
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Day 414: Love and Light Paranoia: a Disease Cultivated by Consumerism

The Bardo....Hall of Judgment after this life

In the 'bardo' we will face our self after death, and see our life objectively as it was, not what we wanted to believe. I HAVE BEEN THERE, and it is more 'real' than this virtual reality of a life. There we weigh the scales of our HEART, with our destructive deeds given on one side, and our acts of integrity on the other. This is our jury, a consciousness free to see objectively who we really are, and this self-realization IS our punishment. Not our deeds so much, but HOW our actions affected those around us. The 'bardo' is complete and instant self-awareness.

Did we contribute to society in a way that brought people to a closer understanding of TRUE Goodness, by being an example of fearless LIGHT in a place of darkness? Did we stand while others sat, speak out while darkness tried to silence us, or do what we know is eternally 'right', while the world accepted 'wrong?' Did we try to understand those who differ from us to reach them in as many ways as possible, or condemn them to this cycle of 'hell' with others by ignoring them? Did we speak compassion, while others ignore the need for it, and still be the 'tough' LOVE, even though it would bring anger upon us?

Every life we come in contact with IS altered by our interaction, whether we observe it or not. It is up to us to ensure we are doing what we can to enrich the ETERNAL SPIRIT in others, not their inner child. This is done by serving those we are able to with TRUTH, not what allows them to 'feel' good in a world designed to placate egos, and limit their Spiritual growth. The LIGHT never feels good when first presented where the dark only lived, because our inner child rejects anything that exposes it. Anything that 'feels' bad which is offered in the Spirit of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion is GOD screaming to us that we have things to meditate upon within, and must resolve issues internally to move forward. If our first thought is NOT in line with LOVE, it is in line with darkness, no exceptions.

It is not easy to get up everyday and know I will shock some people, create loathing in others, and be labeled anything but LOVE by those I wish to help. It would be easy to tell people things that give them a false sense of happiness and use hollow 'flowery' words, but that is not having integrity to the person or GOD, just making this life easier for me by ignoring what NEEDS to happen.

I do not seek arguments or to be the one standing out from the crowd, it is just a result of telling TRUTH to a collective conscious whose 'thinking' is built on lies. It is not pleasant to be in a constant state of 'challenge' for sharing TRUTH, but I do it to SERVE what is best for my brethren, and my Spirit, not my ego in this life by making it easier. In the end of this life I will again face the 'bardo' and weigh my HEART.
Self-Judgment will come down to this:
Was my LOVE, and selflessness big enough to do what was needed to bring people out of Spiritual darkness, or did I continue the same easy path of selfishness which I despised enough to beg GOD for the chance to correct? For me, the correction of selfishness is done by serving as a messenger to liberate those I once helped enslave, by once supporting a system of mental slavery which uses our inner child as the gate keeper.

My advice...Seek self-awareness while here in this life to correct the deficiency of Spirit, speak TRUTH once revealed, and learn to LOVE beyond your present limitations. Any challenge in this life, does NOT compare to the pain of self-realization of a life spent in service to the self once in the bardo....”
– Warren Jacob

Love Light Flowing So, Warren this is Not ‘War on Warren’ but to Place some points in Perspective.

“In the 'bardo' we will face our self after death, and see our life objectively as it was” this presupposes that There is ‘After Death’ In Fact, an Understanding and Direct Access to the Actual Events that take place on Earth in the Relationships as they Interact between the Beings on Earth in terms of their Consciousness and their Physical Actions and the System in itself. And unfortunately – if you’ve Been There – there is No such Absolute Clarity, because What Transfers After Death is the Little-bit that’s Left After All that was Based on Energy, Light, Love, Memory, Consciousness, Personality has been Deleted with the Body, because it was only Functioning As Energy. If you Study the Context of this, You will See it is So.

