As we have Indicated, several years ago, with the Beginning of Process: the Nature of Demon Possession, while under the influence of Alcohol and Drugs,
will Escalate - and More and More People will Experience this; as well
as an Increase in the Severity of the Actions that’ll take place While
under the Influence.
Understand, we are Now Not Talking about Demons
as Separate Entities as they Existed before, but we are Talking about
Mind-Demons and System-Demons – Created within the Human.
In this, the Mind-Demon is more of a Personal-Nature and the System-Demon are more Embodiments of the Abuse through the System – for instance, Abusive Power. Mind-Demons for instance, are where a Mother will for instance Hurt her Child. System-Demons, are more where people work In the System as a Policemen
or a Soldier and Embody the Power they Perceive they have and then
Commit Atrocities. You’ll also have System-Demons for instance, related
to things like School Shootings where, specifically, Drugs are more
Involved. Now, when we talk about Drugs – we’re not only talking about
Illegal Drugs, but also Legal Drugs.
Now that we are Reaching the End of the First Cycle of, Metaphorically,
‘Heaven coming to Earth’ – with the Individualization of Life
Progressing: the Individual will become more and more Aware of their
Inner-World, and end-up Defining themselves according to the Information
that Networks in the Mind as the Various forms of Conversations that is
going on in the Mind.
As we Enter the Next Phase, which is the Corrective Phase of the System
on Earth, which will Take Approximately Seven (7) Years, just as the
Deprogramming Phase took Approximately Seven (7) Years: we are Now at
the Cusp; where All Systems are Nearly All Individualized within the
Human and Process will Become, in the Years to come – Dramatically More
Difficult. As, there will be an Extensive Personal-Experience Within and
the Various Characters of Good and Bad, Light and Darkness and the In-between Characters of Grey and Middle, Seeking Balance and Domination: will Battle it Out within the Minds of Men and Women.
These Characterizations have become More Individualized as Each Person
have Focused their Self-Interest to the Extreme in their Own Happiness.
By Focusing so Extensively on the Pursuit of Happiness, the Dark Side of
Characterizations have been Allowed to Grow without Interference.
So, Here is Going to be a Few Guidelines to Assist you in Protecting yourself in the Time
to Come. It’s like a ‘Do-It-Yourself Psychology’, as you have to Notice
the Tell-Tale Points within yourself and others to Prevent Events that
will Flow from Extreme Possession.
Now, for Most Not Familiar with the Desteni-Process yet: you Will Call
your Experience of Emotional-Response within – a Form of Thought, we
have termed it “Backchat”. As it is a Form of Self-Talk that is
Negative, Judgmental, Aggressive and Self-Righteous in Nature. When you
Notice these Type of Backchat-Thoughts occurring within you more and
more often, Realise that: one of your Demonic Characters are Busy
Integrating to Take Control of your Life. By the Time
these Backchat-thoughts become Words and Actions you Speak: you should
Immediately get Help, because it’ll Escalate and by the Time it has
Complete Control – you may Harm others or Yourself.
When you are on Drugs or Alcohol – you Open the Door for these
Negative/Dark-Side Characters to Suddenly Come Out and Take you Over, in
a Form of a Fit. You’ll see these types of Fits, especially in the Use
of Bath salts, but be Sure it’s no Longer related to just ‘some Drugs’ –
there are More and More Reports of people using Cannabis that also end
in Similar type of Possessions that end up Harming others. Especially Children are Vulnerable around people that use Alcohol or Drugs.
Please Note that: even Weed
is Dangerous. And it Drops the Guard of your Conscious-Mind and then
the Negative Embodiments you have been Cultivating Secretly in your
Subconscious as your Backchat Thoughts
of Judgment, Aggression, Hate, Love-Obsession – every Form of Thought
that is Obsessive-Compulsive that you Cannot Stop that Keeps occurring
and makes ‘you Right’, and makes ‘others Wrong’: are Dangerous, and you
Must get Help. To take it out Yourself – is a Long-term Process, which
you can Walk as well. But, initially – it is Necessary to Realise that
you have a Problem.
If somebody around you Change in their Behaviour and Become More Vocal about their Feelings about another Person, which is Obviously out of Context and indicate either a Positive
or Negative Obsession: it is Time to speak to the Person and to
Establish How Severe the Problem is. If the Person is still able to
Communicate with you and Realise in the Communication
that they do have an Compulsive Obsession that is Happening in the
Mind: one can Assist them through a Process of Self Forgiveness and
Writing. If the Person Reacts to you with Aggression and
Self-Righteousness, understand that the Possession has already taken
Form to a stage where Reason will not be Considered. You’ll see this a
lot in Family Relations, and as Jesus indicated: “there will be Conflict between Father and Son, and Mother and Daughter, and Brother and Brother, and Sister and Sister”. This Conflict will Escalate.
Understand, that this is a Mental Disorder, as the Mind is in Disorder
and the Person that has Backchat of the Nature mentioned: No Longer have
Directive Control at All Times. Do not Confront a Person that has gone
into a Demonic-Fit. They are a Danger to you and others. You cannot
‘talk them down’. Trying to Restrain them, without Help – will be
It is Best to be Prepared as Prevention is the Best Cure. But,
Unfortunately – Humanity has Never Walked the Path of Prevention. But
rather the Path of Managing the Consequence, by which Time – the Damage
is Done.
Things like Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder is
Escalating and will Escalate More. This is Due to the Massive amounts of
Chemicals Ingested - and taking Drugs and Alcohol, makes the Situation
Understand, that each Character – whether Positive or Negative, that
occur within the Mind: will Build a Chemical-Relationship in the Body,
which will Become part of the Memory
from which these Obsessive Compulsions originate. They are Developed
over Time, and once they have a Full Functioning Capacity – will build
the necessary Energy
to Become a so-to-speak ‘Emotional Outburst’. And during such Outbursts
– a Split in the Mind may occur which Cause, in many cases, a Permanent
Character-Split. This is Unfortunate that Man has Chosen this Road, and
yet: it Must be Walked.
It is Necessary, in Severe Cases, and for Prevention – to Call on
Psychologists if Necessary, for Support. Unfortunately, Psychology has
not yet Progressed to a Stage of Diagnosis that is based on Prevention.
But, this will be Necessary in Time to Come.
We will continue with this in the Next Blog.
"If somebody around you Change in their Behaviour and Become More Vocal about their Feelings about another Person, which is Obviously out of Context and indicate either a Positive or Negative Obsession: it is Time to speak to the Person and to Establish How Severe the Problem is. If the Person is still able to Communicate with you and Realise in the Communication that they do have an Compulsive Obsession that is Happening in the Mind: "
ReplyDeleteBernard, I have difficulty to understand this, like, let's say that my friend is happy and then, suddenly becomes sad and talks about her boyfriend in a hateful way or in a judgamental/gossip way....does this mean that she has a compulsive obsession that will develop, with time, into a demonic possession?
is this what you mean by changing behaviour and become more vocal about their feelings about another person?
Will do a Blog about this