
Tuesday 8 May 2012


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and see that my OWN thoughts in the privacy of my mind only blow the bubble of my life bigger as my ego grows as I feed on life here on Earth with an insatiable appetite.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and see that the more I have to feed on, the more I want to feed to blow my mind even bigger so as to shout: Please See Me – all dressed up for fame and glory while I leave a gory scene unseen behind high fences, walls and secure laboratories.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and see that the only technology the mind invents and designs is to blow the bubble of the MIND as ego even bigger in the mind on Earth, which is the competition to see who will have the biggest bubble before it bursts at death and nothing remains.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and see that to write books, chronicle history and autobiographies about how the bubble of the ego is created in words aligned to justify MIND creations so that the ego can live forever in the memory of generations to follow, only perpetuates the feeding frenzy of the mind on the living flesh of body and Earth, like a parasite that can never get enough.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to see that the bubble blown through the MIND turns the visible life into invisible desires and dreams that requires more of life to be turned into Death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to realize and see that a higher frequency and energy is created as the content of a blown up mind as ego, only seen in visions of individual greed as the insane fear that the self as ego would end at any time, as the ego does end, in one breath, suddenly, without warning – bursting the bubble – leaving nothing but memories to continue the feeding frenzy to blow up the minds of the next generation of clones, as the ones that seek to emulate the image and likeness of the ego of the creator, feeding insatiable on the living, turning them into more invisible content of the mind bubble of personal ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to see how parents create their children into mind bubbles that will end up like the parent, a bubble burst with the last blow as breathe, where there is no more life left to take and convert into energy wasted in self-interested ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that all noise made in the bubble of the mind remains soundless as no one but the blower of the mind sees all that is in the bubble, while the drama the flesh and Earth is forced to endure is like a game of chess played to win, with movements of deception and distraction with SMILES as LIES and laughter to drain out the slaughter.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize and see that blowing up the mind is a train on a track following one LINE to the station at the end of the line where the bubble burst, leaving only track behind, the result of attraction fulfilled transformed into self-interest to sell life into pictures of temporary happiness that never stood the test of time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize and see that the way to escape the mind as a box, is to create a bubble as a dream – that is no real escape - as it only is an alternate reality of individualized madness justifying the invisible secret content of the bubble to try and win as much of the juicy flesh of life to feed on while the bubble lasts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize and see that the instinct of the ego is to use the mind for survival where fitting in more to feed on to satisfy the greed to be more than a bubble is all that drives the creations of ego bubbles that evolve only in its capacity to consume more without regard.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize and see that thought only serves its creator, the bubble of ego, seeking validation and justification as to why it must feed, as the existence of the bubble depends on it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see and realize that without the flesh as food, the bubble of ego will not exist as death demonstrates many times every day.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize and see that the power granted to each ego is by agreement between the egos to allow each other to pursue the happiness of the bubble, secretly hoping that the bubble of competition blows soon, to leave more for those that remain as the ego bubble feeds in petrification, knowing its end is one breath too many away and then it bursts and the flesh returns home to Earth and the bubble returns to where all illusions belong – nothing.

I commit myself to blow all bubbles so that the flesh may realize itself as life before all life has been drained from it.

I commit myself to do whatever it takes to wake up the flesh from its ignorant imprisonment to blow the bubble now, so that the flesh may return to the oneness of life.

I commit myself to break the addiction of the flesh to the promises of the ego bubble to realize it is selling its life for the empty promises made by the bubble of ego.

I commit myself to help the flesh break the program of the mind-ego that hypnotize it into abdicating life for energy that only the ego bubble can use as long as the flesh survive.

I commit myself to make the flesh aware that the voices the ego bubble use to entice the flesh into submission are not real voices of life, and that the flesh should listen to how the grass grown, without requiring a voice to tell it what to do and how to be.

I commit myself to remind the flesh that to squander the gift of life as the flesh, will blow up as the mind as ego will require eventually more energy that what the flesh can give, and the DOWNHILL path to the last breath will pull like gravity the flesh to the grave and the GRAVEN IMAGE to oblivion.

I commit myself to remind the flesh that the ego bubble only exists because the flesh allows it to become the self as energy bubble in the image and likeness of its trainers: the parents that were lost, like the children are lost, like the future is lost – till all of life is lost, and only silence remains.

This adventure of the mind blowing in the wind will continue -->


  1. Amazing writing! I laughed and almost went into tears at the same time - No energetic possession allowed though. Thank you!

  2. This is amazing i am learning so much thanks

  3. Very cool - awesome support here. Thank you!