I HAVE BEEN THERE” you say “and it is more 'real' than this virtual reality of a life.” I mean that statement in itself is but the Result of the Consumer Consciousness that Produced an Ideology of ‘Love and Light’ and ‘Happiness’ based on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Scale and yes, you have Reached the Level within that Scale of Needs where You Have what you would have said or claimed ‘Achieved’ some form of ‘Balance’; but, this Balance presupposes a Certain amount of Things that are Physical. One of them is Money, one of them is Security, one of them is being born in a particular Family, one of them is the Books you’ve read, one of them is the Meditations you’ve done and Obviously All the Thoughts that you’ve Mutated to Create a Very Special Personality Character which you can then Exercise and Get Others to say ‘You’re Doing Good.’ All of that is the Actual Virtual Reality while the Physical is a Real-Reality.
And What You Do with your Imagination is an Amazing thing because through the Consumer Evolution of the Love and Light Consciousness, the whole ‘Ascension’ thing, the imagination is being Prompted by Beautiful Pictures that seem to look Extremely Real, Books with Beautiful Words, all of it Constructing and Contributing to the Mechanism that will Transmute – The Transmutation – of your Memory into Mechanisms that Will Produce the Virtual Reality that Seems to be ‘So Real.’ Unfortunately All of it is Just of Your Own Making: it is Just your Imagination. So, there is Nothing There but What you have Placed within the context of Your own Self-Interest that means ‘What You Believe You’ve Done.’ That is Why one would claim for instance that ‘One Weighs the Scales of your Heart’– the Scales of your heart are Disheartening, it’s just One of the Consumer Symbolisms, you’ll see it Everywhere but it’s also within the Hierarchy of Needs. And this is being Used simply to continuously Produce the Same System and to Keep Those Not aware – although they Are Aware of their Imagination and then because they Are Imaginary they would say “I am Self Aware because in My Imagination I’m Aware and I’m Creating what I am Seeing, therefore I’m Experiencing, therefore it Must be Real!” Yet You Cannot Explain even the Function of a Single Thought, You Cannot Actually Stop it because if You Stop all of this that you have Given Value-to, If You Stop your Imagination and You Take Part in this World in the Physical World as it Exists Right Now, You’re going to Find that Suddenly the World is a Completely Different Place and that Without your Imagination, You will Face Actual Reality. But Difficult if one has lots of Things that’s Taken care of like Electricity, Water, Money, Food, a Home, All These Things that one takes for granted, that gives one the Space to live in an Imaginary World while Billions Suffer in ways that One Cannot Begin to Comprehend, while there’s a Holocaust of Animals being Killed for Hundreds of Years and Many going Extinct and None of them coming to Haunt the Human to say: “Wow, What are you Doing?” Do You Understand what Integrity Really is? What is Integrity? To apparently ‘Do Good things’ in a World that is Completely Screwed-up and then That in Comparison to All the Suffering is apparently ‘Goodness’ and that’s ‘Integrity’? None of it is Integrity because you have not Considered and Investigated everything in Self Honesty – so the Problem is: Self Honesty.

“This is our jury, a consciousness free to see objectively who we really are” while You are Currently Free in this World to See Who You Really Are and What you Participate in and what System and What the System is Doing and Yet, you wouldn’t Change it so that it is What is Best for All Life Always because That would mean you have to Give up all your ‘Special things’ that Keeps you Protected.

The next point is that “this self-realization IS our punishment” No, You don’t Get it, You’re on Earth as Punishment and if you have Found a way to Take Away from Others so that They Suffer on Your Behalf. Then, you Must realize There is going to be even Greater Punishment because You have Taken the Gift of Life from Others and you have Accumulated Certain Special Wealth Conditions that Allow you to ‘Roam Free’ in your Imagination = THAT is Abuse, That is what Will Be Punished if that is What Comes. But How can Punishment be of Any Consequence if the Very Being that You are now is Energy Ends at Death? You see, that is quite a Problem. That’s Why If you are Able to ‘Be There,’ you Should Watch what Exits from a Body when it Dies and there are Many Dying Every Day, so you have More than Enough Examples to Investigate, that If it was Possible – but as Energy it is Not – That would be Punishment to See that all That you’ve Ever Done was to Lie to Yourself, which is Obviously the whole Consumer Culture. The Possibility Theories, the Cognitive Disinformation, the Ideology that Apparently this Reality isn’t Real – there’s a Simple way to find out: Give Away Everything You Have, Go and Live on the Street like Those that Have Nothing and Find out ‘How Real’ it is if you Sit there In bliss, In Meditation, if you Sit there Waiting for All this Pain to Go… in a way: Waiting for Death.

