will accumulate to over 1000 hours a year. This is in great detail with MANY FREE downloads to assist you. Do not deny yourself this gift!

* Heaven’s Journey to Life Blog is written daily in REAL time as evidence to the direct access the portal has to how THINGS REALLY FUNCTION in support of a WORLD that is best for all Life.


  1. Thanks for this, great support, and realizations.

  2. Great blog - and great for supporting Heaven's journey it is truly a MUST READ as well. Thank you

  3. "in the name of Love for profit and self-interest" - Nice point here
