Each One, is Born as the Living Word – Endowed with the Power to Create
Living Words. It’s like it is the ‘Business of Life’. But, if the
Ecology of the Living Word is Not Understood, and you Create Words,
Alive, separate from yourself – Not Supporting yourself As Life: you
take a Little Bit of your Life Force, and you Endow the Words with it.
You keep on doing this, and eventually run out-of Life Force. And What
Remains at Death – is Very Little.
Trading with Death, is Trading your Life Force, ‘till there’s Nothing Left.
All this is done in a Peculiar Thing, in a Peculiar Way called: ‘Free
Trade’…or, sorry: ‘Free Choice’; because you have the Capacity to Say
“No” and Not do this, but to Actually Create What would be Best and
Sustainable for Life, All Life, including yourself – instead of Creating
Words within the Design and Construct where it becomes Separate from Life and it exist Only to Satisfy your Self-Interest.
It is the same Trading that happens within the Market Place: you are In
Fact ‘Selling yourself’ for a Pot of Lentils, for food – you’re ‘Selling
yourself’, so that you can have More than others. And, you’re not only
Selling the Life Force of yourself – you’re also Selling the Life Force
of the Planet, because you make things out of the Living Planet and you
Convert it into Commodities, into a Value-System that do not Support
Life and then you Trade it. And then you call it “Fair Trade”, but the
Fairness in it is Only the Beauty
that you Want for your Self-Interest – there is No Real Fairness as it
would be in Equality and Oneness. So, there is No Real Fair Trade –
there is Only Trading with Death.
Now, if you were Able to Access Life After Death and Observe when a Person Dies and What Remains: you will See
exactly what we mean - what Remains of a Person at Death, is Virtually
Nothing because you have Traded Everything and you have not
Substantiated, and Confirmed, and Integrated Life As-Yourself. You have
Integrated Self-Interest As-Yourself and you have Exchanged that into
Various Forms of Words that you Keep Alive, by Constantly Feeding it
your Life-Force which you call ‘Energy’.
Now, This ‘Energy’ is Unfortunately That which you have Converted into
Commodity-Style Living and in this Commodity-Style Living – you have
Agreed, through the Greed of Wanting More, that: you will Exchange your
Life Force, for Currency. For Current Self-Interest, Current Happiness –
Immediacy, but you will Not make sure that What you Create is What is
Best for All. That is Trading with Death. That is the MARKet Force. That
is the MARK that is, in essence, That which is called “Judgement Day”.
Because you are Marked by the Mark of your own Actions. The Mark of your
Unfortunately – many has Claimed that it is the Mark of the Beast. No,
it’s the Mark of your Being: Who Are You, What Are You and How have you
Become This? What have you Created with What you were Given AS the
Living Word? Are you the Living Word?
Jesus Gave the Example and Showed the Laws of the Living Word that
Constitute Creation as the Living Word: “Give as you would like to
Receive”, “Do unto Another as you would Like to be Done Unto you” –
those are the Laws of the Living Word. That must be So for Every Living
Being that Share with you One Reality, One Breath that Breathes the Same Air as you - that are within the Context of One Reality of Laws. Laws that can be Directed to What is Best for All.
But, Unfortunately – as it is Evidenced in Every Single Word of Every Human Being: this does not Exist. Peculiarly, the Mind with its Thoughts are used to Design these Living Words and to Exchange the Life Force into a Form of Energy
where the Living Word then becomes the Object of your Interest as
Self-Interest. Then, you Treat your Creation with Absolute Disrespect.
Now, Imagine that when you Die: you have Become the Very Object of your
Own Creation. You have become the Same Words that you have Given Life
to, which were Not Life-itself, and therefore - you are then Treated
exactly as you have Treated everyone else, and Everything that you have
Created. And, Anyone that in Any Way Claim to Communicate
with What is in the Hereafter – Must be able to Give you the Exact
Karma-Outcome of their Life, piece by piece, Every Thought, Every Word,
Every Action – Everything you have Done in a Life must be Able to be
Dissected to Show you What you have Done. That’s the type of stuff we do
at EQAFE, you can check the Life Reviews, we Give you Dimensions of
What One Actually face After Death.
So, Trading with Death – is a Dangerous Game to Play. Because, by your
Own Hand – you Determine your Outcome. By your Own Hand – you Determine
the Outcome for your Children on Earth. By your Own Hand – you Determine the Outcome for All the other Living Beings.
If you have a Look at where we are now already in this Situation, you’ll
Notice the Peculiar Story, that: Many Beings are, in fact, Becoming
Extinct - Simply through the Hands of the Human, through the Words of
the Human that is Not Alive As the Living Word according to the Laws of
“Do unto Another as you would Like to be Done Unto you” and “Give as you
would like to Receive”. But, Words have been Created to Say: “Give it
All to Me, because I DESERVE IT”, “Give it All to Me, because I WANT TO
BE HAPPY”, “Give it All to Me, because it’s MY RIGHT”, “Give it All to
Me, because YOU SAID I CAN HAVE IT when you Made your Choice”. The Fact
that All Choices Presented within the Trades and the Markets Forces of
this World, are Done under the Design of Deception, which called
“Persuasion”, “the Secrets of Persuasion” – you are Persuaded through your Own Greed, your own Hope
that ‘things May turn Lucky’; to Actually Design a Choice for Yourself,
where the Outcome Inevitably Results in a Trade, a Trade off of ‘Who
you are’ in Exchange for your ‘Happiness’. The ‘Happiness’ is Temporary.
There is Another Way of Happiness. But, would you Ever Consider that
Happiness is: “To Give as you would Like to Receive”, and that Happiness
is “To Do unto another as you would Like to be Done Unto you”?
Unfortunately – the Commonsense of such a Design is BEYOND
Self-Interest, because: Self-Interest has No Interest in Anything else
but to Earn Interest on its Limited Contribution, it’s Limited Sharing.
Trading with Death…Time to Stop.
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