Now this whole idea of ‘How our deeds affect those around us’ If that was Real you would have immediately Looked at How to Change the System Politically, Economically, the Very Points that are Actually Relevant: Education, Parenting, Get Rid of Religion – All the stuff that’s Really Relevant, the Vocabulary, How you Create Consciousness, Why a Baby at Birth Cannot Speak, How Does Thought Develop, How does Thought Develop Consciousness, How does Thought Develop Feeling and Emotion, How does This Altogether Develop Imagination and How Does this Imagination Develop ‘Love and Light.’ “The 'bardo' is complete and instant self-awareness” is Just your Complete and Instant Self Awareness Within the Imagination that You are apparently ‘Aware’ = that Obviously is Not so.

So the next point “Did we contribute to society in a way that brought people to a closer understanding of TRUE Goodness, by being an example of fearless LIGHT in a place of darkness?” – Light and Darkness within the Mind is a Very Interesting thing that one can Play with and is all Part of the Consumer Culture again – and it plays Big Roles in the Games you play and the Stories you hear and How things are being Taught and the Whole Ideology of ‘the Fight between Good and Bad.’ True Goodness is to Ensure that Everyone Has What You Would Like to Have – or What You May Have Already – and to Ensure that Every Living Being is Taken Care of to the Best of the Resources Available on Earth. In that You have to Stand Fearless as a Beacon to Ensure that the Darkness that Exists which is Caused by a System that limits Every Living Being to a Very Limited Understanding of Their True Nature as a Being of Flesh that can be So Much More = That is the Darkness that We Need to End, the Physical One.
But unfortunately the whole ‘Ascension’ thing and yes since the 1970’s All the books about ‘Love and Light’ and How you will go through your ‘Initiations’ and then eventually Reach ‘Awareness’ and ‘Self Realization’ and all of that stuff = it was All Done for Money – go and Check out Where are those Beings, Check out what they’ve Done, Check out How they’ve Worked particularly Within the Sales Industry Ideology of the Hierarchy of Needs – Did any of that Actually Bring about Any Change? If you’ve been Around in the 1980’s and in the 1970’s and You have Studied the Meditations, You’ve Read the Books – I have my own LIEbrary on all of this I’ve Studied Every Book that came out, I’ve Walked the Same Path You’ve Walked and you know what? It was All a LIE. Yes it’s Painful, it was Just a Lie. This ‘True Goodness’ and the ‘Fearless Light’ thing = it is Just Beautiful Sales Techniques. And that is How you use Plausible Deniability and Cognitive Disinformation to Manipulate Those around you to Not Challenge You because You are ‘Aware,’ you are ‘Enlightened’ – No, quite Ignorant Actually.

Did we stand while others sat, speak out while darkness tried to silence us, or do what we know is eternally 'right', while the world accepted 'wrong?'That is Such a Generalized Statement but Nothing Specific – you know, this is the Nice thing about this ‘Love and Light’ thing, one can Use these Plausible Words , you can Place it in a context where it is Completely Meaningless and it Doesn’t have Any Effect whatsoever because it is all based on ‘How You Imagine it to Be’ and you want the Other one to Align their imagination to you – That in a way is actually Brainwashing. A Lot of People go through this, especially the ‘Law of Attraction’ plays a Nice Big Role in this, getting People to End up instead of being clear Self Realized Living Flesh Beings that Can Function Effectively in this World, they all Create their Own Communities that now will go and ‘Do Things Together’ and ‘Support Each Other’ and ‘Barter’ and ‘Trade,’ but All the Functioning stuff that Really Matters like Electricity, Water, Roads, all the stuff that Took the Total Community Together to Build and Create over time is Taken for Granted. You are Not in this Position where You can Claim All the things that You Want to Do in this World without Actually being Dependent on Multiple Things that are at this stage In Fact the Corporation: You take it Away = the Whole World Collapses. So – Very Difficult.

‘What’s Right and Wrong’ That is a Matter of Opinion unfortunately, what’s right and wrong for Real having a Child Born in this World Not having a Home, Not having Water, Not having Education, Not having Food = That’s Wrong! What’s Right is to Fix that Problem. To Do Nothing about That and wobble around in your Imagination claiming Self Enlightenment and Self Realization = That’s Wrong! What’s Right: Stop. Stop All Thoughts, Stop All Feelings, Stop your Imagination and Find out What’s really going on = that’s Right.

So, one’s ‘Right and Wrong’ unfortunately Requires a Map and the Physical World is the Map because This is Reality, This is where you Breathe – How do you know it’s reality? Stop Breathing and Find out if you can live in your Imagination and Virtual World you claim Exists. And you’ll notice “Oops! I am Not Alone, I am Dependent on Things that I do not Even Regard as my Equal” Maybe they’re More than You are, maybe They’ve Already Understood, that’s Why they are in Service of You to Realize Yourself, that’s Why they Exist, to Give to You the Gift of Life as a Living Breath so that You can Investigate your Actions to Realign what is ‘Right and Wrong’ within a Context that is Measurable where Consequence is Certain. You see this is the Beauty about the Physical Reality, Here Consequence is real because you Cannot go Back and ‘Turn back Time’; while in the Virtual Reality of the Imagination, One can go Back and Change things around and it Doesn’t have any Consequence or Any Effect. And You can Decide ‘What’s Right and Wrong’ and Apparently You have All of this Freedom to do it –No you Don’t Really Have it, You just gave it to Yourself so You Don’t have to Actually Be Self-Responsible.

So – “Did we try to understand those who differ from us to reach them in as many ways as possible” Certainly Not! Because How can You Understand Those that Differ from you if you are Creating the Reality in Your Own Mind instead of Following the External Reality that is the Actual Thing that Makes your Life Possible, realizing that the External Reality as it exists of Poverty and Suffering and Inequality is the Result of the Inner-Reality. But because the Inner-Reality is a Complete Imagination = the Outer-Reality gets No Attention and it is Allowed to Exist in a complete Screwed-up way.

So, there is Something to Understand Here: Why does Your Imagination Differ from Physical Reality? Why Can’t You Reach within yourself in as Many ways as Possible to come to Understand What Caused the Physical Reality to Be this Way and to Do Something about Fixing it?

Then you continue: “or condemn them to this cycle of 'hell' with others by ignoring them?” What Hell? There are Billions in Hell Already that have simply been Hiding in their Minds not to Face and Experience the Reality that exists. Hell, well: Hello! Hell is but a Place in the Imagination, it’s a Very Effective point in Selling Religion, it’s a very Effective thing in Keeping One within a Safe Place because it’s Your nice ‘Fear Factor.’ Now there are things on Earth that are Hell – If you are a Parent and you Lose a Child, you see that’s a Real Thing: You go Through Hell. If you are Married and You Lose your Partner to Death = You go Through Hell. If you have Children and You Can’t Feed them and you have to Go and Steal to Do so = You Live in Hell – you see, Hell is a Real Place: it’s Right Here on Earth.

Then you go on “Did we speak compassion, while others ignore the need for it, and still be the 'tough' LOVE, even though it would bring anger upon us?”  Compassion. Compassion within the Imagination is a Wonderful thing because it Lifts in Light into a ‘Lofty place’ where they can ‘Shine their Light’ and apparently from there they can See Everything and there is No Darkness and No Shadows’ Really? Then you can use ‘Tough Love’ to Get people to Listen to you. Tough Love is a different thing. Tough Love for instance happens when Somebody Uses Drugs and They Overuse-it and then the Body starts to Crash-in and they start Losing Organs and Fingers = that’s Tough Love, there’s a Consequence.
To Manipulate others through the Idea that ’Tough Love’ will apparently Bring a Result can Normally only be done by Removing Yourself from them or Not Helping them or Not Giving them Money or Not Ensuring that They have a Home and Food and Everything – because the Tough Love of the Spiritual Realm is Those that are Enlightened - is ‘You are in Suffering because You didn’t Love Enough,’ that’s Why You Don’t have Food” So conveniently the Conditions that are Existing on Earth that are Screwing up Billions of Lives are used as a Justification by the Enlightened as Tough Love: You are Apparently Not Good Enough, You haven’t Reached this ‘True Goodness’ Enlightenment- thingy, so therefore You are the one that’s Wrong because this is Just an Illusion” “This is Tough Love: You are Suffering because you haven’t Truly Reached this point of Love” Trying to Force those to Go in the Same Level of Imagination that you’ve Gone into so that you can Sit there and Project your Light like a Light Bulb – you know what? You Should watch ‘The Light Bulb Conspiracy,’ there’s an Expiry Date on this Light, it’s called Death.

Then you continue Every life we come in contact with IS altered by our interaction, whether we observe it or not.” Obviously but mostly You Don’t Observe it because it is Everyone’s Life that You’re Always in contact-with with Everything you do. So Every Time you Buy Bread, Every Time you Pay Electricity, Every Time you Drink Water, Every time you Use a Car, Every Time you use your Cellphone, Every Time you use your Computer, Everything you do, Every Person you Meet, the Clothes you put on is All Here due to Your interaction with Others and you are not Observing what it is causing, because You Don’t See the Consequences of What you Have and how that affects others that Do Not have the Privilege you have, the Privilege to Claim ‘Enlightenment,’ that’s Actually the Ignorance to Claim Enlightenment: There Is No Enlightenment, NOT in this World! There will Never be! Because it’s all Just Imagination.

Then you continue:It is up to us to ensure we are doing what we can to enrich the ETERNAL SPIRIT in others Really? You are under the Impression that you have an ‘Eternal Spirit’ – You have Another thing coming. Eternity is a Very Long Time and If you are not One and Equal as Life Here on Earth: You will Not See Eternity, you Better Investigate WHY. This whole ‘Inner Child’ thing is, it is just like Bullshit because Nobody Understands Really What the ‘Inner Child’ is all about because They don’t Understand the Creation of Thought in the first place – We Understand you Don’t Know How that Works so, we’re not going to continue with that – there are Many Blogs, Lots of Help if you Really want to Help Yourself instead of Trying to Confuse others with ‘Nice words’ that are Completely Senseless = then, You Will Do something about it, but it’s Unlikely. So I’m not doing this blog for you, Warren, this is for Those that May actually Reach Self Realization.

This is done by serving those we are able to with TRUTH, not what allows them to 'feel' good in a world designed to placate egos, and limit their Spiritual growth.” Really? There is No Point of ‘Spiritual Growth’ and the Truth is All Around us All the Time – How do we Find the Truth? Go and stand in the Shoes of Another, Find out What you are Receiving in Those Shoes and whether Others that Claim ‘Enlightenment’ are Giving as They are Receiving – and you’ll notice: they’re Not.

Then, you’ll realize that the Spirit of Man Grows when they Have Enough and they have the Responsibility of Giving to Each Other- there has been No Spiritual Growth on Earth for At Least 2000 years – before that, there was no Point to it because Man was Completely Ignorant. But since Jesus has been here, there’s been No Spiritual Growth because Nobody has Grown In their Spirit to the point where they’ve understood that the key to life on Earth is to Give as You would like to Receive, to Do Onto Others as You Would Like to be Done Unto and to Ensure that that is Every System that exists here on Earth.

The LIGHT never feels good when first presented where the dark only lived, because our inner child rejects anything that exposes it.” Really? This ‘Light and Dark’ thing… you see Here you Define the one thing that is amazing, the Very Fact that You Fear Darkness. It’s not about Light, you should Stand in the Darkness because Close your Eyes, the very Moment you Die = You will be in Darkness, there is No Light hereafter if you could Cross the Divide for Real, you’ll Notice that because All the light you have = you’re making up in your Imagination: it Doesn’t Exist, it is a Mental Idea created by your fear and you’ve managed to Suppress your Fear to such an Extent that Now you Exist as Light. If you would have taken out any Systems as they exist Multi Dimensionally within the Body, you will notice: Every time you take out a system, it is this ‘Light’ thing, it’s Really Demonic in Nature; But we can See that in How you Use words Very Effectively to CON-FUSE People that Have not yet Stabilized Themselves within the Physical World of Responsibility.

Next point: Anything that 'feels' bad which is offered in the Spirit of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion is GOD screaming to us that we have things to meditate upon within, and must resolve issues internally to move forward.Really? You say it’s ‘God’ – How can you Meditate on things when all You are doing in Meditation is to Look at the Result of your Consciousness Created through the Mechanism of your Interactions between Memories where you are Searching for Your Self-Interest according to the Maslow Scale of Hierarchy, Creating Energies that You then Change so that you can Suppress the ‘Bad Feelings.’ So you want people to Learn How to Suppress even More because Then they will Live in ‘Love and Light’ “Earth is Not Real! Let them Suffer, it’s Their Tough Love and I am in Happiness because I Have Money, I Have a Place to Stay, I Have Everything and therefore, as long as I Meditate, Me the Dictator = that’s Meditation Me-Dictation “I am the Dictator that Decides What’s Right for Me” that is the Mental Imaginary Ignorance of ‘Individuality’ and ‘Free Speech’ within Those Lost in ‘Light and Love.’ Mental Dictators “You Can’t Tell me what’s the Truth, I KNOW!” Yes! You’ve made it up in Your Imagination! That’s How you Know but You have No Self Honesty so You Can’t See because You Do Not Understand How the Mind Actually Functions – that’s So Sad.

So, when you are Resolving something You are not ‘Resolving it,’ you are Creating a New Dimension and within this New Dimension that you’re Imagining, you’re Imagining yourself ‘All Cleared up, All Healed, all Beautiful’ = Not True, but You will Find that out. “If our first thought is NOT in line with LOVE, it is in line with darkness, no exceptions.” Really? That’s such an interesting Hidden statement of Fear – without Darkness You’ll be Nothing, Darkness is Where you were Born from, Darkness is Where you Come from. Love is to Give as You Would Like to Receive, Love is to Be In Line with that, Love is to ensure that Every System on Earth is In Line with it, you’ve got Nothing that you’re doing about that, you’re Just Busy Misleading People.

It is not easy to get up every day and know I will shock some people, create loathing in others, and be labeled anything but LOVE by those I wish to help Really? It’s such a Convenient thing. You see If you were the Living Word as Breath, as Flesh it’s Easy to Get up Every Day because You Know You’re Life and You Know You’re Here to Sort out the Scenario where You will Shock People and You will Create Loathing in Those of ‘Love and Light’ because They Cannot Stand that you Wish to Help them to Wake up from their Dream and Imagination, because they are So Sure that what They have created is real, while it’s all Just a Lie.

Next point: It would be easy to tell people things that give them a false sense of happiness and use hollow 'flowery' words, but that is not having integrity to the person or GOD, just making this life easier for me by ignoring what NEEDS to happen.” So there we have it! You have Decided the Needs of the people, and it’s all Mental. And what you’re Really telling people are all a False Sense of Happiness – Truth, and ‘Hollow Flowery Words’ because You need Them to be ‘Love and Light’ and ‘Stay away from the Darkness’ like ‘that’s what God wants you’ and that is ‘Integrity’ –Integrity is the Inner-Technological Grid of Your Mind that Functions Multidmensionally based on Physical Memories – How do you Find that out? Let them Remove part of your Brain, let’s see What part of your Memory is Gone and you’ll notice “Oops! My Memory is My Consciousness because Suddenly I have ‘Lost Part of My Life,” and because I have Lost Part of My Life, there are Certain things that will Immediately Change in you because: Your Consciousness is Now No Longer the Same that it Was because it is Based on the Physical. Self Honesty please, Do Not Mislead people.

I do not seek arguments or to be the one standing out from the crowd, it is just a result of telling TRUTH to a collective consciousness whose 'thinking' is built on lies.” Yep! You are Certainly Speaking about Yourself, Your Thinking is Built on Lies, You Don’t Understand How Thinking Functions, there’s a Lot of Work that you’re going to Do if you really Want to – Very unlikely – We’ll see.

It is not pleasant to be in a constant state of 'challenge' for sharing TRUTH, but I do it to SERVE what is best for my brethren, and my Spirit, not my ego in this life by making it easier. In the end of this life I will again face the 'bardo' and weigh my HEART.” Really? All Your Imagination is an Amazing thing if you’ve studied some Books – and hopefully Those that read the Blog have Read Some of the Books you’ll Notice all the Stuff is coming out of Books, it’s just been Knowledge and information that was Added to the Memory Structure and within that, Added to the Imagination and then Came up with this whole Ideology: it is Just Religion – Spiritual Religion, there is No Truth.

Self-Judgment will come down to this: Was my LOVE, and selflessness big enough to do what was needed to bring people out of Spiritual darkness, or did I continue the same easy path of selfishness which I despised enough to beg GOD for the chance to correct?” Yes, that is In Line with the Books again, there are So Many Traps like you Warren, in Absolute Selfishness, Believing that ‘What You are Experiencing is Real’ - that is the Absolute Selfishness, Condemning the Rest of the World to their ‘Tough Love Virtual Reality called Earth’ Wow! You Should Correct Yourself – if you get the chance.

For me, the correction of selfishness is done by serving as a messenger to liberate those I once helped enslave, by once supporting a system of mental slavery which uses our inner child as the gate keeper.” Wow! Again out of some Book, these Beautiful Words Without Meaning, oh so Plausible it just Sounds So Wonderful! And, obviously You’re one of Those that has Managed to Make Some Money – so Now you’re trying to Redeem yourself, you’ve got a Place to Stay, you’ve got Everything you Need and your Redemption is now to ‘Liberate those that You Helped Enslave’? No! You’re just Enslaving more, because You’re not willing to Give up What you Have to Really help Those in Need on this Earth – Oh No! You’re only Interested in Justifying ‘Why you Must Keep-it’ because ‘You’re making Amends!’ Sorry, Death is your Gatekeeper, You’ll find out – maybe – But, unlikely. Too much of What you are is Just Energy which Simply Returns to the Earth with the Last Breath.

Then you got the last statement here My advice...Seek self-awareness while here in this life to correct the deficiency of Spirit, speak TRUTH once revealed, and learn to LOVE beyond your present limitations. Any challenge in this life, does NOT compare to the pain of self-realization of a life spent in service to the self once in the bardo....” Really? Such a nice little thing let’s look at it: Seek self-awareness while here in this life to correct the deficiency of Spirit This all comes out of the whole thing of ‘Born in Sin’ and the Whole story around the Spiritual Consumerism that developed. Seek Self-Awareness to Realize that Every Life and Everyone is Equal, there is No Difference between One Life and Another Life – Your Life, My Life, another Person’s, another Animal’s = it’s THE SAME LIFE, there is No ‘Deficiency in Spirit’ because Spirit is All made up in the Imagination – and this speak TRUTH once revealed is what you’ve Made up in your Imagination that makes sense to Justify ‘Why’ You are Part of the Elite and ‘Why’ Your World is OKAY. So therefore the Truth is Really Revealed and you can go out and now Convince everybody else that: You’re Okay and it’s Justifiable Why your Life is Better While Others Suffer, because ‘Listen to these Beautiful Words.’ And then you get Their Imagination going and You Sell your Idea to Them and They BUY-it and there You have your Spiritual Consumerism Functioning and Because they Agree that You’re a ‘Good Person’ and that You’re ‘Enlightened,’ you got your Money because you No Longer need Physical Money, You Now Need Spiritual Money, you Now need People to say to you “WOW! You’ve done So Well with your Life, you’re an Amazing Being! You have Learned to Love Beyond your Present Limitations, you are Truly Walking the Path of Spirit” No! you are Inspired to Protect Your Specialness, the fact that you’re in a Better Position than Most of Those on the Planet, and you’ve only found a Very Clever way to Disguise the Truth. You are a Part of the Root Cause Why the World is all Screwed-up and while You have More than Others = You don’t Care About Them because if You have to Care About Them, if You have to Truly Love: You have to Give-up Everything You Have and Ensure Politically, Economically and in Every Way Possible that This will Become a Place that is Best For all, if it Takes you Your Whole Life, because Without Doing that: You will Never Find Redemption.

So Join Us and Remember Warren, Please Forgive Me because You Don’t Know What You’re Doing. But Study the Physical World, Find out What it Means to Be the Living World, Stop Your Mind: No Thought, No Feeling, No Light, No Darkness – Just Breath and Find out What is Real: I Dare You.

Government Public Relations Agent -- Misleading the Crowd with Plausibility and Cognitive Disinformation. -- this is done either Knowingly or as a Result of the Program Design to Mislead - creating the Polightman* in the Head “Let me Guard you Against the Darkness --Come to the Light, My Dears --Here is Love as Candy.”

The Candy will be Crushed – Study The Century of the Self.

*Polightman: Policeman that is Enlightened, apparently.

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